Gets parameters of the specified settings schema.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{schemaId} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/{schemaId} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The ID of the required schema.
The version of the required schema.
If not set, the most recent version is returned.
objectA list of scopes where the schema can be used.
A list of constrains limiting the values to be accepted by the schema.
A short description of the schema.
The display name of the schema.
An extended description of the schema and/or links to documentation.
objectA constraint on the values accepted for a complex settings property.
Defines if modification of any property triggers secret resubmission check.
A custom message for invalid values.
The ID of a custom validator.
The maximum number of properties that can be set.
The minimum number of properties that must be set.
A list of properties (defined by IDs) that are used to check the constraint.
objectA constraint on the values that are going to be deleted.
A custom message for invalid values.
The ID of a custom validator.
objectDefinition of an enum property.
A short description of the property.
The display name of the property.
An extended description and/or links to documentation.
An existing Java enum class that holds the allowed values of the enum.
The type of the property.
objectAn allowed value for an enum property.
A short description of the value.
The display name of the value.
The name of the value in an existing Java enum class.
The icon of the value.
The allowed value of the enum.
objectA schema representing an arbitrary value type.
objectConfiguration of a property in a settings schema.
The default value to be used when no value is provided.
If a non-singleton has the value of null
, it means an empty collection.
A short description of the property.
The display name of the property.
An extended description and/or links to documentation.
objectA constraint on the values accepted for a settings property.
A custom message for invalid values.
The ID of a custom validator.
The maximum allowed length of string values.
The maximum allowed value.
The minimum required length of string values.
The minimum allowed value.
objectConfiguration of a datasource for a property.
The properties to filter the datasource options on.
Whether this datasource expects full setting payload as the context.
The identifier of a custom data source of the property's value.
When to reset datasource value in the UI on filter change.
If true, the datasource should use the api to filter the results instead of client-side filtering.
Whether to validate input to only allow values returned by the datasource.
objectAn item of a collection property.
A short description of the item.
The display name of the item.
An extended description and/or links to documentation.
Metadata of the items.
objectCustomization for UI elements
objectUI customization options for defining custom callbacks
UI customization for defining buttons that call functions when pressed
objectUI customization for defining a button that calls a function when pressed
The description to be shown in a tooltip when hovering over the button
The label of the button
The identifier of the function to be called when the button is pressed
The position where the button should be shown in the UI
objectUI customization for expandable section
The display name
Defines if the item should be expanded by default
objectExpandable section customization for UI
The description
The display name
Defines if the section should be expanded by default
A list of properties
objectCustomization for UI tables
objectCustomization for UI table columns
The ui specific builtin column-implementation for this column.
The referenced column from the 'tableColumns' property of the schema for this column.
The display name for this column.
The id for this column used for filtering. Required for conflicting or pathed columns - otherwise the ref is used.
The referenced property for this column.
objectCustomization for UI table column items
The display name of this item.
The icon of this item.
The value of this item.
objectUI customization for empty state in a table
The text to be shown in the empty state
objectUI customization for tabs
objectTab group customization for UI
The description
The display name
A list of properties
objectA precondition for visibility of a property.
The expected value of the property.
Only applicable to properties of the EQUALS
A list of valid values of the property.
Only applicable to properties of the IN
The Regular expression which is matched against the property.
Only applicable to properties of the REGEX_MATCH
A list of child preconditions to be evaluated.
Only applicable to properties of the AND
and OR
The property to be evaluated.
objectA custom message for invalid values.
The ID of a custom validator.
Whether to skip validation on a change made from the UI.
The type of the schema constraint.
The list of properties for which the combination of values needs to be unique
objectThe definition of a table column to be used in the ui.
Pattern with references to properties to create a single value for the column.
objectA list of definitions of types.
A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties.
A short description of the property.
The display name of the property.
An extended description and/or links to documentation.
Definition of properties that can be persisted.
The pattern for the summary search(for example, "Alert after X minutes.") of the configuration in the UI.
{"allowedScopes": ["host","application"],"constraints": [{"checkAllProperties": false,"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max","maximumPropertyCount": 2,"minimumPropertyCount": 1,"properties": ["string"],"skipAsyncValidation": false,"type": "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF"}],"deletionConstraints": [{"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max"}],"description": "Dynatrace disables monitoring of containers that do not run any applications","displayName": "Built-in container monitoring rules","documentation": "string","dynatrace": "1","enums": {},"keyProperty": "keyProperty","maxObjects": 10,"metadata": {},"multiObject": true,"ordered": true,"properties": {},"schemaConstraints": [{"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max","skipAsyncValidation": false,"type": "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF","uniqueProperties": ["my-prop-1","my-prop-2"]}],"schemaGroups": ["group:some.1","group:some.2"],"schemaId": "builtin:container.built-in-monitoring-rule","tableColumns": {},"types": {},"uiCustomization": {"callback": {"buttons": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","identifier": "string","insert": "FIRST"}]},"expandable": {"displayName": "string","expanded": true,"sections": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","expanded": true,"properties": ["string"]}]},"table": {"columns": [{"builtinColumnRef": "summary","columnRef": "myCustomColumn","displayName": "Color","id": "color","items": [{"displayName": "Active","icon": "CRITICAL","value": "ACTIVE"}],"propertyRef": "apiColor","type": "cell-color-picker","width": "10%"}],"emptyState": {"text": "string"}},"tabs": {"groups": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","properties": ["string"]}]}},"version": "1.4.2"}