If you’re looking to gain deeper insights into your Kubernetes environment, check out the deployment overview to learn about Application observability and Full-Stack observability. You can further expand your Kubernetes observability on Log Analytics, Digital Experience, and Application Security.
Before you begin
Before installing Dynatrace on your Kubernetes cluster, ensure that you meet the following requirements:
Your kubectl CLI is connected to the Kubernetes cluster that you want to monitor.
You have sufficient privileges on the monitored cluster to run kubectl or oc commands.
Cluster setup and configuration
You must allow egress for Dynatrace pods (default: Dynatrace namespace) to your Dynatrace environment URL.
When upgrading your Kubernetes observability setup to include application monitoring, we recommend that you install the CSI driver for improved efficiency. If you plan to expand towards cloud-native full-stack observability, installation of the CSI driver becomes mandatory.
When upgrading your Kubernetes observability setup to include application monitoring, we recommend that you install the CSI driver for improved efficiency. If you plan to expand towards cloud-native full-stack observability, installation of the CSI driver becomes mandatory.
Edit the values.yaml sample from GitHub, and then run the install command, passing the YAML file as an argument:
# For detailed instructions on DynaKube parameters in the spec section, visit https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/ingest-from/setup-on-k8s/reference/dynakube-parameters
# Dynatrace apiUrl including the /api path at the end.
# Replace 'ENVIRONMENTID' with your environment ID.
# For instructions on how to determine the environment ID and how to configure the apiUrl address, see https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/reference/dynatrace-concepts/environment-id/.
Run the command below to apply the DynaKube custom resource, making sure to replace <your-DynaKube-CR> with your actual DynaKube custom resource file name. A validation webhook will provide helpful error messages if there's a problem.
kubectl apply -f <your-DynaKube-CR>.yaml
optional Verify deployment
Verify that your DynaKube is running and all pods in your Dynatrace namespace are running and ready.
# For detailed instructions on DynaKube parameters in the spec section, visit https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/ingest-from/setup-on-k8s/reference/dynakube-parameters
# Dynatrace apiUrl including the /api path at the end.
# Replace 'ENVIRONMENTID' with your environment ID.
# For instructions on how to determine the environment ID and how to configure the apiUrl address, see https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/reference/dynatrace-concepts/environment-id/.
Run the command below to apply the DynaKube custom resource, making sure to replace <your-DynaKube-CR> with your actual DynaKube custom resource file name. A validation webhook will provide helpful error messages if there's a problem.
oc apply -f <your-DynaKube-CR>.yaml
optional Verify deployment
Verify that your DynaKube is running and all pods in your Dynatrace namespace are running and ready.
# For detailed instructions on DynaKube parameters in the spec section, visit https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/ingest-from/setup-on-k8s/reference/dynakube-parameters
# Dynatrace apiUrl including the /api path at the end.
# Replace 'ENVIRONMENTID' with your environment ID.
# For instructions on how to determine the environment ID and how to configure the apiUrl address, see https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/reference/dynatrace-concepts/environment-id/.
Run the command below to apply the DynaKube custom resource, making sure to replace <your-DynaKube-CR> with your actual DynaKube custom resource file name. A validation webhook will provide helpful error messages if there's a problem.
kubectl apply -f <your-DynaKube-CR>.yaml
optional Verify deployment
Verify that your DynaKube is running and all pods in your Dynatrace namespace are running and ready.
# For detailed instructions on DynaKube parameters in the spec section, visit https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/ingest-from/setup-on-k8s/reference/dynakube-parameters
# Dynatrace apiUrl including the /api path at the end.
# Replace 'ENVIRONMENTID' with your environment ID.
# For instructions on how to determine the environment ID and how to configure the apiUrl address, see https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/reference/dynatrace-concepts/environment-id/.
Run the command below to apply the DynaKube custom resource, making sure to replace <your-DynaKube-CR> with your actual DynaKube custom resource file name. A validation webhook will provide helpful error messages if there's a problem.
oc apply -f <your-DynaKube-CR>.yaml
optional Verify deployment
Verify that your DynaKube is running and all pods in your Dynatrace namespace are running and ready.