Rollout start: Jan 24, 2023
With this release, the oldest supported OneAgent versions are:
IBM App Connect Enterprise / IBM Integration Bus
- Added support for Callable nodes (CallableFlowAsyncInvoke, CallableFlowAsyncResponse, CallableFlowInvoke, CallableInput, CallableReply)
is now available. Find the upgrade instructions in Upgrade and maintenance.- Added support to trace CICS service provider programs invoked through JSON requests using non-Java JSON pipelines. Get started
New features and enhancements
OS services - Alert if service is not installed
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
On the OS services monitoring page, you can now turn on Alert if service is not installed to alert you when an OS service isn't installed on a host.
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
Due to a previous internal restriction, OneAgent on non-x86 platforms did not report a cloud type. This restriction has been lifted, and other platforms, such as ARM, now show the cloud type.
Events from OS services reported on separate OS service entity
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
Previously, events from OS services were reported on the host entity. They are now reported on a separate OS service entity, which means you can use, for example, tagging, management zones, and profile alerting related to events and problem generation, and those events, problems, and OS service entities are visible only to specific users. If you have scripts or rules to filter OS service events from host events, you should update them.
Problem generated by OS service links to OS service entity page
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
A problem generated by an OS service now links to the OS service entity page instead of to the host page with the OS service.
OS services - Alerting delay
Infrastructure Monitoring | Hosts
On the OS services monitoring page, you can now set an Alerting delay that defines how long an OS service must be in particular state before an event will be generated.
Tracing SNS-triggered AWS Lambda for Python & Node.js (manual)
Apps & Microservices | Distributed Traces
The Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension for Python and Node.js now supports tracing for AWS SNS. For details, see OpenTelemetry interoperability.
Expanded support for Google Cloud Run (Managed)
Apps & Microservices | Distributed Traces
Enhanced support to cover Generation1 (GVisor) and Generation2 (KVM) execution environments. For details, see Monitor Google Cloud Run managed.
OneAgent for Android
Digital Experience | RUM Mobile
- Added support for the Configuration cache Gradle feature.
- Deprecated certificate-related features in favor of Network Security Configuration usage
- Removed build restriction for Configuration on Demand
OneAgent for iOS
Digital Experience | RUM Mobile
- Improved iOS 16 support.
- Improved iOS 16 support for
. - Significantly sped up build instrumentation.
- Improved the visibility of user actions happening at a crash time by closing them automatically and sending them directly after the crash was sent.
Operating systems
Current Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 December 2022
Future Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 April 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2025
- Windows: Windows Desktop 11 21H2
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 June 2025
- Linux: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15.2
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 October 2025
Past Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 July 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024
- Linux: CentOS Stream 8
- Linux: CentOS Stream 8
Other support changes
OneAgent for z/OS
Build 1.257.0
- Fixed IMS SDK Insert Links that may produce invalid tags with server id 0 (OA-10162)
OneAgent SDK
Future OneAgent SDK support changes
The following technologies will no longer be supported starting July 1, 2023
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.257.217)
The 1.257 GA release contains 16 resolved issues (including 2 vulnerability resolutions).
- Fixed ptrace error handling for Go static monitoring. (OA-10248)
- Fixed Go gRPC sensor, which was not able to patch existing W3C trace context headers provided by OpenTelemetry (double instrumentation). (OA-10582)
- The OneAgent NGINX module no longer incorrectly reports upstream requests when a client timeout cancels NGINX request processing before such upstream calls were actually made. (OA-10193)
- Fixed a problem where OneAgent on NGINX could report traffic to the wrong service after changes in NGINX configuration and a subsequent NGINX reload. (OA-11345)
- Vulnerability: The Python runtime used in Extensions 2.0 has been upgraded to Python 3.10.9. (OA-10610)
- Vulnerability: Python runtime for Extensions 1.0 has been upgraded to 3.8.15. (EXT-2908)
OS module
- The metric selector for the host cpu saturation event/problem is now "Host cpu usage %" instead of "Host cpu load". (APM-393334)
- When an OS service alert is active and the service status changes (but still matches the alert criteria), OneAgent now stops the current alert and raises a new one with the title updated to match the new status. (HOST-1779)
- The value passed with the Python -m parameter is now correctly used as a PG/PGI name. (HOST-1813)
- Fixed Apache port detection from configuration files when the "-f" command line parameter is provided. (HOST-1923)
- Improved the performance of the OneAgent OS module when a high number of Java code modules are running on the host. (HOST-1867)
- AIX system: Process memory usage calculation has been adjusted. The previous formula was based on virtual memory usage. The updated formula is based on data and text resident set size. In general, this means a decrease in values of the `builtin:tech.generic.mem.workingSetSize` metric on AIX hosts. (HOST-1823)
- Fixed capture of HTTP method in Spring WebFlux HTTPClient 5.3+. (OA-10881)
- Resolved an issue that could result in software components not being reported for fat JARs on Java versions earlier than 11. (OA-10749)
- Fixed missing paths for outgoing HTTP requests in Reactor Netty 1.x when using `headersWhen()` in API call. (OA-10121)
- Resolved a .NET HttpTagging v2 issue in which an already canceled HTTP request was accessed, resulting in a logged exception. (OA-11099)
Update 250 (Build 1.257.250)
This cumulative update contains 3 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.257 release.
- Fixed detection of Cloudfoundry Gorouter. (OA-12620)
OS module
- Fixed missing metric graph in problem card for process group instance (PGI) events. (HOST-2034)
- Fixed issue with OneAgent Java code module causing crash of WebSphere Application Server startup on AIX. (OA-12949)
OneAgent for Android resolved issues
General Availability (Build 8.257.1)
The 8.257 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.
OneAgent for iOS resolved issues
General Availability (Build 8.257.1)
The 8.257 GA release contains 2 resolved issues.
OneAgent for iOS
- Resolved issue causing UIScreen API access freeze. (RUM-8415)
- Removed legacy instrumentation for WKWebView, which also prevents a potential crash. (RUM-8686)
OneAgent for JavaScript resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.257.165)
The 1.257 GA release contains 5 resolved issues.
- Fixed a bug that caused OneAgent to drop source action information if a user navigated between subdomains. Note that this is only supported if the referrer policy "no-referrer-when-downgrade" is configured on the source page. (RUM-8654)
- Added a check to make sure, when calling `dtrum.addActionProperties`, that the action for the provided actionId exists. (RUM-8103)
- Fixed an issue in synthetic, where actions would show slightly higher action durations and visually complete times. (RUM-8042)
- Fixed an issue that could cause an action to be dropped, because it exceeded the maximum duration. (RUM-8195)
Session Replay
- Resolved issue in which Session Replay was recording a redirected iframe resource with the wrong URL. The resource is now recorded with the proper URL and is displayed correctly in Session Replay. (APM-390726)
Update 346 (Build 1.257.346)
This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.257 release.
Session Replay
- Fixed recording of Shadow DOM components inside iframes. (SR-1887)