Install Dynatrace Operator add-on for AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS)

To use the Dynatrace Operator add-on for AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS), you need to install the add-on and then connect EKS with your environment.

Install Dynatrace Operator add-on for EKS

You can install the Dynatrace Operator add-on for AWS EKS through the AWS console or the CLI.

Install through AWS console

To install the Dynatrace Operator add-on for AWS EKS through the AWS console

  1. Go to your EKS cluster.

  2. In the Add-ons section, select Get more add-ons > AWS Marketplace add-ons.

  3. Filter for category Monitoring or search for Dynatrace to find the Dynatrace Operator add-on.

  4. Select the checkbox in the upper-right corner of the card and then select Next.

  5. optional Select the version for this add-on and IAM role.

  6. Select Next and review the configuration before applying.

  7. Select Create and wait for the operation to finish.

    • The cluster overview page displays a confirmation banner.
    • A new dynatrace namespace is created
    • Several resources are automatically deployed by rendering the underlying helm chart.

Installation through the CLI

To install the Dynatrace Operator add-on for AWS EKS through the CLI

  1. Check the availability of the add-on and its versions.

    aws eks describe-addon-versions --addon-name dynatrace_dynatrace-operator
  2. Deploy the add-on, specifying the version if necessary.

    aws eks create-addon --cluster-name <your_cluster_name> --addon-name dynatrace_dynatrace-operator --addon-version <version>
  3. Verify the successful installation.

    aws eks describe-addon --cluster-name <your_cluster_name> --addon-name dynatrace_dynatrace-operator

Connect EKS with your environment

  1. Create secret for access tokens.

    Create a secret named dynakube for the Dynatrace Operator token and data ingest token obtained in Tokens and permissions required.

    kubectl -n dynatrace create secret generic dynakube --from-literal="apiToken=<OPERATOR_TOKEN>" --from-literal="dataIngestToken=<DATA_INGEST_TOKEN>"
  2. Apply the DynaKube custom resource

    Monitoring with cloudNativeFullStack or appOnly (with CSI driver) is only supported for Dynatrace Operator version 0.15.0+.

    Download the DynaKube custom resource sample for cloud-native, full-stack from GitHub. In addition, you can review the available parameters or how-to-guides, and adapt the DynaKube custom resource according to your requirements.

    Run the command below to apply the DynaKube custom resource, making sure to replace <your-DynaKube-CR> with your actual DynaKube custom resource file name. A validation webhook will provide helpful error messages if there's a problem.

    kubectl apply -f <your-DynaKube-CR>.yaml
  3. optional Verify deployment

    Verify that your DynaKube is running and all pods in your Dynatrace namespace are running and ready.

    > kubectl get dynakube -n dynatrace
    dynakube https://<ENVIRONMENTID> Running 45s

    In a default DynaKube configuration, you should see the following pods:

    > kubectl get pods -n dynatrace
    dynakube-activegate-0 1/1 Running 0 50s
    dynakube-oneagent-b88rn 1/1 Running 0 50s
    dynakube-oneagent-m5jm4 1/1 Running 0 50s
    dynakube-oneagent-qhd9u 1/1 Running 0 50s
    dynatrace-oneagent-csi-driver-qxfwx 4/4 Running 0 2m49s
    dynatrace-oneagent-csi-driver-xk5c4 4/4 Running 0 2m49s
    dynatrace-oneagent-csi-driver-mz6ch 4/4 Running 0 2m49s
    dynatrace-operator-7dc8dc7d8c-wmh4z 1/1 Running 0 2m59s
    dynatrace-webhook-7bb6957fb5-l8fsq 1/1 Running 0 2m59s
    dynatrace-webhook-7bb6957fb5-rqnqk 1/1 Running 0 2m59s