Send Micrometer metrics to Dynatrace

Micrometer is an open source instrumentation framework for JVM-based application metrics. It's used by Spring Boot to record a wide range of metrics. You can ingest Micrometer and Spring Boot metrics and analyze them with Dynatrace Davis® AI end to end in the context of your trace, log, and diagnostics data. With Dynatrace, you get intelligent AI-based observability and automatic root cause analysis for Spring Boot, 15+ pre-instrumented JVM-based frameworks and servers, and custom metrics.

You can use Micrometer in Dynatrace to:

  • Ingest pre-instrumented metrics from Spring Boot applications
  • Ingest pre-instrumented metrics from JVM-based frameworks, servers, and cache systems
  • Define and ingest custom metrics

Metrics ingested from Micrometer consume DDUs for custom metrics.

There are two ways of using Micrometer:


  • Micrometer version 1.8.0+

  • optional Spring Boot version 2.6.0+

  • The registry dependency must be added to your project:

    implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-dynatrace:latest.release'

    Replace {micrometer.version} with the latest version of Micrometer or a specific version that you want to use. A list of released versions is available on Maven Central. We recommend that you use the latest version.


Ingestion channels

You can use one of the following ingestion channels to send your Micrometer metrics:

Dynatrace Micrometer registry

Micrometer uses the concept of a registry to export metrics to monitoring systems.

Ingest metrics from Spring Boot apps

Micrometer can be configured via a .properties or .yaml file used for Spring Boot configuration. Spring Boot automatically binds properties with the management.dynatrace.metrics.export prefix to the Dynatrace configuration object.

All configuration should be made through the property files. Manually creating a Micrometer MeterRegistry breaks the auto-configuration.

Property names for binding attributes from Spring Boot have changed in Spring Boot version 3.0.0. If you use a Spring Boot version before 3.0.0, use management.metrics.export.dynatrace instead of management.dynatrace.metrics.export.

OneAgent on Kubernetes nodes does not support the ingestion of Micrometer metrics directly. See Sending Metrics from Kubernetes for more details. If you're using Dynatrace on Kubernetes, we recommend using Dynatrace Operator, which provides autoconfiguration.

For hosts that are monitored by OneAgent, automatic configuration is available. You don't need to specify the API endpoint to ingest the metric—if the uri parameter is not set in the configuration, the metric will be ingested via the OneAgent metric API.

metric-key-prefix: "service.component"
enrich-with-dynatrace-metadata: true
stack: "prod"
region: "us-east-1"

Ingest metrics directly from Micrometer

For hosts that are monitored by OneAgent, automatic configuration is available. You don't need to specify the API endpoint to ingest the metric—if the uri parameter is not set in the configuration, the metric will be ingested via the OneAgent metric API.

DynatraceConfig dynatraceConfig = new DynatraceConfig() {
public String get(String k) {
// This method can be used for retrieving arbitrary config items;
// null means accepting the defaults defined in DynatraceConfig
return null;
DynatraceMeterRegistry registry = DynatraceMeterRegistry.builder(config).build();

Verify the metrics

After you have sent your metrics, verify the data in the Data Explorer or query them in Grail.

Configuration properties

To set up the Dynatrace Micrometer registry, you can use the Dynatrace configuration object (DynatraceConfig). The object contains the parameters of metric ingestion and is used to construct the Dynatrace registry (DynatraceMeterRegistry), which is registered with Micrometer to ingest metrics to Dynatrace. You can set the following parameters:

When using Spring Boot, entries in your or application.yaml files will be mapped to the DynatraceConfig object automatically.





The version of the Dynatrace API to ingest data to Dynatrace:



The ingestion endpoint of the API.



The prefix to be added to all ingested metric keys (for example, a namespace).



Enrich (true) or do not enrich (false) ingested metrics with additional metadata.

If not set, true is used.



A list of dimensions to be added to the ingested metrics.

Dimensions are defined as key-value pairs.



Micrometer versions 1.9.x+ Ignore the Dynatrace-specific implementation for summary instruments (Timer and DistributionSummary).

The default (true) uses the new Instruments. Use false to fall back to 1.8.x behavior.



Micrometer versions 1.12.x+ Turn meter metadata export (unit & description) on or off.

The default (true) configures the registry to export meter metadata. Use false to turn off metadata exporting.


Additional information

Metric types

All metrics are transformed to follow the Metric ingestion protocol types used by Dynatrace.

Micrometer instrument

Dynatrace metric type

















Note that the count for LongTaskTimers can be misleading as it is likely to double-count depending on the export frequency. In case you require the current number of active tasks, exporting a separate Gauge is more reliable.

Meter metadata

Starting with version 1.12.0 of the Dynatrace Micrometer registry, meter metadata (unit and description) is automatically exported to Dynatrace. No code changes are required to start exporting metadata. To turn off metadata export, use the following configuration:

export-meter-metadata: false # default: true

Meter metadata was introduced with Micrometer 1.12.0, which was first included in Spring Boot 3.2.0. The toggles described above are therefore available from Spring Boot 3.2.0.

For previous versions of Micrometer, metadata needs to be specified manually using either the Dynatrace API or web UI. For more information, see Custom metric metadata.

Sending metrics from Kubernetes

OneAgent cannot be used for Micrometer metric ingestion on Kubernetes nodes. You can configure your Micrometer setup to push metrics directly to Dynatrace using the Metrics API.

Capture JVM metrics in Micrometer

By default, JVM metrics are turned off when running Micrometer without Spring Boot. To learn how to enable them, see the Micrometer documentation. After they are enabled and registered with the Dynatrace registry (DynatraceMeterRegistry), JVM metrics are recorded and sent to Dynatrace automatically.

On hosts that are monitored by OneAgent, these metrics might already be captured by OneAgent.

Restrict ingestion of specific metrics

When running Micrometer in Spring Boot, many metrics are automatically created and sent to Dynatrace, including JVM, process, and disk metrics.

To see all metrics created by your Spring Boot application, navigate to the actuator endpoint on your Spring Boot app (/actuator/metrics). Some of these metrics might already be captured by OneAgent.

Disable metrics with Spring properties

Metrics can be disabled based on their prefix in the Spring Boot configuration. To find out which metrics can be excluded, check your Spring Boot applications actuator endpoint. Be sure to exclude your custom metric key prefix (if any, see metric-key-prefix) when using this feature.

# disable jvm.memory metrics
jvm.memory: false
# disable all jvm metrics:
jvm: false
# disable jvm.memory metrics
# disable all jvm metrics

It is also possible to disable all metrics first and then only re-enable the desired ones:

# disable all metrics
all: false
# re-enable only jvm.* metrics
jvm: true
# disable all metrics
# re-enable jvm.* metrics

Disable metrics in code

Micrometer provides meter filters to disable metrics based on a variety of conditions. Meter filters can also be configured via Spring Boot with the @Configuration annotation.

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class MyMeterRegistryConfiguration {
public MeterRegistryCustomizer<MeterRegistry> metricsCommonTags() {
return registry -> registry.config()

The metric prefix configured for the Dynatrace registry will be applied after filtering, so properties to enable or disable metrics have to be specified using the original metric key without this prefix.

Register MeterFilters before creating or turning on additional metrics, as the MeterFilter will only be evaluated when the metric is added to the MeterRegistry.

Troubleshooting with logs

Spring handles the logging when using Micrometer in the Spring Boot context. The log level for the Micrometer Dynatrace registry can be set via configuration properties. DEBUG

Dynatrace summary instruments

Starting with Micrometer version 1.9.x, specialized instruments are used in the Dynatrace meter registry for certain summary instruments (DynatraceTimer and DynatraceDistributionSummary). Their purpose is to get around a peculiarity in how Micrometer records metrics, which, in some cases, led to metrics being rejected by Dynatrace for having an invalid format. The specialized instruments, tailored to Dynatrace metrics ingestion, prevent the creation of invalid metrics.

  • They are available from version 1.9.0 and are used as a drop-in replacement by default. No action is needed from users upgrading to 1.9.0.
  • If there's a discrepancy in the observed metrics, it's possible to return to the previous behavior by setting the useDynatraceSummaryInstruments toggle to false.

Dynatrace Micrometer registry v1 (legacy)

If the apiVersion property is set to V1, the registry sends data via the Timeseries API v1. For backward compatibility, it defaults to V1 if a deviceId is specified, because this property is required in V1 and is not used in V2.

Existing setups will continue to work when updating to newer versions of Micrometer. The reported metrics will be assigned to custom devices in Dynatrace.

For the V1 API, you only need to specify the base URL of your environment (for example,

# For v1 export, do not append a path to the endpoint URL. For example:
# For SaaS: https://{your-environment-id}
# For Managed deployments: https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}
uri: https://{your-environment-id}
# Should be read from a secure source
api-token: MY_TOKEN
# When setting the device id, metrics will be exported to the v1 timeseries endpoint
# Using just device-id (without the v1 prefix) is deprecated, but will work to maintain backwards compatibility.
device-id: sample
# To disable Dynatrace publishing (for example, in a local development profile), use:
# enabled: false
# The interval at which metrics are sent to Dynatrace. The default is 1 minute.
step: 1m
DynatraceConfig dynatraceConfig = new DynatraceConfig() {
public String uri() {
// The Dynatrace environment URI without any path. For example:
// https://{your-environment-id}
public String apiToken() {
// Should be read from a secure source
return MY_TOKEN;
public String deviceId() {
return MY_DEVICE_ID;
public String get(String k) {
return null;
DynatraceMeterRegistry registry = DynatraceMeterRegistry.builder(config).build();
// Add the Dynatrace registry to Micrometers global registry.