Dynatrace Operator release notes version 1.4.0

Release date: Dec 9, 2024


  • Available with Dynatrace version 1.306 and OneAgent 1.305 A new logMonitoring section in DynaKube enables easy configuration of log collection for OneAgent and the new OneAgent Log Module. The logMonitoring section can be used in combination with any deployment mode like cloudNativeFullStack or applicationMonitoring.
  • Available with a future Dynatrace version (CQ2/2025) Leverage Dynatrace extensions in Kubernetes to integrate and monitor technologies with Dynatrace. Explore and onboard technologies by activating extensions via Dynatrace Hub or selected in-product screens. By configuring the extensions field in DynaKube, the Dynatrace Operator will rollout and manage the extension components including Dynatrace OpenTelemetry Collector and Extension Execution Controller in your Kubernetes environment.

New features and enhancements

  • In DynaKube version v1beta3, the useCSIDriver field is removed from in the spec section. The operator now derives this setting from the Dynatrace Operator deployment configuration. Existing DynaKubes will continue to function, disregarding this field.
  • The init container has been renamed from install-oneagent to dynatrace-operator to reflect its broader functionality and purpose.
  • Using the ActiveGate API is now simpler, as services for both HTTP and HTTPS ports are always created.
  • The experimental feature flag feature.dynatrace.com/multiple-osagents-on-node has been removed.
  • If the image field for ActiveGate or OneAgent is left unspecified, images from the Dynatrace built-in registry are used, which only support the x86-64 CPU architecture. Consequently, the node affinity for ActiveGate and OneAgent defaults to x86-64 when the image field is not set. Requiring other CPU architectures or multi-arch images? Please consult our public registry documentation.
  • The version field now affects the versions used for OneAgent and OneAgent Code Modules in cloud-native full-stack and application monitoring mode. The image fields take precedence over the version field.
  • The apiUrl field of a DynaKube is now immutable. To change it, delete the existing DynaKube and create a new one.
  • Dynatrace adheres to the principle of least privilege. To avoid granting unnecessary permissions, the Dynatrace Operator Helm chart allows configuration of Kubernetes RBAC permissions via the rbac section in the Helm values file. Please refer to this section in the Helm chart to manage the RBAC resources.

Resolved issues

  • Resolved an issue in DynaKube validation where the OneAgent version field was incorrectly rejecting standard version strings (e.g.,
  • Resolved an issue with the highAvailability field in the Helm chart that caused a PodDisruptionBudget to be created for the Dynatrace Operator Webhook even when highAvailability was set to false.
  • Resolved an issue where the labels and annotations of the EdgeConnect custom resource were not propagated to EdgeConnect pods.
  • Resolved an issue where the EdgeConnect status in the custom resource did not accurately reflect the Pod’s failure state.

Deprecation notices

  • The “Mark for Termination” event is deprecated and will be removed in a future Operator version. This functionality is now redundant, as it has been superseded by host availability events on host shutdown and reboot introduced in OneAgent 1.301.

  • The Helm repository located in dynatrace/helm-charts is deprecated and will stop receiving updates in a future release! If you are still using it, please update the URL to dynatrace/dynatrace-operator or switch to the OCI registry-based approach. Update the Helm repository URL with the following commands:

    helm repo remove dynatrace
    helm repo add dynatrace https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-operator/main/config/helm/repos/stable
  • As the Dynatrace OneAgent Operator reached its end-of-life on April 1, 2023, we are deprecating its listing in several OLM marketplaces. This includes certified-operators, redhat-marketplace-operators, community-operators, and community-operators-prod. For migration, please visit Migrating from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator.

Upgrade from Dynatrace Operator version 1.3.0

  • Manifests When installing Dynatrace Operator using manifests, the kubernetes-csi.yaml file now includes all Operator components, including the CSI driver. This makes the use of kubernetes.yaml redundant and it must no longer be applied. Previously, kubernetes-csi.yaml contained only the CSI driver component. Applying both manifests sequentially as was required before will result in an error. The Dynatrace webhook will reject DynaKubes that require a CSI driver (even if the CSI driver is running correctly).