Service-Level Objectives offers a set of service-level objective (SLO) examples that you can use to create your service-level objectives using DQL.
We also offer a set of pre-configured SLO templates. For more information on the SLO templates, see Service-level objective templates.
See the SLO configuration examples to understand some of the possibilities for service-level indicators (SLIs).
This SLI measures the proportion of the log lines with loglevels INFO and WARNING against all log lines.
Data source: logs
Entity scope: app-id
SLI DQL query:
fetch logs, scanLimitGBytes: -1| fieldsAdd failed = coalesce(if(loglevel == "INFO" OR loglevel =="WARNING", 1), 0)| makeTimeseries {failed = avg(failed), total = count()}, by: {}| fieldsAdd sli = 100 - ((toDouble(failed[]) / toDouble(total[])) * 100)
This SLI measures the duration of service requests based on spans.
Data source: spans/traces, responsetimes/duration
Entity scope: services
SLI DQL query:
fetch spans| filter dt.entity.service == "SERVICE-53B3E0D705DB0194"| makeTimeseries{total = count(),good = countIf(duration <= 150ms)}, by:{name = entityName(dt.entity.service)}| fieldsAdd sli = 100 * (good[]/total[])| fieldsRemove total, good
This SLI measures a selected endpoint's latency (performance) as the proportion of service requests that are served faster than a defined response time in milliseconds, based on spans.
Data source: spans/traces, responsetimes/duration
Entity scope: services, endpoint
SLI DQL query:
fetch spans| filter == "/Booking"| makeTimeseries {total = count(), good = countIf(duration < 150ms)}, by:{}| fieldsAdd sli = 100 * (good[]/total[])| fieldsRemove total, good
This SLI measures the proportion of successful guardian release validations.
Data source: bizevents (guardian validations)
Entity scope: guardians
SLI DQL query:
fetch bizevents| filter event.type == "guardian.validation.finished"| parse `validation.summary`, """JSON{ INT: "pass",INT: "warning", INT: "fail", INT: "error", INT: "info" }:result"""| fieldsAdd all = result[pass] +result[warning]+result[fail] + result[error] + result[info]| fieldsAdd nok = (result[fail] + result[error] + result[info])| makeTimeseries {all = sum(all), nok = sum(nok)}, by: {}, interval: 10min| filter in(,"Three golden signals (checkoutservice)")| fieldsAdd sli = 100 * ((all[]-nok[])/all[])| fieldsRemove all , nok
This SLI measures the proportion of successful browser monitor tests over time, only considering business hours (Monday–Friday, 9 AM–5 PM UTC+2).
Data source: metrics (timeseries); user input: timezone, business hours, work days
Entity scope: Synthetic browser test, Synthetic location
SLI DQL query:
timeseries {sli = avg(dt.synthetic.browser.availability), timestamp=start()}, by:{dt.entity.synthetic_test,dt.entity.synthetic_location}, interval:1min| fieldsAdd entityName = entityName(dt.entity.synthetic_test)| fieldsAdd locationName = entityName(dt.entity.synthetic_location)| filter in(entityName, "Dynatrace website")| fieldsAdd sli=if(getDayOfWeek(timestamp[])<6, sli[])| fieldsAdd sli=if(getHour(timestamp[],timezone:"Europe/Bucharest")>=9, sli[])| fieldsAdd sli=if(getHour(timestamp[],timezone:"Europe/Bucharest")<=17, sli[])
This SLI measures the proportion of successful service requests, filtered for services with a particular tag, over time.
Data source: metrics (timeseries); tags
Entity scope: services
SLI DQL query:
timeseries total=avg(dt.service.request.response_time), default:0, by: { dt.entity.service }| fieldsAdd tags=entityAttr(dt.entity.service, "tags")| filter in(tags, "[Environment]DT_RELEASE_PRODUCT:easytravel")| fieldsAdd high=iCollectArray(if(total[]> (1000 * 500), total[]))| fieldsAdd low=iCollectArray(if(total[]<= (1000 * 500), total[]))| fieldsAdd highRespTimes=iCollectArray(if(isNull(high[]),0,else:1))| fieldsAdd lowRespTimes=iCollectArray(if(isNull(low[]),0,else:1))| fieldsAdd entityName = entityName(dt.entity.service)| fieldsAdd sli=100*(lowRespTimes[]/(lowRespTimes[]+highRespTimes[]))| fieldsRemove total, high, low, highRespTimes, lowRespTimes, tags
This SLI measures the proportion of successful service requests over time, considering only gold-tier tagged services.
Data source: metrics (timeseries); tag
Entity scope: services
SLI DQL query:
timeseries { total=sum(dt.service.request.count) ,failures=sum(dt.service.request.failure_count) }, by: { dt.entity.service }| fieldsAdd tags=entityAttr(dt.entity.service, "tags")| filter in(tags, "criticality:Gold")| fieldsAdd entityName = entityName(dt.entity.service)| fieldsAdd sli=(((total[]-failures[])/total[])*(100))| fieldsRemove total, failures, tags