There can be situations where it is necessary to add additional certificates to the certificate store shipped with ActiveGate. Follow the procedure described below to add an additional certificate to an existing ActiveGate.
If you prefer, additional trusted root certificates can also be specified during ActiveGate installation, by specifying installation parameters for Linux or Windows.
ActiveGate connects to other Dynatrace components (clusters, servers) or third-party systems (such as VMware, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes or OpenShift) using SSL-secured channels. The root CA certificate store shipped with ActiveGate (the default certificate set shipped with Java) is sometimes insufficient to cover all the required use cases. This can happen if, for example, a certificate has been issued by the Certifying Authority inside your own organization, for a proxy, which takes SSL traffic. It is also possible that some servers in your organization, to which ActiveGate needs to connect, generate and use self-signed certificates, and your organization has not replaced them with official certificates.
If such situations occur, there will be an error in the ActiveGate log file, stating that a certificate presented by a server, to which your ActiveGate was trying to connect, was not trusted. In these cases you need to import the missing certificate to the ActiveGate, following the steps shown below.
Adding a certificate is a potential security concern. Consult your organization's security compliance team before adding a new trusted root certificate to ActiveGate to be sure that your organization's security will not be compromised by your actions. If an error is reported in the ActiveGate log stating that a certificate presented by a server, to which your ActiveGate was trying to connect, was not trusted, do not assume that you need to add a missing certificate. Further research is required before proceeding.
An invalid certificate error can also mean that there has been an attempt to breach the security of your organization. You should, therefore always investigate this possibility, when such an error is reported.
Follow these steps to provide a customized list of trusted root certificates to ActiveGate, and configure ActiveGate to combine them with the defaults.
Determine the required CA certificates and prepare them as a file
Create a truststore from the CA certificate file
Configure ActiveGate to use the custom truststore file
Restart ActiveGate services and verify certificate configuration
If you want to configure truststore certificates for extensions, see Oracle Database monitoring configuration.
To upload the certificate for custom Extensions 2.0 verification, see Upload your root certificate.
Before you add a certificate to the ActiveGate, you need to obtain it and place it in the ca.cert
Obtaining the CA certificate is highly context-specific and there are no simple steps to follow. Consult appropriate sources in your organization to obtain the required certificate(s).
The following general information about CA certificates may help you to determine the required certificates:
To create a trusted SSL connection for your certificate authority, the following conditions must be met:
To see which certificates the endpoint is presenting you can use the following command:
openssl s_client -connect <API_ENDPOINT>:<PORT> -showcerts -servername <API_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME>
Some applications (for example OpenShift) can present different certificates depending on the SNI. ActiveGates will set the configured endpoint hostname in the SNI.
If the above command presents a full certificate chain then you must add the root certificate to the ActiveGate truststore. You may add the intermediates as well but they are not necessary if the API endpoint presents them.
If the above command does not present a full certificate chain, then the root of the chain must be obtained elsewhere.
For example, the endpoint of the openssl
request to this server—see below—only returns the server certificate, and not the root certificate.
You know that this server only presents a server certificate and not a root certificate because the error says unable to get local issuer certificate
. If the root certificate were present, the error message would say "Self-signed certificate in certificate chain".
To create a valid SSL connection to this endpoint, you must obtain the root certificate separately.
openssl s_client -connect localhost:6443CONNECTED(00000005)depth=0 CN = kube-apiserververify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificateverify return:1depth=0 CN = kube-apiserververify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificateverify return:1---Certificate chain0 s:CN = apiserveri:CN = DynatraceRootAuth---Server certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----subject=CN = kube-apiserverissuer=CN = kubernetes---Acceptable client certificate CA namesCN = kubernetes
The certificate below is an example root certificate for the above server certificate. Make sure that you only add root certificates that you trust, to your truststores.
For example:
cat ca.crt | openssl x509 -text -nooutCertificate:Data:Version: 3 (0x2)Serial Number: 0 (0x0)Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryptionIssuer: CN = kubernetesValidityNot Before: Jan 27 19:35:08 2021 GMTNot After : Jan 25 19:35:08 2031 GMTSubject: CN = kubernetesSubject Public Key Info:
You can see that this is the root certificate you need because the subject and issuer are identical and they match the issuer of the server certificate shown above ('kube-apiserver ').
Create an additional truststore, containing just your CA certificate(s), that will be merged by ActiveGate, at run-time, with the built-in JDK truststore.
The truststore should be in the PKCS12 format. The OpenSSL formats are not supported, so use the keytool
command to perform the conversion.
After the conversion you must place the certificate in the ActiveGate SSL directory.
If you import multiple certificates, make sure that you provide a unique alias for each certificate that you import. If you use the same alias for each certificate, all previously used certificates will be overwritten.
Examples, for Linux, of creating a PKCS12 file, from a CRT file or a PEM file, and placing it either directly in the ActiveGate SSL directory, or in the current directory, to be copied later:
/opt/dynatrace/gateway/jre/bin/keytool -import -file ca.crt -alias dt_k8s_api -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /var/lib/dynatrace/gateway/ssl/mytrusted.p12
/opt/dynatrace/gateway/jre/bin/keytool -import -file dt_k8s_api.pem -alias myCertAuthority -storetype pkcs12 -keystore mytrusted.p12
For Linux, check that the ActiveGate user, for which the ActiveGate was installed(dtuserag
by default) has write permission for the ActiveGate SSL directory (/var/lib/dynatrace/gateway/ssl
by default), and that the user has read permission for the created truststore.
To configure ActiveGate to use the custom truststore file mytrusted.p12
, make sure that the truststore file is in the ActiveGate SSL directory, and then add the following entries to the
file in the ActiveGate configuration directory:
[collector]trustedstore = mytrusted.p12# the following entries are optionaltrustedstore-password = changeittrustedstore-type = PKCS12
You can display the configured list of aliases and the certificate descriptions using the keytool -list
command on the new truststore.
For example:
# /opt/dynatrace/gateway/jre/bin/keytool -list -keystore /var/lib/dynatrace/gateway/ssl/mytrusted.p12Enter keystore password:Keystore type: PKCS12Keystore provider: SUNYour keystore contains 1 entrydt_k8s_api, Apr 26, 2020,trustedCertEntry,Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 08:18:9A:F2:29:31:0D:64:F0:1F:93:A1:CC:2E:A9:21:E9:DA:40:82:9B:A8:71:B7:A4:2C:6D:8C:B3:90:31:31
The password will be stripped and encrypted when you restart the ActiveGate service.
Restart ActiveGate main service to make the changes take effect.
If everything has been configured correctly, the ActiveGate log should contain an entry saying:
Custom certificate configuration created successfully.
Section: [collector]
should contain the path to the file holding trusted certificates. That path should be relative to the ActiveGate SSL directory. Please also see Trusted root certificates for ActiveGate.trustedstore-exclusive
, ActiveGate will no longer merge the built-in trust store (shipped with JRE) with the custom trust store defined by you in trustedstore
. The custom trust store will be the only trust store used for communication.trustedstore-password
ActiveGate logs its actions related to the above configuration. The configured truststore will not be used (and the truststore configuration will be left unchanged) if any of the following is true:
system property is specified.ssl/runtime.cacerts