Explore Business Events

Latest Dynatrace

Explore Business Events Explore Business Events is a central repository of resources related to business events, including blog posts, documentation, direct product links and other applications relevant to business analysis, such as Notebooks and Dashboards. It was designed to:

  • Take you through the Dynatrace business analysis process end-to-end, starting from business event capture, through processing, and analyzing, to displaying final results on dashboards.
  • Help you understand business analytics use cases and address your specific use case.


The following table describes the required permissions.

Is required to read bizevents from GRAIL
Is required to read system data from GRAIL
Is required to read OneAgent rules
Read filter segments


Make sure the app is installed in your environment.

Explore business events
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Process flow

The Business event process in Dynatrace consists of three main steps: Capture and Process, Analyze, and Create Dashboards. To see a use case covering all steps, go to Business events use case.

Capture and process

Displays all links relevant to business event capture and processing. To see a real-life scenario for capturing and processing business event data, go to the capture section of the end-to-end use case.


Provides you with links to two places where you can run your DQL queries: Notebooks and the Logs and event viewer.


Provides you with links to places where dashboards can be created. To see an example dashboard created as part of the use case, go to the end-to-end use case.