When you integrate your Dynatrace environment with Red Hat Ansible Automation controller using Red Hat Ansible Connector , you can automatically start job templates based on your monitoring data.
To use Red Hat Ansible workflow actions, you first need to install Red Hat Ansible Connector from Dynatrace Hub.
Grant permissions to Workflows
Create Red Hat Ansible API key
Configure Red Hat Ansible Automation connection
Configure Red Hat Ansible Automation connection
Some permissions are required by Workflows to run actions on your behalf.
To fine-tune permissions granted to Workflows
For more on general Workflows user permissions, see User permissions for workflows.
To interact with Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller, you need an API key. To learn how to obtain it, see the Red Hat official documentation.
You need a configured connection for of your Red Hat Automation environments.
To configure a connection for Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller
(must include the api/v2
, no trailing slash).If you connect to a self-hosted Red Hat Ansible Automation Controller or AWX instance, you might require EdgeConnect to establish a connection behind your firewall.
To configure an EdgeConnect connection
You have a new EdgeConnect connection.
The following workflow actions are available for the Red Hat Ansible Automation integration. Each action corresponds to an endpoint of the Red Hat Ansible API. For details on endpoints, see the Ansible Tower API Reference Guide.
Red Hat Ansible API endpoint
Launch job template
Launch a job template on Red Hat Ansible
POST /api/v2/job_templates/{id}/launch/
Launch a Job Template
List job status
List job status on Red Hat Ansible
GET /api/v2/jobs/{id}/
Retrieve a Job Host Summary
Relaunch job
Relaunch a job on Red Hat Ansible
POST /api/v2/jobs/{id}/relaunch/
Relaunch a Job
To launch a job template, you need to provide the information listed below.
For details on the parameters, see the Ansible Tower API Reference Guide (/api/v2/job_templates/{id}/launch/
"Launch a Job Template").
To create a workflow that launches a job template
, and select Launch job template.The following are solutions to problems some people have.