Dynatrace provides you with a framework that you can use to extend your observability into data acquired directly from your SNMP monitored devices.
We also provide an SNMP traps data source reporting a single metric that counts the number of traps sent by a defined source during a defined interval. For more information, see SNMP traps data source.
We assume the following:
Learn the prerequisites and scope of the supported technologies. For limits applying to your extension, see Extensions 2.0 limits.
Community strings.
For SNMP v3, the SNMP data source supports the NoAuthNoPriv
, authNoPriv
, and authPriv
security levels and the following authentication protocols:
These encryption algorithms are not officially specified, but they are often supported by network devices. See SNMPv3 with AES-256.
To learn how to define authentication in your monitoring configuration, see SNMP authentication.
SNMP monitoring with the Extensions 2.0 framework is performed by an ActiveGate. The requirements for the hosts depend on the following:
Depending on the number of devices and ingested lines, the ActiveGates performing SNMP monitoring need to meet the following hardware requirements:
)The estimated limits for the numbers of SNMP devices and ingested lines were determined in our internal tests. The actual values might vary depending on the complexity of your monitoring.
For example, the SNMP devices used in our tests were equipped with 20 communication interfaces. The actual number of interfaces has a direct impact on CPU usage and memory consumption.