
Use Settings to specify general account information.

Contact information

Use Settings > Contact information to specify account contact, billing, and shipping information.

Company details

Use the Billing & shipping details tab of the Settings page to specify a general contact person for your company. This person will receive billing and account management notifications.

Billing & shipping details

Use the Billing & shipping details tab of the Settings page to define your company addresses for billing and shipping.

Security contact

Use the Security contact tab of the Settings page to define where and how to send security & data privacy alerts. Your company contact and any alternate contacts will also receive these alerts.


The Environments table lists Dynatrace environments you can access.

  • Environment—automatically generated environment ID
  • Status—current status of the environment
  • Friendly name—optional human-friendly name of the environment
  • Time zone—optional time zone to associate with the environment

To update an environment's settings, select Action > Edit environment.

You can turn Disable license related notifications for non-admin users on or off.

Edit environment

The Edit environment page has two tabs:


Use the General tab to set:

  • Friendly name optional—You can assign a human-friendly name to each Dynatrace enbvironment to make it easier to distinguish between multiple Dynatrace environments. If Friendly name is set, it's displayed in the Account Management web UI instead of, or in addition to, the environment ID.

    For example, you might have two environments with automatically assigned environment IDs abc12345 and xyz54321. To help you remember which is which, you can add explanatory names such as Production and dev 1 to those environments.

  • Time zone optional—You can associate a time zone with each environment.

IP allowlist

Use the IP allowlist to restrict external access to your environment by specifying IP addresses that you consider acceptable.

For details, see Allow IP ranges that can access your environment.