Snowflake for Workflows

Latest Dynatrace

Preview release

Snowflake for Workflows is currently in preview release and is available to selected customers only. If you would like to share feedback or ideas, join the preview by signing up via the Request access to Snowflake Workflow Connector form or contacting your Customer Success Manager.

For more information, see preview releases.

After you join the preview program for Snowflake for Workflows, we'll provide Hub subscription details. With those subscription details, follow the Add Hub subscriptions procedure to you activate the capability.

Snowflake for Workflows enables your Dynatrace environment to integrate with your Snowflake database. Using this integration, within a dedicated workflow, you will be able to execute SQL statements and process the data sent by Snowflake as a result in the response. You can either pass the result to another action in the workflow or store the data in Grail as bizevents, depending on your needs.


For information about costs associated with Dynatrace workflow actions, see the Dynatrace pricing page.