Incompatibility alert
Using both the SAP Introscope Agent and Dynatrace OneAgent on the same JVM is not supported. Dynatrace OneAgent, when active on the same host, can silently block the Introscope Agent, preventing it from operating as expected.
Dynatrace fully supports Java as well as all major JVMs and JDKs, providing extensive Java monitoring capabilities:
- OpenTelemetry support for capturing traces and ingesting metrics.
For more information, see Instrument your Java application with OpenTelemetry - End-to-end transaction tracing of requests to web services, remoting services, JMS, and RabbitMQ
- OneAgent SDK for custom tracing
- Insight into SQL databases (via JDBC) and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis
- Heap, garbage collection, thread, JMX, process metrics, and much more
- Memory dump analysis—Dynatrace supports memory dumps for the Oracle JVM, OpenJDK, and IBM JVM
- Always-on, 24/7, production-grade CPU profiling (including support for virtual threads)
- Continuous thread analysis for application, JVM, and agent threads (JVM thread analysis limited to Java 8 and Java 17+)
Dynatrace also supports GraalVM Native Images, providing extensive Java monitoring capabilities:
- End-to-end distributed tracing for HTTP requests all the way to databases.
- Code-level visibility for your applications to troubleshoot issues.
- Resource contention analysis with garbage collection and thread metrics.
See our supported technologies matrix for details about the supported JVMs and Native Images.