OneAgent and ActiveGate release notes version 1.173


OneAgent Version 1.173 for Linux comes with support for RHEL distributions on the IBM Z platform. Read more about OneAgent for RHEL Z-Linux.




    • Added support for NGINX 1.16.1 - 1.17.3
    • Added support for NGINX Plus R19
    • Added support for Tengine 1.4.2 - 2.2.3

      Operating System

      General improvements

      • We've completely re-designed the internals of the OneAgent installer for Windows. For details, see enhancements for OneAgent installer for Windows.
      • As we announced two months ago, the *.msi artifact of the OneAgent installer for Windows is no longer being built. The existing *.msi files, as well as the REST API endpoints, will remain in place for the time being, but they won't support the new versions of the endpoints. For details, see OneAgent for Windows enhancements for MSI-based deployments.
      • Improved Oracle process recognition. Previously, all Oracle processes were represented by one Oracle process group and one Oracle process group instance on each host. Starting with OneAgent version 1.173, each Oracle process group will represent a single Oracle SID (unique identifier for every Oracle DB instance). The SID is part of the process group name, and is extracted from process names (Unix) or service description (Windows). Oracle processes not associated with any SID will now form an Oracle other processes group. This includes the communication process, TNS Listener, so all incoming and outgoing traffic will be associated with the group. The Oracle other processes group will keep the pre-rework identifier of the Oracle group, so all historic data will be available under the entry.
      • Technology-specific stack traces for processes running inside containers will be analyzed by Dynatrace. See more information about crash analysis.
      • Our support for Docker and containerD-CRI was adjusted to better handle changes introduced in Docker. Here's a quote from the Docker release notes: “In Docker versions prior to 18.09, containerd was managed by the Docker engine daemon. In Docker Engine 18.09, containerd is managed by systemd."
      • Improved reporting of connections between processes running in Docker containers. Thanks to this improvement, Smartscape topology view of Docker processes is now even more accurate.

      Future Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

      Dynatrace OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version to support the following technologies
      • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 for Java

      Future Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

      The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 April 2025
      The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2025
      The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 June 2025
      The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025
      The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 October 2025

      Past Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

      The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 July 2024
      The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
      The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024

      Other upcoming support changes

      • Pivotal Platform PAS version 2.3.x (Pivotal support for this version ends in June 2019. Consult Pivotal's support matrix for further details). OneAgent version 1.175 is the last version that supports Pivotal Platform version 2.3.x.
      • Java 6 WebSphere Application Server version 8.5 (EOS by IBM in April 2018) OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version that supports WebSphere version 8.5 with Java 6. Going forward, only the combination with Java 7 or higher will be supported

      Cloud Platform support

      Cloud Foundry

      • Dynatrace now also supports the Cloud Foundry Go buildpack on Linux for monitoring your Golang applications with the application-only monitoring approach for Cloud Foundry. Support starts with buildpack v1.8.41. Please note, full-stack monitoring was already supported and doesn't depend on the buildpack extension.
      • Monitoring Windows Diego cells (or any other Windows BOSH VMs) requires version 1.2.1 or higher of the bootsprapping BOSH release due to the removal of the MSI artifact of the OneAgent installer (see the General improvements section above).
      • We streamlined the API endpoint for configuring Cloud Foundry integrations and moved the endpoint to /cloudFoundry/credentials. The previous endpoint /virtualization/cloudFoundryCredentials has been deprecated and requests are now redirected to /cloudFoundry/credentials. Make sure to adapt your integrations with this API and double-check if your clients follow the redirect response from the API.


      • Dynatrace fully supports vanilla Kubernetes 1.15 clusters with underlying Docker, containerd, and CRI-O container runtimes on Linux.
      • The settings page for the Kubernetes API integration provides improved feedback about communication issues, such as issues with the certificate.
      • We streamlined the API endpoint for configuring Kubernetes integrations and moved the endpoint to /kubernetes/credentials. The earlier endpoint /virtualization/kubernetesConfigurations has been deprecated and requests are now redirected to /kubernetes/credentials. Make sure to adapt your integrations with this API and double-check if your clients follow the redirect response from the API.


      • We've added an availability chart for VMware ESXi devices similar to how we present host availability.
      • Events are no longer generated for low ESXi host disk space for datastores that have zero-bytes capacity.


      ActiveGate support changes

      Here are the de-support plans for ActiveGate

      • OneAgent version 1.177 will be the last version to support only 32-bit host IDs. By that time, all ActiveGates older than version 1.144 will need to be upgraded to the newer releases in order to properly support OneAgent 64 bit IDs. Failure to do this will result in OneAgent being unable to communicate with the Dynatrace Cluster via these older versions of ActiveGate. Other than that, this change will be completely transparent.
      • Synthetic-enabled ActiveGate support for Windows Server 2016 is available with ActiveGate version 1.173.

      Other changes

      For important bug fixes and other changes, as well as previous release notes, see the release changelog.

      Resolved issues

      General Availability (Build .173)

      The .173 GA release contains 66 resolved issues.

      Resolved issues


      • Fixed issue where IIS agent didn't correctly send beacon responses. (ONE-24664)
      • Fixed rare issue where NGINX binaries failed to instrument. (ONE-26062)
      • Avoid log spam when Apache restarts non-gracefully. (ONE-26080)
      • Fixed problem with sending empty log messages. (APM-174116)
      • Improved log events creation. (APM-187112)
      • Watchdog hanging during shutdown. (APM-183070)
      • Fixed segfault in main Watchdog process when started in background mode. (APM-180429)
      • Watchdog logged a misleading warning when attempting to stop an already stopped process. (APM-181333)
      • Agent converted header properties to lower case in case of request redirects. (ONE-25337)
      • NodeJS gRPC sensor crashes monitored application right on start. (ONE-25857)
      • Go Agent reported too many packages. (ONE-25908)
      • Resource name is wrong for windows NodeJs agent binaries. (ONE-25966)
      • Injection into preloaded module "esm" breaks applications. (ONE-26033)
      • Fixed possible agent crash during AppDomain unload. (ONE-25642)
      • HTTP POST variable capture wasn't working for ASP.NET Core. (ONE-24885)
      • Request attribute capture process by extracting substring between patterns was improved. (ONE-25196)
      • Problem with creating a memory dump from a .NET Core process on Linux. (ONE-25663)
      • A System.NullReferenceException during capture of OWIN web requests caused a PurePath capture error. (ONE-26427)
      • Main class detection for Java modules didn't work properly, which resulted in unmonitored Java applications. (ONE-25781)
      • Request attribute processing returns `<invalid format of raw string>` although search string is contained. (ONE-26433)
      • Enhanced detection of temporary queues for Tibco. (ONE-25668)
      • Avoid `AbstractMethodError` when invoking `getVirtualServerName` for unsupported Servlet API. (ONE-25877)
      • Added additional fallback for scenarios where standalone containerD would be identified as part of Docker. (APM-178484)
      • Kubernetes version discovery has been reworked to better handle kublet API unresponsiveness shortly after startup. (APM-166360)
      • Fixed gaps in data from OS agent when slow disk operations would impact placing the IIS schema. (APM-180050)
      • OS agent should now properly handle non-Asci characters in EXE_NAME. (APM-184790)
      • For symlinked (/usr/local/bin/gcc-6.4.0 -> /opt/gcc-6.4.0/bin/gcc) binary, 'gcc-6.4.0' executable name should now properly be reported, instead of 'gcc-6.4.0/bin/gcc'. (APM-182421)
      • Improved the information about required restarts for processes inside containerD containers. (APM-179928)
      • IP address and TCP mappings now should refresh as needed for Docker containers operating in network mode container. (APM-179177)
      • Added fallback in topology discovery on Windows Server Containers, where configuration will be parsed if gateway information can't be retrieved from API call. (APM-172794)
      • Stripping identifiers from process names will now be enabled by default agent-side. Note that this setting is enabled by default in the product in general, but before this change OneAgent would sometimes not strip identifiers after fresh install, before first config from server arrived. (APM-180422)
      • Traffic should now be properly attributed to processes and interfaces in scenarios where multiple virtual interfaces with the same MAC address exist on given system. (APM-178243)
      • Traffic should now be properly attributed to processes and interfaces in scenarios where multiple interfaces have the same name on Windows. (APM-180456)
      • Runtime configuration stored in ProgramData should now be properly aged. (APM-188544)
      • OneAgent for Android: improved low device-storage handling. (ONE-25820)
      • OneAgent for iOS: added basic support for NSURLProtocol subclassing. (ONE-24738)
      • Improved metrics sending performance. (APM-179204)
      • Plugin query timer is properly scheduled. (APM-183306)
      • Improved data collection of. NET metrics. (APM-182455)
      • Redis correctly handles default config file. (APM-183398)
      • Fixed a problem that caused actions to last a long time when a page contained an IFrame that changed the URL before it finished loading. (ONE-24968)
      • Fixed a performance issue regarding failed images calculation within the Visually Complete module. (ONE-25223)
      • Fixed a problem with the Visually Complete module in cases where SVG elements are present on the page. (ONE-25377)
      • Fixed a problem with asynchronous injection and IFrames in IE 8. (ONE-26023)
      • Fixed a problem that occurred when the "self" object is overridden. (ONE-26000)
      • Fixed an issue that happened on IE, when DOM Elements were iterated and caused a slowdown or even a crash. (ONE-26609)
      • Huge number of process crashes since enabling "PHP NG monitoring" (Agent 171). (APM-181999)
      • PHP custom service: No load anymore after using PHP NG monitoring (fix for APM-182588 applied). (APM-183130)
      • PHP NG monitoring: New service (with new ID) detected once enabled. (APM-183138)
      • Switching off scarv sensor for legacy agent. (APM-183672)
      • Fixed memory leak appearing during large amount of PHP exceptions thrown. (APM-182364)
      • PHP custom service: No load anymore after using PHP NG monitoring. (APM-182588)
      • PhpAgent NG does not handle custom service and request attribute sensor configuration. (ONE-26115)

      Session Replay

      • Unable to replay some applications that display control characters due to a bug in Session Replay serializer, leading to malformed beacons. (ONE-26105)
      • Cost control settings are evaluated with each page load instead of just at the start of a session. (ONE-25188)
      • Recorder to grab updates to rules on dynamic stylesheets. (ONE-26160)
      • Fixed issue with Firefox recording raising error "Cannot use the given object as a weak map key". (ONE-26577)


      • Fixed memory leak caused by Xvfb process launched by Synthetic Module. (APM-183497)
      • Fixed issues with closing timing-out browsers. (APM-183660)
      • Browser monitors engine not started if the hostname is not properly configured on the executing Active Gate. (APM-183777)
      • Underrated test executions throughput on hosts reporting lowered total memory value. (APM-185432)
      • Passing proper Xmx setting while launching Synthetic Module. (APM-186491)
      • Synthetic monitor executions ending with an error are discarded in case of a temporary drop in location performance. (APM-187103)
      • api.getContext() method is not returning location information. (APM-190605)

      Agent & SG

      • Synthetic module installation should fail if the ROOT user was configured to run Active Gate services. (APM-185936)


      • Synthetic Engine configuration fetcher doesn't recover after an error which may lead to stopped execution of private Browser Monitors. (APM-186842)