Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.264
Rollout start: Apr 12, 2023.
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Product news
- Dynatrace delivers flexible and scalable Kubernetes native synthetic private locations
Dynatrace now offers containerized auto-scalable private location deployment, eliminating the need to deploy individual synthetic ActiveGates on separate hosts or virtual machines.
New features and enhancements
Code-level Vulnerability Analytics and Runtime Application Protection are now generally available
Application Security | Vulnerabilities
Code-level Vulnerability Analytics and Runtime Application Protection are now available for all customers and can be enabled in all environments. Be aware that enabling these features entails ASU consumption.
New DQL command
Cross Solutions | DQL
Now you can include the following commands in your DQL queries:
- fieldsSummary
command calculates the cardinality of field values that the specified fields have.
- timeseries
can be a starting command of a DQL query and it combines loading, filtering and aggregating metrics data into a time series output.
New DQL function
Cross Solutions | DQL
Now you can include the following function in your DQL queries:
- arrayMedian
function returns the median of the members of an array.
Extended Davis® health self-monitoring dashboard
Cross Solutions | Davis AI
The built-in Davis health self-monitoring dashboard now includes a new self-monitoring metric to inform you about the duration of sending out problem notifications.
Davis events and problems in Grail
Cross Solutions | Davis AI
Davis events and problems are now ingested to Grail. You can query them via event.kind of DAVIS_EVENT
Auto-scalable private Synthetic locations on Kubernetes
Digital Experience | Synthetic Monitoring
Dynatrace facilitates the deployment of containerized auto-scalable private locations, supported on Kubernetes and OpenShift. Containerized locations remove the need to deploy individual Synthetic-enabled ActiveGates on separate hosts and/or virtual machines for the execution of your synthetic monitors.
You can manage Kubernetes-based locations via the Dynatrace web UI and the existing Synthetic - Locations, nodes, and configuration API. Additional Early Adopter endpoints have been added to the same API to facilitate the deployment of Kubernetes-based locations. The new endpoints help you generate the commands that need to be executed on the Kubernetes cluster.
New host page for z/OS
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
Now, you can access the new page for z/OS hosts with relevant metrics and properties.
Technology visualization filter for process list
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
Now, the technology visualization filter for the process list is available on the unified analysis screen pages.
Metrics and logs overview for process page
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
The new metrics and logs overview page is now accessible via Metrics and logs analysis button on the process page. The page shows logs and extension metrics for the specified process.
Decommissioning of deprecated Kubernetes metrics
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
All deprecated metrics with the pattern builtin:cloud.kubernetes.*
are now decommissioned.
Each of the metrics refers to a replacement metric in the metric description. The metric keys are not removed from the metric registry and historical data can still be accessed. New data will no longer be ingested.
Workload condition filter
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
The new Workload condition filter is now available on the workload list screen.
OOTB alerts for workload resource metrics
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
The OOTB alerts are now available for the workload resource metrics.
New alert titles
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
The following alert titles and the corresponding setting texts have been changed:
- Detect stuck workloads is now Detect stuck deployments
- Detect pending pods is now Detect pods stuck in pending
- Detect terminating pods is now Detect pods stuck in terminating
Related Kubernetes service dynamic filter for dashboards
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
It is possible now to configure the Related Kubernetes service
dynamic filter on the dashboard settings page.
Minimum ActiveGate version
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
The minimum ActiveGate version has been updated to 1.263.
Improved navigation for node problems
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
Kubernetes node problems now directly link to the corresponding node analysis page.
New OOTB node alerts
Infrastructure Monitoring | Kubernetes
A new alert has been added to the node anomaly detection settings:
- Detect problematic node conditions (Evaluates node conditions:
Slack integration for Workflows
The new Slack capability for Workflows enables you to send targeted messages. You can send messages to multiple channels, post updates in threads, format messages, attach log files and mark a thread with reactions as done.
Dynatrace API
To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see Dynatrace API changelog version 1.264.
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.264.96)
The 1.264 GA release contains 10 resolved issues.
Component | Resolved issues |
Application Security | 2 |
Synthetic monitoring | 1 |
Cluster | 4 |
ActiveGate | 1 |
auto update | 1 |
slo | 1 |
Application Security
- Fixed incorrectly displaying related workloads on the "Third-party vulnerabilities" details page in the rare cases where processes of different workloads are grouped into the same process group. (RSA-8912)
- Added a banner to inform about changes to .NET framework runtime vulnerabilities. (RSA-9328)
Synthetic monitoring
- Corrected an issue where execution differences for on-demand HTTP monitors listed only one visit per location, which is the default behavior for the successful and failed execution types but was incorrect for on-demand executions. Now all on-demand executions are available to select when comparing executions of HTTP monitors in execution details. (SYNTH-4226)
- Reverted strict permissions requiring users to have "settings.write" permission for manually closing problems. (DAVIS-4293)
- This fix ensures that every process group gets its own GraphQL service assigned. (TI-5938)
- Fixed an issue where exploratory Davis analysis results on entity screens would load indefinitely. (DAVIS-4308)
- Fixed an issue with missing Availability charts on host details pages for hosts with OneAgent 1.263 and earlier. (HOST-2465)
- Fixed issue in which ActiveGate reported incorrect values for `active_gate.rest.request_size` self-monitoring metrics when the payload was encoded, but the `Content-Length` header was still defined. The compressed size was reported instead of the actual size of the original payload before compression. (DMX-3104)
auto update
- Adjusted the version dropdown list for manual OneAgent updates on the "OneAgent updates" page to make it clearer which version of OneAgents will be updated to via the following changes: (1) remove "Latest" entry and display the specific version marked as "Latest" instead, (2) show a warning icon when a version newer than the default OneAgent installer version is selected, and (3) mark the default installer version as "Standard" and select it by default. (CLUSTER-5150)
- Fixed the location header for POST endpoint. Endpoint now returns the *location* response header containing the ID of the new SLO not the url. (CA-3515)
Update 99 (Build 1.264.99)
This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.264 release.
- Corrected information on metric calculation for custom metrics. (LIMA-7072)
Update 100 (Build 1.264.100)
This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.264 release.
Update 104 (Build 1.264.104)
This cumulative update contains 2 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.264 release.
Component | Resolved issues |
Synthetic monitoring | 1 |
User Interface | 1 |
Synthetic monitoring
- Fixed an issue related to the Synthetic browser monitor configuration migration, which could lead some environments to fail to start after the upgrade. (SYNTH-4745)
User Interface
- Fixed an issue where application showed an error in some cases when the navigation took longer than expected. These crashes should no longer occur. (UIP-3349)
Update 117 (Build 1.264.117)
This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.264 release.
Log Monitoring
- Log event ingest by open API could drop when ActiveGate instances were updated. Any drop in log event ingestion was short lived and stopped after the ActiveGate update was completed. This fix eliminates any such drops. (LOG-3294)