oneagentzos-R12530.pax is now available. Find the upgrade instructions in Upgrade and maintenance.
New features and enhancements
PHP Wordpress OneAgent feature
You can now enable the PHP Wordpress OneAgent feature that extends the distributed traces with the Wordpress instance specific context. After you enable the feature, the distributed tracess will report the Wordpress instance name ( and the Wordpress framework entry point processing the request.
New IMS message processing region process ID calculation
The IMS message processing region (MPR) process IDs could change, resulting in new process and service entities in Dynatrace. To prevent this process ID change, we’ve introduced a more stable ID calculation with the consequence that all IMS MPR process and service entities will change once but then remain stable after an update of the zRemote module with OneAgent version 1.253.
Since OneAgent version 243, OneAgent has supported containers based on Control Group v2 (cgroup v2), but this required that OneAgent be deployed on the host or in Kubernetes as a privileged OneAgent container or in a non-Kubernetes Docker container with cgroupns=host parameter. For details, see Introducing cgroups v2 support.
Starting with OneAgent version 1.253, support for containers based on cgroup v2 has been extended to cases in which OneAgent is deployed in a Kubernetes unprivileged container or in a non-Kubernetes Docker container without the cgroupns=host parameter.
AWS Nitro hypervisor is now detected
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hypervisors
The AWS Nitro hypervisor type is now detected on Windows and Linux.
Tracing SQS-triggered AWS Lambda for Python & Node.js (manual)
Apps & Microservices | Distributed Traces
The Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension for Python and Node.js now supports tracing for AWS SQS. For details, see OpenTelemetry interoperability.
Operating systems
Current Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 December 2022
Communication endpoints using IPv6 literals are now supported. (OA-7559)
Business Events will now report from ASP.Net requests and responses even if the ASP.Net sensor is turned off or unplaced. (OA-8647)
Infrastructure Monitoring
All configurations are no longer marked as MAX_TASKS_LIMIT_REJECTION when limit is reached. (EXT-3012)
Logging module
Improved performance of log filtering. (LOG-36)
Fixed manually adding Windows event logs with slash characters in the log name. (LOG-57)
OS module
Resolved issue with grouping SAP processes when OneAgent is started before SAP. (HOST-1628)
The Disk Read Time and Disk Write Time metric values have been fixed. (OneAgent version 1.253.232 introduced an error in the calculation of these metrics. This release fixes that error.). (HOST-1729)
Fixed character encoding for displaying OS services on Windows platform. (HOST-1541)
Fixed OneAgent .NET HttpTagging Sensor v2 issue that led to headers potentially not being captured. (OA-8530)
Resolved issue with enabling CloudEvents on .NET. (OA-9359)
Fixed OneAgent .NET HttpTagging Sensor v2 issue that reported the query within the URI. (OA-8707)
Resolved issue with OneAgent IBM MQ module that caused exceptions when .NET IBM MQ tracing was turned off. (OA-9370)
Fixed OneAgent crash caused by propagating suppressed span in Go application. (OA-8327)
Fixed issue in which Apache Error Log Enrichment may have worked incorrectly. (OA-9583)
Update 262 (Build 1.253.262)
This cumulative update contains 4 resolved issues (including 2 vulnerability resolutions) and all previously released updates for the 1.253 release.
Performance improvements to Oracle process grouping in cases where Oracle is rotating processes. (HOST-1848)
The Disk Read Time and Disk Write Time metric values have been fixed. (OneAgent version 1.253.232 introduced an error in the calculation of these metrics. This release fixes that error.). (HOST-1729)
Vulnerability: Vulnerability: Improved input validation for Real User Monitoring (RUM) in OneAgent. (DTSEC-4446)
Vulnerability: Vulnerability: Improved input validation for Real User Monitoring (RUM) in OneAgent. (DTSEC-4447)
Update 296 (Build 1.253.296)
This cumulative update contains 3 resolved issue (including 2 vulnerability resolutions) and all previously released updates for the 1.253 release.