Log ingest rules

Dynatrace log ingest configuration allows you to remotely configure installed OneAgents to either include specific log sources for forwarding to Dynatrace or exclude them from upload. While log discovery refers to the automatic detection of log files so that no additional log source configuration effort is required on your environment, log ingestion involves the process of collecting logs and sending required log sources into Dynatrace.

Log ingest configuration is based on rules that use matchers to target process groups, content, log levels, log paths, and other attributes described in this document. These rules determine which log files are ingested among those automatically detected by OneAgent or defined as custom log sources. Log ingest rules are ordered configurations processed from top to bottom. For higher configuration granularity, log ingest rules can be defined at three scopes: host, host group, and tenant, with host scope rules having the highest priority.

The log ingest rules are based on the Settings 2.0 framework, which provides a unified instrument to control various configurations in Dynatrace via the user interface and API. The access to the settings is controlled via IAM policies. To learn how to configure access policies for Settings 2.0, review the documented sample policies.

To ingest Kubernetes logs, follow the configuration described in the Log Monitoring in Kubernetes page.

Log ingest rule

When configuring log ingest rules in Dynatrace, note that there are built-in rules that are enabled by default on the trial tenant. For starters, you can use the Ingest all logs rule to begin collecting log data accross your environment.

Follow the steps below to configure log ingest rules:

  1. Go to Settings and select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.

  2. Select Add rule and provide the name for your configuration.
    By default, the Include in storage button is turned on, indicating that log sources configured by this rule will be forwarded to Dynatrace. Alternatively, you can select the Exclude from storage rule type.

  3. Select Add condition and choose a Matcher attribute to create a specific match for this rule.
    Multiple matchers can be included in one rule.

    Other than the Log source attribute in Windows (due to file paths being case insensitive), matchers are case-sensitive.

  4. Select the matching attribute:



Search dropdown logic

Process group

Matching is based on the process group ID.

Attributes visible in the last 3 days are listed.

Log source

Matching is based on a log path or on a Windows event log full name.; wildcards are supported in form of an asterisk. Autocompletion for Log source is only partial. You can either choose one of the predefined values or enter your log source.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Log source origin1

Matching is based on the detector was used by the log agent to discover the log file.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Log content

Matching is based on the content of the log; wildcards are supported in form of an asterisk.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Log record level23

Matching is based on the level of the log record. It supports the following values: alert, critical, debug, emergency, error, info, none, notice, severe, warn.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Host tag45

Matching is based on the host tag. The attribute only supports the tags set with the OneAgent command line tool or with the Remote configuration in a key=value pair format. They can be distinguished by the [Environment] prefix on the UI, but you should use the value without the prefix. Multiple tags can be specified in a single matcher, but each tag needs to have the same key, such as logscope=frontend, logscope=backend.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

K8s container name

Matching is based on the name of the Kubernetes container.

Attributes visible in the last 90 days are listed.

K8s namespace name

Matching is based on the name of the Kubernetes namespace.

Attributes visible in the last 90 days are listed.

K8s deployment name

Matching is based on the name of the Kubernetes deployment.

Attributes visible in the last 90 days are listed.

Container name

Matching is based on the name of the container.

Attributes visible in the last 90 days are listed.

DT entity container group ID

Matching is based on any of the selected container groups.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Process technology

Matching is based on the technology name.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Windows log record event ID3

Matching is based on any of the selected event ID attribute.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Windows log record source3

Matching is based on any of the selected source attributes.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Windows log record task category3

Matching is based on any of the selected task category attributes.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.

Windows log record operational code3

Matching is based on any of the selected operational code attribute.

Can be entered manually. No time limit.


The minimum required OneAgent version is 1.295.


Log record level attribute, transformed by OneAgent, is different than log status attribute transformed by Dynatrace server.


The minimum required OneAgent version is 1.273.


Manually or automatically applied tags are not visible to OneAgent.


The minimum required OneAgent version is 1.289.

The wildcard is supported for any attribute value and might be used multiple times in a single value. However, some attributes, for example Process Group, have a limited, predefined list of possible values that are selected from an auto-complete list.

If no wildcard is used in the value, then the matcher looks for an exact fit to the value. If a wildcard is used, the matcher looks for the exact match. For example, the value INFO results in sending only the log data having the exact INFO string, but the value *INFO* (using the wildcards) matches log data that contain the INFO string in its content.

  1. Select Add value and, from the Values, select the detected log data items (log files or process groups that contain log data). Multiple values can be added to the selected attribute. You can have one matcher that indicates log source and matches values /var/log/syslog and Windows Application Log.

  2. Save changes.

Defined rules can be reordered and are executed in the order in which they appear on the Log storage page.

  1. To activate your rule, turn on the Active toggle.

Matching a list of rules to log data

Matching occurs in a predefined hierarchy and rules are executed from top to bottom. This means that if a rule above on the list matches certain log data, then the lower ones will be omitted. Items matched in the higher-level configurations are overwritten in the lower-level configurations if they match the same log data. If no rule is matched, the file is not sent. The matching hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Host configuration rules
  2. Host group configuration rules
  3. Tenant configuration rules

Configuration scopes

Three hierarchy scopes are supported: host, host group, and tenant. The scope with the least possible set of rules has priority over larger sets.

Log ingest rules priority

  1. Log ingest rules configured for a host take precedence over log ingest rules configured for a host group.
  2. Log ingest rules configured for a host group take precedence over log ingest rules configured for a tenant.

Host scope

The host scope can be accessed through the Host settings for a specific host.

  1. Go to Hosts or Hosts Classic (latest Dynatrace).
  2. Find and select your host to display the host overview page.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the host overview page, select More () > Settings.
  1. From the host settings, go to Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.
  2. Configure storage upload by adding rules with a set of attributes that matches the log data to be stored by Dynatrace.

Host group scope

The host group scope can be accessed via the Host page.

  1. Go to Hosts or Hosts Classic (latest Dynatrace) and select the host that interests you.
  2. On the host overview page, select Properties and tags.
  3. On the Properties and tags panel, find the Host group property to see the name of the host group to which the selected host belongs.

    The Host group property is not displayed when the selected host doesn't belong to any host group.

  4. Select the host group name to list all hosts in that host group. This displays the OneAgent deployment page filtered by the selected host group. Each listed host has a Host group: <group name> link, where <group name> is the name of the host group that you want to configure.
  5. Select the host group name in any row.
  1. In the host group settings, select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.
  2. Configure storage upload by adding rules with a set of attributes that matches the log data to be stored by Dynatrace.

Tenant scope

The tenant scope is available in the settings menu.

  1. Go to Settings and select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.
  2. Configure storage upload by adding rules with a set of attributes that matches the log data to be stored by Dynatrace.

List hosts and host groups with overriding rules

The table on Settings > Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules lists all log storage rules that you have set at the tenant level. However, you may want to see where you have set log storage rules for hosts and host groups that override the tenant-level rules.

To list all entities (hosts and host groups) to which more specific log storage rules are applied

  1. Go to Settings and select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the Log ingest rules page, select More () > Hierarchy and overrides. A searchable Hierarchy and overrides panel lists all entities (hosts and host groups) on which you have set log storage rules that override the tenant-level rules listed on Settings > Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.

  3. Select an entity name to go to that entity's Log ingest rules page.

Example upload

In this example, we configure the tenant storage upload for c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ex_*.log files in two process groups: IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-3D9D854163F8F07A) and IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-4A7B47FDB53137AE). The log storage rule consists of two matchers: the first matcher finds the process groups and the second matcher matches only for the defined log source.

  1. Go to Settings and select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.
  2. Select Add rule and provide the title for your configuration.
  3. Select Add matcher. This is the first matcher to match two specified process groups.
  4. From the Attribute list, select Process group.
  5. Select Add value and type IIS, and then, from the suggestion list, select IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-3D9D854163F8F07A).
  6. Select Add value again, type IIS and select the second process group from the suggestion list: IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-4A7B47FDB53137AE).
  7. Select Add matcher again. This is the second matcher to match the specified log data source.
  8. From the Attribute list, select Log source.
  9. Select Add value and enter c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ex_*.log as the value.
  10. Save changes.

Example exclude

In this example, we configure the tenant storage upload for all log sources except c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ex_*.log files in a process group IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-4A7B47FDB53137AE).

  1. Go to Settings and select Log Monitoring > Log ingest rules.
  2. Select Add rule and provide the title for your configuration.
  3. Turn off Send to storage.
  4. Select Add matcher. This is the first matcher to match the specified process group.
  5. From the Attribute list, select Process group.
  6. Select Add value and type IIS, and then, from the suggestion list, select IIS (PROCESS_GROUP-3D9D854163F8F07A).
  7. Select Add matcher again. This is the second matcher to exclude the specified log data source.
  8. From the Attribute list select Log source.
  9. Select Add value and enter c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\ex_*.log as a value.
  10. Save changes.


You can use the Settings API to manage your log ingest rules:

  • View schema
  • List stored configuration objects
  • View single configuration object
  • Create new, edit, or remove existing configuration object

To check the current schema version for log ingest rules, list all available schemas and look for the builtin:logmonitoring.log-storage-settings schema identifier.

Log ingest rules can be configured for the following scopes:

  • tenant – configuration object affects all hosts on a given tenant.
  • host_group – configuration object affects all hosts assigned to a given host group.
  • host – configuration object affects only the given host.

To create a log ingest rule using the API:

  1. Create an access token with the Write settings (settings.write) and Read settings (settings.read) permissions.

  2. Use the GET a schema endpoint to learn the JSON format required to post your configuration. The log ingest rules schema identifier (schemaId) is builtin:logmonitoring.log-storage-settings. Here is an example JSON payload with the log ingest rules:

    "schemaId": "builtin:logmonitoring.log-storage-settings",
    "schemaVersion": "0.1.0",
    "scope": "tenant",
    "value": {
    "config-item-title": "Added from REST API",
    "send-to-storage": true,
    "matchers": [
    "attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
    "operator": "MATCHES",
    "values": [
    "attribute": "log.source",
    "operator": "MATCHES",
    "values": [
    "Windows System Log",
    "Windows Security Log"
  3. Use the POST an object endpoint to send your configuration.


The examples that follow show the results of various combinations of rules and matchers.

Example 1: Multiple rules

In this example, there are two rules:

  • Rule 1 is an Exclude rule and has two matchers: the process group attribute is Apache, and the Log source attribute is access.log).
  • Rule 2 is an Include rule and has one matcher: the process group attribute is Apache.

Results: access.log is not sent, error.log (of Apache) is sent, and error.log (of other PG) is not sent.

  • access.log written by Apache matches the first rule, which has send-to-storage: false, so it is not sent.
  • access.log not written by Apache doesn't match the first rule (due to incorrect process group), and doesn't match the second rule, so it is not sent.
  • error.log written by Apache does not match the first rule (due to incorrect source), but it matches the second rule, which has send-to-storage: true, so it is sent.
  • error.log not written by Apache doesn't match the first rule (due to both incorrect process group and log source), and doesn't match the second rule, so it is not sent.
"send-to-storage": false,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "log.source",
"values": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true
"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 2: Send logs written by Apache and containing 'ERROR'

This task requires setting one rule with two matchers.

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "log.content",
"values": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 3: Send logs written by Apache or containing 'ERROR'

This task requires setting two rules with one matcher each.

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "log.content",
"values": [
"enabled": true
"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 4: Send logs written by Apache, and containing 'ERROR' and 'Customer'

This task requires setting one rule with three matchers, with one value each.

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "log.content",
"values": [
"attribute": "log.content",
"values": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 5: Send logs written by Apache, and containing 'ERROR' or 'Customer'

This task requires setting one rule with two matchers: a matcher with the process group value, and a matcher with two content values.

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "log.content",
"values": [
"*ERROR*", "*Customer*"
"enabled": true
"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 6: Send logs written by Apache or MySQL

This task requires setting two rules, or one rule with one matcher having two values.
Rules with two matchers will not work here.

Setting two rules:

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true
"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Setting one rule with one matcher having two values:

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true

Example 7: Send all logs

This task requires setting a rule without any matchers.

"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"enabled": true

Example 8: Send all logs except Apache and MySQL logs

This task requires setting two rules.

  • The first rule is an Exclude rule with one matcher having two values.
  • The second rule does not contain any matchers.

The rules have to be executed in the order indicated below.

"send-to-storage": false,
"matchers": [
"attribute": "dt.entity.process_group",
"values": [
"enabled": true
"send-to-storage": true,
"matchers": [
"enabled": true

Frequently asked questions

No. Autodiscovery is a mechanism of OneAgent that detects logs, but it doesn't mean that log files are automatically ingested. It only refers to the automatic identification of log data. To learn more about autodiscovery, see Log content autodiscovery (Logs Classic)

Yes, configuration items are matched from top to bottom, meaning that the top value is the most important.

It is applied within 90 seconds.

If your logs are not ingested, it can be either because the OneAgent Log Enablement is disabled, or because the logs' source ingest is prevented by OneAgent security rules.

Yes. A content matcher narrows down the scope of log events (log entries) according to the criteria set (for example, ingesting only error logs).

  • Filtering (limiting the number of log recoreds ingested according to the criteria set) is carried out in OneAgent.
  • Log ingest characteristics limits (for example, the log events per minute limit or the attribute values limit) is conducted in Dynatrace.

Yes. Content filtering conducted on OneAgent reduces both DDU costs and network usage. You can calculate the cost and network use reduction by determining your total data consumption and deducting the GB size of data that was filtered out. For details on how DDUs costs are calculated, see:

OneAgent versions earlier than 1.243 won't send any data. If you use a OneAgent version earlier than 1.243 and Dynatrace Cluster version earlier than 1.252, go to Log Sources and Storage.

Starting with OneAgent version 1.249, you can activate/inactivate your rules by turning on/off the Active toggle. To manage your rules effectively, we recommend that you upgrade your OneAgent to version 1.249. If you have any rules set on the host with OneAgent version earlier than 249, you will not be able to inactivate them, in which case you need to remove such rules by selecting Delete on the rule level or via the REST API.