Dynatrace license lifecycle

This page describes the lifecycle of Dynatrace SaaS and Dynatrace Managed licenses and explains how licenses affect your consumption of Dynatrace services. Note that, for Dynatrace SaaS environments, the term "license" is synonymous with "contract."

For questions about your license, contact a Dynatrace product expert via live chat within your Dynatrace environment.

License notifications

You're notified of all updates to your Dynatrace license via both email and notifications in the Dynatrace web UI. This includes license activation notifications, upcoming license expiration notifications, and license deactivation notifications. To view notifications for your environment in the Dynatrace web UI, go to Notifications.

New licenses

To purchase a Dynatrace license, email sales@dynatrace.com.

A Dynatrace license allows you to consume subscribed Dynatrace services based on your contract and agreed upon terms. When you sign up for a free trial or subscribe to Dynatrace services, a new license is created and associated with your account. You will receive a notification email that explains the details of your license and all contained subscriptions.

Active licenses

An active Dynatrace license enables you to consume licensed services based on Dynatrace monitoring consumption rules. While your license is active, you can consume as much services as your license provides, depending on the terms and conditions of your contract. Your license becomes active at its start date.

Dynatrace SaaS only You can view your consumption and the remaining quotas of your license in Account Management. Additionally, you can download consumption details via the Cluster API.

Expired licenses

Dynatrace licenses expire either (1) at the license end date, (2) once all subscribed services have been consumed, or (3) otherwise terminated per the terms of your contract.

Expired Dynatrace SaaS licenses

All your Dynatrace monitoring data will be deleted 60 days following the expiration of your license.

When a Dynatrace SaaS license expires, access to your environment is blocked for 30 days. During this period you can no longer view ingested data, analytics, or consumption details, however monitoring data is still ingested and stored within your Dynatrace environment. If you decide to extend your contract with Dynatrace, all data collected during this period will become available when the license is reactivated.

Following the 30 day blocked period after license expiration, your license goes into a 30 day inactive period during which no additional monitoring data is ingested. After the inactive period (60 days after license expiration), your stored Dynatrace monitoring data can no longer be restored.

Expired Dynatrace Managed licenses

When a Dynatrace Managed license expires, access to your environment is blocked for 30 days. During this period you can no longer view ingested data, analytics, or consumption details, however monitoring data is still ingested and stored within your Dynatrace environment. If you decide to extend your contract with Dynatrace, all data collected during this period will become available when the license is reactivated. You can still access Cluster Management Console to see license details or manage cluster settings.

Your Dynatrace Cluster administrator can perform specific REST API management actions via the management console on inactive licenses, for example managing license deployment, switching a license key, or retrieving monitoring consumption data.

Deleted licenses

Deleted Dynatrace SaaS licenses

Following the 30 day inactive period, Dynatrace licenses are automatically deleted. For Dynatrace SaaS, this means that your Dynatrace tenant is shut down and all recorded data is permanently deleted. Dynatrace has no means of recovering your data after this automatic operation.

Deleted Dynatrace Managed licenses

Following the 30 day inactive period for expired Dynatrace Managed licenses, your Dynatrace Managed license is deleted. After this period, maintenance operations and updates are no longer available, however your monitoring data is still stored on-premises. As a Dynatrace Managed customer, you are responsible for deleting your captured Dynatrace monitoring data.

Data retention

To learn for how long different types of monitored data are stored, see Data retention periods.