The consumption model for Metrics powered by Grail is based on three dimensions of data usage (Ingest & Process, Retain, and Query).
The unit of measure for Ingest & Process is the number of ingested metric data points. A metric data point is a single measurement of a metric. Some built-in metrics, for example, Host Monitoring metrics, are included in Full-Stack Monitoring and Infrastructure Monitoring and are not billed. Host Monitoring also includes a number of metric data points or Custom Metrics that are deducted from your environment's total data-point consumption. The number of included Custom Metric data points is dependent on the total monitored GiB-hours of your deployment and the OneAgent mode (Full-Stack or Infrastructure Monitoring), see built-in metrics for details.
For the Retain dimension, the unit of measure for consumed data volume is gibibytes (GiB).
15 months (462 days) of 1-minute granularity is included with Metrics powered by Grail. Metrics that you choose to retain beyond that period are charged.
Query is included with Ingest & Process.
Ingest & Process
Ingested data is the number of metric data points sent to Dynatrace.
Retained data is the amount of data saved to storage after data parsing, enrichment, transformation, and filtering but before compression.
Queried data is the data read during the execution of a DQL query.
Unit of measure
Number of data points
Gibibyte-day (GiB-day)
Here's what's included with the Ingest & Process data-usage dimension:
Data delivery
Delivery of metrics via OneAgent, extensions or ingest API
Topology enrichment
Enrichment of metrics with data source and topology metadata
Data transformation
Data-retention control
Manage data retention period of incoming metrics based on bucket assignment rules
Not all metrics generate data points that affect billable monitoring consumption. Included (non-billable) metric data points are subtracted from the total product usage for every environment before your monitoring consumption is calculated.
Usage stream for the Metrics - Ingest & Process DPS capability.
The total platform usage includes every metric data point ingested by Grail.
If many data points within a given metric interval are stored as one data point in Grail, only one data point is counted for total product usage.
Unless your environment has included metrics, all metric usage is billable.
Included non-billable metrics are classified according to their metric key.
Metric keys starting with dt.*
are an exception; their usage is included and non-billable.
Metric keys starting with*
, dt.osservice.*
and the metrics dt.service.request.count
, dt.service.request.cpu_time
, dt.service.request.failure_count
, and dt.service.request.response_time
are again exceptions that count against your monitoring consumption and are billable.
there is another exception. The metrics
are non-billable.
Metrics that originate from mainframe monitored entities are licensed under Mainframe Monitoring and are non-billable.
Legacy metrics that originate from EF 1.0 extensions starting with legacy.dotnet.perform
, legacy.tomcat
, and legacy.containers
are non-billable.
System metrics are metrics produced and controlled by Dynatrace to implement a functionality or to enable self-observability. These metrics, which are stored in the bucket dt_system_metrics
, are non-billable.
Metrics that originate from Full-Stack monitored entities are subject to limited metric data point consumption. 900 metrics data points are included for each charged GiB of memory of each Full-Stack monitored entity for each 15 minute monitoring interval.
15 x 900 = 13,500
included data points for each 15 minute interval.1.25 x 900 = 1,125
included data points.Metrics that originate from Infrastructure-monitored entities are subject to limited metric data point consumption. 1,500 metrics data points are included for entities being infrastructure monitored every 15 minutes. 1,500 metrics data points are included for each Infrastructure-monitored entity for each 15 minute monitoring interval.
For instance, an Infrastructure-monitored host (regardless of memory size) grants 1,500 included data points for each 15 minute interval.
Every metric data point that doesn’t qualify for non-billable usage is included in your total billable usage.
A single metric that is written once per minute will consume 525,600 metric data points annually:
1 metric data point × 60 min × 24 h × 365 days = 525,600 metric data points/year
Note that a single metric can have multiple dimensions. For example, if you have the same metric for 2 instances of your cloud service, you will consume 2 metric data points:
2 instances × 1 metric data point × 60 min × 24 h × 365 days = 1,051,200 metric data points/year
Metric data points are not billed based on an increase in dimensions, but rather by the increased number of metric data points. If dimensions are added, but the number of metric data points remains the same, then billable metric data points usage does not change:
Therefore, in this case, the same number of metric data points is consumed as shown in the calculation above.
Here's what's included with the Retain data-usage dimension:
Data availability
Retained data is accessible for analysis and querying until the end of the retention period. Metrics retention is defined at the bucket level, ensuring tailored retention periods for specific metrics.
Retention periods
Choose a desired retention period. For the default metrics bucket, the available retention period ranges from 15 months (462 days) to 10 years (3,657 days).
15 months (462 days) of 1-minute granularity is included with Metrics powered by Grail, hence it is the volume in excess of 462 days that affects monitoring consumption.
Apply the following calculation to determine your consumption for the Retain data-usage dimension:
(number of GiB-days) × (retention period in days) × (GiB-day price as per your rate card) × (number of days that data is stored in excess of 462 days) = consumption in your local currency
Querying metrics using the timeseries
command is always included, irrespective of the origin of the query (Dashboards, Notebooks, Apps or API).
timeseries avg(
Queries involving other data types generally incur usage at each query, even when they output time series format, for example using the maketimeseries
fetch logs | maketimeseries count()
If you frequently use predefined maketimeseries
or summarize
commands, it might be more cost-effective for you to create a log metric. Log metrics are regular metrics that are billed for Ingest & Process (and Retain above 15 months), but not for Query.
Grail applies various optimizations to improve response time and reduce cost. In some cases, these optimizations will identify portions of data that are not relevant to the query result—the price for scanning that data is discounted by 98%.
The impact of Grail's scan optimizations varies based on data and query attributes. It may evolve as Dynatrace improves Grail's query intelligence.
Log data ingestion is charged separately according to Log Management & Analytics – Ingest & Process, as per your rate card. Included (non-billable) metric data points are subtracted from the total product usage for every environment before your monitoring consumption is calculated.
The above example could be turned into a log metric log.all_logs_count
, consuming 525,600 metric data points per year (assuming at least one log record per minute), and the query would then become timeseries sum(log.all_logs_count)
Assuming the equivalent query using logs (fetch logs | maketimeseries count()
The query usage over the logs version would be 40 GiB * 10 * 365 = 146,000 GiB per year. When multiplied by the Log Management & Analytics – Query price on your rate card, the Metrics powered by Grail – Ingest & Process cost of the log metric is two orders of magnitude less than the Query cost of the command using the logs, and even more so if the amount of logs scanned increases (due to longer timeframes, for example).
Following are example calculations which show how each data-usage dimension contributes to the overall usage and consumption.
For example, say that you produce 55 million billable metric data points per day which you ingest into Metrics powered by Grail. The monthly consumption for Ingest & Process is calculated as follows:
Ingest volume per day
55 million data points
Ingest volume per month
1,650 million data points
55 million (data points per day) × 30 (days)
Consumption per month
1,650 million (data points per month) × Metrics powered by Grail – Ingest & Process price as per your rate card
Following the Ingest & Process step, your enriched data is retained on an on-going basis. If you ingest 1.5 billion data points per day, 9 GiB of data might be added daily to your storage. Assuming you don't change the default retention period, metric data will be retained for 15 months (462 days) and there will be no billable Retain usage.
In this example, you increased the retention period to 5 years (1,832 days). The monthly consumption (after 5 years) for Retain is calculated as follows:
Retained volume for 1 day
9 GiB
Retained volume for 1,832 days in excess of the included 462 days
12,330 GiB
9 (GiB data per day) × (1,832 - 462) (days)
Consumption per day
12,330 (GiB) × Metrics powered by Grail - Retain price per day as per your rate card
Consumption per month
12,330 (GiB) × Metrics powered by Grail - Retain price per day as per your rate card × 30 (days)
Querying metrics using the timeseries
command is included.
The total monthly consumption in this example, including 5 years of extended data retention, is the sum of the monthly consumption for Metrics powered by Grail - Ingest & Process and Metrics powered by Grail - Retain.