Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS)

Learn how Dynatrace monitoring consumption is calculated using the Dynatrace Platform Subscription model.

  • Unless otherwise stated, the consumption details explained here apply to Dynatrace SaaS. To get started using Dynatrace, contact Dynatrace Sales. Your sales representative will provide you with further details.


Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS) is your licensing model for all Dynatrace capabilities. It allows you the flexibility to use any Dynatrace capability at any volume, anytime. With DPS, your organization can quickly adapt to ever-changing technical and business requirements while avoiding cumbersome licensing bureaucracy. Hourly reporting on usage and daily updates on your current budget provide you with all the transparency you expect.

A Dynatrace Platform Subscription agreement is typically signed for 1-3 years, with a minimum annual commitment. Each platform capability has a price point defined in the rate card that's included with your agreement.

Your organization's consumption of each Dynatrace capability accrues costs towards your annual commitment as defined in the rate card. Your Dynatrace Platform Subscription provides daily updates about accrued usage and related costs. You can access these details anytime via Account Management or the Dynatrace Platform Subscription API.

Once your annual commitment is reached, you can continue to use Dynatrace while incurring on-demand usage. Dynatrace applies the same rate card for on-demand usage without additional fees or premium pricing. You receive monthly invoices for on-demand costs until the next annual commitment period begins.

Your DPS Billing report is available in the Dynatrace web UI at Subscription > Accounting view. Your billing report provides details about accrued costs per booking date. Use this view to determine which Dynatrace monitoring costs were recognized and booked on which day.

Monitoring consumption per Dynatrace capability

Learn how your licensing costs are calculated based on your environment's consumption of Dynatrace capabilities.