Out-of-memory (OOM) and out-of-threads (OOT) events and alerting

To set up out-of-memory (OOM) and out-of-threads (OOT) events for standalone/PaaS scenarios and cloud-native Full-Stack injections, follow the instructions below.

Enable the OneAgent feature

To enable out-of-memory (OOM) and out-of-threads (OOT) detection

  1. Go to Settings and select Preferences > OneAgent features.
  2. Find and turn on Enable Out-Of-Memory and Out-Of-Thread Detection for Kubernetes and PaaS installations.
  3. Select Save changes.

Set up high GC activity alerts

If you've already set up alerts for high GC activity in your environment, alerts are automatically created for standalone/PaaS scenarios and cloud-native Full-Stack injections.

To verify your setup

  1. Go to Settings > Anomaly detection and select Hosts.

  2. Make sure that Detect high GC activity is turned on.

    If you're using a customized setup for long garbage-collection times alerts, note that, for standalone/PaaS scenarios and cloud-native Full-Stack injections, data collected in 10-second observation intervals is adjusted to one-minute observation intervals.

Alternatively, you can create alerts only for specific metric events.

  1. Go to Settings > Anomaly detection and select Metric events.

  2. Select Add metric event.

  3. Define the following two events.

    Metric eventMetric keyThresholdViolating samplesSliding windowDealerting samples

    High GC suspension time


    25 %




    High GC total collection time


    24 s

  4. Select Save changes.