Ingest OpenTelemetry traces
Ingestion limits
The following limitations apply to OpenTelemetry trace ingest requests and ingested spans.
The minimum value of the span end timestamp at time of ingestion
The maximum value of the span end timestamp at time of ingestion
Number of span attributes
The maximum number of span attributes per span
The maximum number of events per span
Number of event attributes
The maximum number of attributes per span event
The maximum number of links per span
Number of link attributes
The maximum number of attributes per span link
The maximum size of an OTLP request for trace ingest to an ActiveGate (uncompressed data)
The maximum size of an OTLP request for trace ingest to an ActiveGate (compressed data)
1Typical limit of the OpenTelemetry SDK. Not limited by Dynatrace.
Trace ingestion metrics
The following Dynatrace-specific metrics can be useful when analyzing trace ingestion issues.
Number of OpenTelemetry spans ingested via the OLTP trace endpoint (ActiveGate or OneAgent) that were successfully received by Dynatrace
Number of OpenTelemetry spans preserved by Dynatrace; only preserved spans are available for distributed traces analysis
Number of OpenTelemetry spans that were not preserved by Dynatrace because of the indicated reason (for example, span end time out of range)