Supported timestamp formats

Timestamp—including date, time, timezone, and offset—is searched for in the first 64 characters of the log content (this value is configurable via Log Monitoring > Timestamp/Splitting patterns). If an offset or timezone is not found, the local timezone of a host is used.

During log processing, each line where a supported timestamp is detected starts a new log record. A line without a timestamp is considered to be a continuation of an existing log record and appended to a line that contains a timestamp.
If no timestamp is present in a log file or a timestamp is not recognized due to unsupported format, each line not starting with whitespace characters, such as space or tab, starts a new log record. Each line starting with whitespace characters, such as space or tab, is treated as a log record continuation.
Due to multiple formats of incoming log data, Log Monitoring also enables you to define a specific date format using timestamp rules that specify what should be considered a timestamp in a log record. For more details on defining date format, see Log timestamp configuration.

The supported timestamp formats (symbols explained here) include:

  • ISO 8601 format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
    Example: 2022-04-17 11:25:12.345

  • RFC 3339 format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
    Example: 2022-04-17T11:25:12.345

  • Unix Epoch format, providing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 Example: 1652088888997

  • RFC 3164 format: %b %t%d %H:%M:%S
    Example: Apr 4 12:30:01 or Apr 14 12:30:01

  • Db2 (IBM database 2) format: %Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S
    Example: 2022-05-17-

  • IIS format: %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S
    Example: 04/17/2022, 11:25:12.345

  • W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
    Example: 2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 specified in the UTC timezone

  • Klog and Golang/glog format: [IWEF]%m%d %H:%M:%S Example: I0408 06:40:02.634162

  • Other common formats:

    • %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (example: 17 Apr 2022 11:25:12.345)
    • %Y %b %d %H:%M:%S (example: 2022 Apr 17 11:25:12.345)
    • %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S (example: 17/Apr/2022:11:25:12.345)

JSON files are supported for Docker only. If the log tag is detected in a JSON file, then the corresponding message is ingested and analyzed. Within the message, the timestamp of one of the supported formats is searched. If no supported file format is found, the time tag is searched. For example:

"log":"2020-11-24 11:01:36,484 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)\n",
"log":"2020-11-24 11:01:36,500 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized\n",

Examples of valid log file time formats

Most of the supported timestamp formats are coupled with automatic timezone format detection. The following time zone formats are recognized:

  • Offset to UTC zone

    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 +01:00
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 +0100
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345Z -01:00
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345Z-0100
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 UTC-01:00
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 GMT-0100

  • Full IANA timezone name.
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 Europe/Warsaw

  • Timezone name abbreviation
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345 CEST
    2022-12-17 11:25:12.345 CET
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345Z
    2022-04-17 11:25:12.345UTC+0100

If no time zone indicator is found in the log line, the time zone used when parsing a timestamp is by default set to the one configured in Settings > Log Monitoring > Advanced log settings > Default timezone for agents.

Override the timezone

In case automatic timezone format detection fails, you can add a rule overriding time zone in the Log timestamp configuration page.