Dynatrace classic licensing
Monitoring consumption for Dynatrace classic licensing is based on various monitoring units that are consumed by your Dynatrace environment as your organization uses Dynatrace platform capabilities. If you have a Dynatrace Platform Subscription, please refer to Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS) documentation.
Unless otherwise stated, the consumption details explained here apply to both Dynatrace SaaS and Managed deployments. To get started using Dynatrace, contact Dynatrace Sales. Your sales representative will provide you with further details.
This page is provided for informational purposes only. The terms of the Dynatrace free trial offer and/or your Dynatrace license will be applied to any use of Dynatrace products or services.
Dynatrace license lifecycle
Get to know the lifecycle of Dynatrace SaaS and Dynatrace Managed licenses and understand how licenses affect your consumption of Dynatrace services.
Application and infrastructure monitoring (host units)
Each OneAgent-monitored host in your environment consumes host units.
Davis data units (DDUs)
Davis data units (DDU) provide a simple means of licensing certain capabilities (custom metrics, traces, log monitoring, and custom events) on the Dynatrace platform.
Digital Experience monitoring (DEM units)
Dynatrace Synthetic Monitoring, Real User Monitoring, and Session Replay consume DEM units.
Application Security monitoring (ASUs)
Dynatrace Application Security consumes Application Security units (ASUs).
Cloud Automation (CAUs)
Dynatrace Cloud Automation consumes Cloud Automation units (CAUs).