The Traces powered by Grail capability gives customers access to:
The use of Distributed Tracing and
Services is included with Dynatrace.
No query consumption is generated by these apps.
Traces powered by Grail consumption is based on three dimensions of data usage:
The unit of measure for consumption is gibibytes (GiB). The table below describes the dimensions and units. Specific information about each dimension is provided in the following sections.
Traces - Ingest & Process usage occurs when:
entity types) does not increase the billable span size or Traces – Ingest & Process consumption.Apply the following calculation to determine your consumption for the Traces - Ingest & Process data-usage dimension:
[(GiB ingested via the OpenTelemetry OTLP API) + (GiB ingested via serverless functions) + (GiB of extended ingest)] * (GiB price as per your Rate Card) = consumption
You can also view consumption in pre-made Notebooks.
Traces - Ingest & Process replaces the platform extensions Custom Traces Classic and Serverless Functions Classic. They cannot be used simultaneously.
Dynatrace reserves the right to work with customers to adjust or disable parsing rules, processors, or pipelines that experience service degradation.
Traces - Retain usage occurs when:
Data availability in certain apps is limited:
Apply the following calculation to determine your daily consumption for the Traces - Retain data-usage dimension:
(GiB of uncompressed span data stored for more than 10 days) * (GiB-day rate price as per your Rate Card) = consumption
You can also view consumption in pre-made Notebooks.
Traces - Query usage occurs when:
When other data types are also read in a query, this can result in consumption of the corresponding capability, such as Log - Query.
Traces - Query usage is based on the volume of uncompressed span data that is scanned during the execution of a DQL query. Apply the following calculation to determine the maximum potential consumption of a single query execution:
(GiB of uncompressed data read during query execution) * (GiB-scanned price as per your Rate Card) = consumption
You can also view consumption in pre-made Notebooks.
Grail applies various optimizations to improve response time and reduce cost. In some cases, these optimizations will identify portions of data that are not relevant to the query result—the price for scanning that data is discounted by 98%.
The impact of Grail's scan optimizations varies based on data and query attributes. It may evolve as Dynatrace improves Grail's query intelligence.
On the environment level, Dynatrace provides pre-made Notebooks for each DPS capability that you can use for detailed analysis. These are available in Account Management (Subscription > Overview > Cost and usage details > Select the capability > Actions > Open details with Notebooks > Select or create Notebook).
The following chart provides details on Traces - Ingest & Process consumption, aggregated into 15-minute increments. When you select a given increment, the info pop-up shows:
: Extended ingest from Full-Stack monitored sources.billed_otlp
: Via the OpenTelemetry OTLP API.billed_serverless
: Via a serverless function.The following chart provides details on Traces - Ingest & Process consumption that is triggered by Full-Stack extended ingest.
The four data sources are:
This query splits Full-Stack billing into the following licensing types:
The following chart shows an example of the amount of data stored in one bucket. The volume increases over time until the configured retention time is reached. Once the retention time is reached, the retained data volume remains approximately stable.
The following chart shows query usage over time. It allows you to see peaks and outliers, which can guide further investigation to optimize queries and their usage.
The following chart shows query usage organized by app. You can drill down this data and see query usage split by specific dashboards and users.
The following chart shows query usage organized by user. You can drill down this data and see a breakdown of the apps where a given user executes queries.
To proactively manage query consumption, you can create notifications that are triggered by extensive query usage at the app or user level.