Enrich ingested data with Dynatrace-specific dimensions

Unlike automatic ingestion using OneAgent, data sent directly to an ActiveGate (for example, ingest APIs) is not automatically enriched with host-related information. This may incur additional charges, as it would not take into account possibly included DDU quotas.

The different Dynatrace deployment options provide several Java-style property and JSON files with sets of attributes that you can use to enrich your requests to Dynatrace and ensure Dynatrace can map the data to your infrastructure.

Enrichment directory

Dynatrace uses the following directories to provide .json and .properties files with enrichment data:

  • On Unix: /var/lib/dynatrace/enrichment
  • On Windows: %ProgramData%\dynatrace\enrichment

Dynatrace OneAgent

A standard OneAgent setup provides the following files with host-specific details in the enrichment directory:

  • dt_host_metadata.json
  • dt_host_metadata.properties

Both files contain the same collection of host-level resource attributes that OneAgent uses to enrich monitoring artifacts for a given host. This also includes key-value tags and properties set via oneagentctl or through Remote configuration management.

If you supply telemetry data via different channels than OneAgent (for example, using OpenTelemetry), it is important you enrich your telemetry data manually with these attributes to ensure the proper host association.

For more information, see Host-level resource attributes.

For an example of how to load the JSON file, see the Python example below.

Dynatrace Kubernetes Operator

The following files are available in the enrichment directory when metadata enrichment is enabled.

  • dt_metadata.json
  • dt_metadata.properties

Both files contain the same data in different formats. For an example of how to load the JSON file, see the Python example below.

Please visit the Configure enrichment directory guide for configuration instructions.

To learn how to enrich all telemetry data originating from Kubernetes workloads with Kubernetes labels and annotations.

OneAgent virtual files

When OneAgent is monitoring your application, your application is also able to access the following virtual files:

  • dt_metadata_e617c525669e072eebe3d0f08212e8f2.json
  • dt_metadata_e617c525669e072eebe3d0f08212e8f2.properties

These files are not specific to the enrichment directory and do not physically exists in your file system, but are provided by the OneAgent instrumentation. Both files return the same data and the file extension (.json/.properties) only determines the output format.

In the context of the Kubernetes Operator, the virtual file also contains the attributes of the dt_metadata.{json,properties} files.

How to access the virtual files

  1. Use the standard file read function of your language platform to open and read one of these files:

    • dt_metadata_e617c525669e072eebe3d0f08212e8f2.json
    • dt_metadata_e617c525669e072eebe3d0f08212e8f2.properties

    The file extension you choose is relevant for step 4. Only use the filename and do not specify an additional path.

  2. The content of the file is a single text line with an absolute file path (consider it an ephemeral value and do not store, persist, or cache that path for later use).

  3. Open the file at the path location obtained in the previous step and read its entire content.

  4. The content format received from the previous read will match the file extension you chose in step 1 (Java-style properties or JSON).

If step 1 returns a file-not-found error, verify that your application is instrumented by OneAgent.


  • Supported for full-stack and application-only deep-monitored processes.
  • The stat and other if (exists) checks fail for these files. These checks are not required for the mechanism to work.
  • syscalls used directly for file access aren't supported. This also means that the Go-based applications used for metric ingestion aren't supported unless you use the OneAgent SDK as explained in Instrument your Go application with OpenTelemetry.

Python example

The following example shows how to load the enrichment information as JSON in Python on Unix.

# Initialize dictionary variable
enrich_attrs = dict()
# Iterate over the potential data files and try reading them
for name in ["dt_metadata_e617c525669e072eebe3d0f08212e8f2.json", "/var/lib/dynatrace/enrichment/dt_metadata.json", "/var/lib/dynatrace/enrichment/dt_host_metadata.json"]:
data = ''
with open(name) as f:
data = json.load(f if name.startswith("/var") else open(f.read()))
pass # An exception indicates the file was not available
# Use enrich_attrs here to enrich your requests to Dynatrace.
# For example, when instrumenting with OpenTelemetry, add the data as resource attributes.

The example code initializes an empty dictionary for the imported attributes. It then iterates over an array of .json filenames and loads the content of each file as JSON document, adding the keys to the dictionary. File exceptions indicate the particular file is not available and are ignored.