Business Flow

Latest Dynatrace


  • Define and activate business events for each process step.
  • Identify a unique identifier (correlation ID) that is common to all process steps (for example, order_id). The name of the correlation ID may differ between steps; the value is used to connect steps into a single flow.


  • Identify business events that indicate incidents or business exceptions, such as credit card payment errors, product outages, shipping exceptions, or other non-IT process issues.
  • Identify a business KPI of your choice, such as revenue, that can be extracted from a business event attribute.

IT teams and business owners can use Business Flow Business Flow to monitor and analyze critical business process flows. You can track end-to-end process delays, detect process anomalies, and report business key performance indicators (KPIs).

Business Flow Business Flow helps with diagnosing process issues and prioritizing process optimization opportunities to improve business outcomes.

The Business Flow dashboard provides a real-time view into process and business KPI health.
Errors and business exceptions are displayed for the selected step.View your business flow KPIs over time
1 of 2 The Business Flow dashboard provides a real-time view into process and business KPI health. Errors and business exceptions are displayed for the selected step.

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