Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra Monitoring

From both a data and infrastructure perspective, this Prometheus Extension 2.0 allows you to monitors and analyze the activity of your Apache Cassandra clusters. It visualize your cluster's health and shows metrics like CPU, connectivity, request latency, suspension, and garbage collection time. Additionally, with Davis, it automatically detects performance problems and provides precise root cause analysis.



  1. Create an Ubuntu virtual machine in the same virtual network as your Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra.
  2. Ensure Docker is installed on your virtual machine.
  3. Create a file named prometheus.yml on your virtual machine with the contents below.
    Add every Cassandra Node IP address and port 9443 in the static_configs section. The IP addresses can be gathered from the Data Center section of the Azure Portal for your Cassandra Cluster.
    - targets: ["<Node_IP_1>:9443", "<Node_IP_2>:9443", "<Node_IP_N>:9443"]
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 10s
evaluation_interval: 15s
- static_configs:
- targets: []
scheme: http
timeout: 10s
- job_name: prometheus
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 15s
metrics_path: /metrics
scheme: http
- targets:
- localhost:9090
- job_name: "mcac"
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 15s
- targets: ["<Node_IP_1>:9443", "<Node_IP_2>:9443", "<Node_IP_N>:9443"]
honor_labels: true
honor_timestamps: false
scheme: https
insecure_skip_verify: true
#drop metrics we can calculate from prometheus directly
- source_labels: [__name__]
regex: .*rate_(mean|1m|5m|15m)
action: drop
#save the original name for all metrics
- source_labels: [__name__]
regex: (collectd_mcac_.+)
target_label: prom_name
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["prom_name"]
regex: .+_bucket_(\d+)
target_label: le
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["prom_name"]
regex: .+_bucket_inf
target_label: le
replacement: +Inf
- source_labels: ["prom_name"]
regex: .*_histogram_p(\d+)
target_label: quantile
replacement: .${1}
- source_labels: ["prom_name"]
regex: .*_histogram_min
target_label: quantile
replacement: "0"
- source_labels: ["prom_name"]
regex: .*_histogram_max
target_label: quantile
replacement: "1"
#Table Metrics *ALL* we can drop
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.table\.(\w+)
action: drop
#Table Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.table\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: table
replacement: ${3}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.table\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: keyspace
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.table\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_table_${1}
#Keyspace Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.keyspace\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: keyspace
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.keyspace\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_keyspace_${1}
#ThreadPool Metrics (one type is repair.task so we just ignore the second part)
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.thread_pools\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+).*
target_label: pool_type
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.thread_pools\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+).*
target_label: pool_name
replacement: ${3}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.thread_pools\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+).*
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_thread_pools_${1}
#ClientRequest Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client_request\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$
target_label: request_type
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client_request\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_client_request_${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client_request\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$
target_label: cl
replacement: ${3}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client_request\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$
target_label: request_type
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client_request\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_client_request_${1}_cl
#Cache Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.cache\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: cache_name
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.cache\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_cache_${1}
#CQL Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.cql\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_cql_${1}
#Dropped Message Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.dropped_message\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: message_type
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.dropped_message\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_dropped_message_${1}
#Streaming Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.streaming\.(\w+)\.(.+)$
target_label: peer_ip
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.streaming\.(\w+)\.(.+)$
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_streaming_${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.streaming\.(\w+)$
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_streaming_${1}
#CommitLog Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.commit_log\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_commit_log_${1}
#Compaction Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.compaction\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_compaction_${1}
#Storage Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.storage\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_storage_${1}
#Batch Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.batch\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_batch_${1}
#Client Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.client\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_client_${1}
#BufferPool Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.buffer_pool\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_buffer_pool_${1}
#Index Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.index\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_sstable_index_${1}
#HintService Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.hinted_hand_off_manager\.([^\-]+)-(\w+)
target_label: peer_ip
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.hinted_hand_off_manager\.([^\-]+)-(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_hints_${1}
#HintService Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.hints_service\.hints_delays\-(\w+)
target_label: peer_ip
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.hints_service\.hints_delays\-(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_hints_hints_delays
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.hints_service\.([^\-]+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_hints_${1}
# Misc
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.memtable_pool\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_memtable_pool_${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: com\.datastax\.bdp\.type\.performance_objects\.name\.cql_slow_log\.metrics\.queries_latency
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_cql_slow_log_query_latency
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.read_coordination\.(.*)
target_label: read_type
replacement: $1
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: org\.apache\.cassandra\.metrics\.read_coordination\.(.*)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_read_coordination_requests
#GC Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.gc\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: collector_type
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.gc\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_jvm_gc_${2}
#JVM Metrics
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.memory\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: memory_type
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.memory\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_jvm_memory_${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.memory\.pools\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: pool_name
replacement: ${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.memory\.pools\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_jvm_memory_pool_${2}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.fd\.usage
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_jvm_fd_usage
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.buffers\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: buffer_type
replacement: ${1}
- source_labels: ["mcac"]
regex: jvm\.buffers\.(\w+)\.(\w+)
target_label: __name__
replacement: mcac_jvm_buffer_${2}
#Append the prom types back to formatted names
- source_labels: [__name__, "prom_name"]
regex: (mcac_.*);.*(_micros_bucket|_bucket|_micros_count_total|_count_total|_total|_micros_sum|_sum|_stddev).*
separator: ;
target_label: __name__
replacement: ${1}${2}
- regex: prom_name
action: labeldrop
  1. Start your Prometheus server Docker container.

    Be sure to change the path in the command below to point to the prometheus.yml file from above.

    docker run \
    -d \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    -v /path/to/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
  2. If your virtual machine is not available from the internet, install a Dynatrace Environment ActiveGate on your Ubuntu VM.
    Recommended: Set the group property on the installation.

Enable and configure extension

  1. In Dynatrace Hub, select Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra.

  2. Enable the extension.

  3. Verify that the Prometheus endpoint publishes the Cassandra metrics. Use either of these queries:


    http://<Prometheus Server URL>:9090/api/v1/query?query=%7B__name__%3D%7E%22mcac.*%22%7D

  4. Add the endpoint of your Prometheus server to the Extension Monitoring Configuration:

    http://<Prometheus Server URL>:9090/api/v1

    The <Prometheus Server URL> does not need to be public. If you install your ActiveGate on the same VM or same VNet as the Prometheus server, localhost or a private IP can be used.

  5. Select the ActiveGate group on which to enable this extension.

  6. Add a Monitoring Configuration description and select the Feature Sets of the metrics you'd like to collect.

  7. A dashboard named Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra Overview is provided with the extension.


Available metrics are listed below.

Cluster node metrics

Metric Name
Metric Key
Storage Load
Size, in bytes, of the on-disk data size this node manages.
Storage Exceptions
Number of internal exceptions caught. In normal operation, this should be zero.
Commit Log Pending Tasks
Number of commit log messages written but yet to be fsync'd.
Commit Log Completed Tasks Total
Total number of commit log messages written since start/restart.
Buffer Pool Size
Size, in bytes, of the managed buffer pool.
Buffer Pool Misses Total
The number of misses in the pool. The higher this is, the more allocations incurred.
Client Connected Native Clients
Number of clients connected to this node's native protocol server.
Client Auth Failure Total
Number of clients who experience authentication failures.
Client Auth Success Total
Number of clients who successfully authenticate.
Storage Total Hints Total
Number of hint messages written to this node since start/restart. Includes one entry for each host to be hinted per hint.
CQL Prepared Statements Executed Total
Number of prepared statements executed.
CQL Regular Statements Executed Total
Number of non-prepared statements executed.
Dropped Messages Total
Number of dropped messages.
JVM GC Count
Total number of collections that have occurred.
Approximate accumulated collection elapsed time in milliseconds.
JVM Memory Used
Amount of used memory in bytes.
JVM Memory Usage
Ratio of used memory to maximum memory.
Thread Pools Active Tasks
Number of tasks being actively worked on by this pool.
Thread Pools Total Blocked Tasks Total
Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.
Thread Pools Completed Tasks
Number of tasks completed.
Client Request Latency Total
Latency of client requests.
Client Request Failures Total
Number of transaction failures encountered.
Client Request Unavailables Total
Number of unavailable exceptions encountered.
Cache Hit Rate
All-time cache hit rate.
Cache Capacity
Cache capacity in bytes.
Cache Misses Total
Total number of cache misses.

Keyspace metrics

Metric Name
Metric Key
Keyspace All Memtables Live Data Size
Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead.
Keyspace Bloom Filter Disk Space Used
Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes).
Keyspace Live Disk Space Used
Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).
Keyspace Memtable Columns Count
Total number of columns present in the memtable.
Keyspace Memtable Live Data Size
Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead.
Keyspace Memtable Switch Count
Number of times that flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out.
Keyspace Pending Compaction
Estimated number of compactions remaining to perform.
Keyspace Pending Flushes
Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.
Keyspace Read Total Latency Total
Read latency.
Keyspace Total Disk Space Used
Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting for GC.
Keyspace Write Total Latency Total
Write Latency.

Table metrics

Metric Name
Metric Key
Table Bloom Filter Disk Space Used
Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes).
Table Bloom Filter False Positives
Number of false positives on table's bloom filter.
Table Bloom Filter False Ratio
False positive ratio of table's bloom filter.
Table Bytes Flushed Total
Total number of bytes flushed since server start/restart.
Table Compaction Bytes Written Total
Total number of bytes compacted since server start/restart.
Table Compression Ratio
Current compression ratio for all SSTables.
Table Dropped Mutations Total
Number of dropped mutations on this table.
Table Estimated Partition Count
Approximate number of keys in table.
Table Key Cache Hit Rate
Key cache hit rate for this table.
Table Live Disk Space Used Total
Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).
Table Live SSTable Count
Number of SSTables on disk for this table.
Table Memtable Columns Count
Total number of columns present in the memtable.
Table Memtable Live Data Size
Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead.
Table Memtable Switch Count Total
Number of times that flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out.
Table Pending Compactions
Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.
Table Pending Flushes Total
Estimate of number of pending flushes for this table.
Table Read Total Latency Total
Read latency for this table.
Table Row Cache Hit Total
Number of table row cache hits.
Table Row Cache Miss Total
Number of table row cache misses.
Table Total Disk Space Used Total
Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to for GC.
Table Write Total Latency Total
Write latency for this table.