The Subscription history page provides easy access to details of your Dynatrace usage and the costs associated with each subscription and license. Please note that usage details are not available for Dynatrace SaaS subscriptions with end dates that are three or more years in the past (before April 26, 2019).
Possible types:
DPS: Dynatrace Platform Subscription
SaaS: Classic (SaaS only) license
Dynatrace Managed licenses are not listed.
Possible statuses:
Start date
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) that started on April 26 2023 or later, this is the start of the subscription.
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) that started before April 26 2023, this can be the start of a multi-year subscription.
For classic licensing of Dynatrace SaaS, this is the subscription start date.
End date
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) that started on April 26 2023 or later, this is the end date of the subscription.
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) started as of April 26 2023, this can be the end of a multi-year subscription.
For classic licensing of Dynatrace SaaS, this is the subscription end date.
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) that started after April 26 2023, this link displays the total commitment for the subscription.
For Dynatrace Platform Subscriptions (DPS) that started before April 26 2023, this link displays the cumulative commitment.
For classic licensing of Dynatrace SaaS, the details field shows the licensing usage [Host units (HU), Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) units, and Davis Data Units (DDU)] for the subscription. Earlier "Host Unit Hour/Log/Metric-based" SaaS classic licenses may not show a value."
Select View details to display details of the selected subscription.
Details are unavailable for subscriptions and licenses more than three years old.
Details are unavailable for pending subscriptions.
View details
To display subscription details, select View details in the Subscription history table.
Details are unavailable for subscriptions and licenses more than three years old.
Details are unavailable for pending subscriptions.
Close the details page to return to the subscription History table.
To access subscription history, users must have View account or View and manage account and billing information permissions. For details on permissions, see Account Management permissions.
Frequently asked questions
The subscription History page is available only to customers with a Dynatrace Platform Subscription that started on April 26, 2023 or later. Customers that migrate from classic licensing to a Dynatrace Platform Subscription can view their subscriptions.
The new Dynatrace Platform Subscription currently supports only SaaS-based deployments. The Subscription history page will be enhanced to support Dynatrace Managed licenses when DPS supports Managed deployments.
Only contracts with Host Unit, DEM, and DDU features are shown. If you were licensed using the older feature capabilities, details are not displayed.
Select View details in the Subscription history table to display subscription or license details.