Monitor service-level objectives in Kubernetes/OpenShift

You can keep track of current service-level objectives related to a Kubernetes/OpenShift workload on the Kubernetes workload details pages.

  • Select SLOs on the notifications bar to display the Service-level objectives panel, which lists SLOs that are directly or indirectly connected to the workload.

Directly connected SLOs

  • An SLO is directly connected to a workload when the entity selector of an SLO meets the following criteria:

    • The entity type is set to "CLOUD_APPLICATION".
    • The entity ID is set to the workload ID.
  • To see only SLOs that are directly connected to the workload, make sure that Show only directly connected SLOs is turned on.

Indirectly connected SLOs

  • An SLO isn't directly connected to a workload when, in the entity selector of an SLO, no entity ID is provided.

    Example: When generic values such as type("CLOUD_APPLICATION"),tag("slo") are provided, the query results in all SLOs for all workloads, including the current workload.

  • To see SLOs that are not directly connected to the workload, turn off Show only directly connected SLOs.



If no SLOs are found, you can

  • Select a different timeframe in the upper-right corner.

    Timeframe selector: menu bar

  • Select Add SLO to create an SLO in the SLO wizard.

Example SLO panel
