Email Connector

You can automate sending out-of-the-box emails using Email Connector Email for Workflows based on the events and schedules defined by your workflows.

Set up Email integration

Step 1 Install Email Connector

To use the Send email action, first, install Email for Workflows** Email for Workflows from Dynatrace Hub.

To install Email Connector, you need the app-engine:apps:install permission.

  1. In Dynatrace Hub Hub, select Email.
  2. Select Install. After you install Email Connector, you need to grant permissions to Workflows.

Step 2 Grant permissions to Workflows

Workflows require certain permissions to run actions on your behalf. Other permissions are required by actions that come bundled with Email Connector.

To fine-tune permissions granted to Workflows

  1. Go to Workflows Workflows and go to Settings > Authorization settings.
  2. Select the following permissions besides the general Workflows permission.
    • Permissions needed for Send email actions
      • email:emails:send

For more on general Workflows user permissions, see Expression reference.

Trial environments are prohibited to send emails with Email Connector.

Send an email with workflows

  1. Go to Workflows Workflows and select Add Workflow to create a new workflow.
  2. Select the Trigger to choose the right trigger for your needs.
  3. In the side panel, select one of the triggers.
  4. On the trigger node, select Add task Add to browse available actions.
  5. In the side panel, search the actions for Email and select Send email.
  6. In To field, enter the email addresses of the recipients. The Cc, Bcc fields, are also available. For To, Cc, and Bcc fields the number of email addresses is restricted to 10 per field.
  7. In Subject and Message fields, enter a meaningful text.
  8. Select Run.

Email Connector sends emails from email address. We recommend whitelisting the domain to avoid emails being redirected to the junk folder.

No HTML or markdown support

This workflows integration doesn't allow formatting of the subject or message. It's only possible to send plain text emails. It doesn't offer support for markup or HTML.

Action result

The Send email action provides the following result.




A unique identifier to trace successfully accepted email send requests.


A unique identifier to trace successfully accepted email send requests. For sending emails, this is identical to requestId.

Expected behavior 'Failed to send email. Status code 403.'

This message is related to missing permissions or a trial environment as described above in Grant permissions to Workflows.