Service-Level Objectives overview

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Dynatrace provides support for service-level objectives (SLOs) leveraging Grail. With Service-Level Objectives SLOs, you can define and review your service-level objectives utilizing Dynatrace Query Language (DQL).


To read and write SLOs, you need the following IAM permissions:

  • ALLOW slo:slos:read, slo:objective-templates:read;
  • ALLOW slo:slos:write;

SLO overview

Service-Level Objectives allows you to view a list of your SLOs. The overview page shows the following details for each of your SLOs:

  • Name
  • Target
  • Warning
  • Evaluation period
  • Actions

To change the order in which your SLOs are displayed, select in the Name column.

Select an SLO name to view:

  • Status—available in graph or table view. You can also edit or delete your SLO in this section.
  • Critical services or entities:
    • If the SLO was created using an SLO template, this section allows you to select your services or entities that should meet your objective.
    • If the SLO was created via a custom DQL query, this section displays the defined DQL query representing the service-level indicator (SLI) of your SLO.
  • Criteria—in this section, you can edit the target, evaluation period, and optional warning values.
  • Name and context—in this section, you can edit the name, description, and tags of your SLO.

The menu in the Actions column of the overview offers the following actions:

  • Add to Dashboard
  • View
  • Edit
  • Delete

Create an SLO

You can create a new SLO by using pre-configured templates or based on a custom DQL query. To learn more, see Create service-level objectives.

Pre-configured SLO templates

Service-Level Objectives comes with a set of pre-configured Service-level objective templates.

SLO examples

You can utilize our collection of Service-level objective examples for your particular use case.