Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.277

Rollout start: Oct 10, 2023

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Product news

Breaking changes

Dashboards app - variable values always returned as strings

Breaking change

Dynatrace version 1.277+ Dashboards app version 1.10.0+

  • In Dynatrace version 1.276 and earlier, in the Dashboards app, values from query, code, and CSV variables were automatically converted to numbers where possible.

  • In Dynatrace version 1.277+ (Dashboards app version 1.10.0+), all such variable values are returned as strings.

Issue: Starting with Dynatrace version 1.277, errors might occur in some previously existing Dashboards app dashboards that depend on the previous conversion (for example, your query expects a number, but it now receives a string).

Solution: Use DQL conversion functions in your queries to convert values as needed.

New features and enhancements

New DQL functions

Platform | DQL

Now you can include the following functions in your DQL queries:

  • escape
    Returns an escaped string.
  • unescape
    Returns an unescaped string.

Kubernetes service UID added

Infrastructure Observability | Kubernetes

The Kubernetes service UID is now displayed in the properties card and the API response.

ActiveGate installer JRE updated

Infrastructure Observability | ActiveGate

To take advantage of performance improvements, bug fixes, and the latest security/vulnerability enhancements, we've updated the ActiveGate installer to JRE

Problem management improved

Cross Solutions | Problems

We have tightened problem management logic to prevent edge cases in which, when events were reported in the past into an active maintenance window that has already ended, two problems were opened.

Explore data in Dashboards

Latest Dynatrace Platform | Dashboards

Use the new UI-based experience to explore logs and metrics.

Dynatrace API

To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see Dynatrace API changelog version 1.277.

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.277.11)

The 1.277 GA release contains 13 resolved issues.


  • The Java code module for z/OS now correctly creates the Remote Call service for CTG Server calls with a high duration. (OA-20628)

Synthetic monitoring

  • Executions are no longer triggered after creating a disabled Synthetic monitor using the API. (SYNTH-6489)

User interface

  • The Details panel is no longer incorrectly dismissed when scrolling through logs. (LOG-4472)


  • Fixed an issue that could result in hybrid billings reported to web applications instead of device applications. (RUM-13276)
  • Removed incorrect information about the possibility of using the `order` parameter in the PUT method (Updates an existing service detection rule) and fixed outdated API links in documentation. The change applies to rules for `Full web request`, `Full web service`, `Opaque web request`, and `Opaque web service`. (TI-8613)
  • Corrected naming of Azure Function Apps when tracing was enabled for one or more Azure Functions of that Azure Function App. (OA-20306)
  • When closing a problem on the problem details page, if the message length is not between 1 and 5,000 characters, an error message is displayed. (DAVIS-5959)
  • The profile name of the default alerting profile is now protected from changes to avoid losing track of the profile's identity, as it is also used for mobile notifications. (DAVIS-5805)
  • Log event attribute `dt.entity.host_group` is now treated as a Dynatrace predefined attribute. (LOG-4456)
  • In the Detection Rules Configuration API, when the PUT method was called with the ID of a non-existent rule, a new rule was created with a randomly generated ID, and the one passed to the method was ignored (nevertheless, the new, correct ID was returned in response). Now, if the rule with the ID passed to the PUT method does not exist, the new rule is created with this ID. The change applies to rules for `Full web request`, `Full web service`, `Opaque web request`, and `Opaque web service`. (TI-8607)
  • Additional DNS resolution added. (EXT-5829)
  • Added links to the Log Viewer on entity pages so that you can show all logs without selecting a specific path. (LOG-4347)
  • For application error rate increase events, root cause analysis had a bug in which, if on the service level, the failure rate changed from 0 to some significant failure rate, the changepoint might not have been found as evidence. This could lead to problems not merging between apps and services that belong together. (DAVIS-5957)