Dedicated performance profile configuration

The dedicated performance profile offers powerful performance optimization for your Dynatrace environment. With the dedicated profile, you can enhance the computing capabilities of your ActiveGate host to improve monitoring and analysis capabilities.


  • The dedicated performance profile should be used on powerful instances, such as C6i.2xlarge.
  • When using the dedicated performance profile, no other ActiveGate functionality should be running simultaneously with extensions.
  • If you use ActiveGate groups, ensure that all ActiveGates within the group have the same custom configuration applied for the chosen performance profile.


To configure the ActiveGate for the dedicated performance profile

  1. Modify the file to restrict ActiveGate functionality to Extensions 2.0 only.
    aws_monitoring_enabled = false
    azure_monitoring_enabled = false
    cloudfoundry_monitoring_enabled = false
    kubernetes_monitoring_enabled = false
    log_analytics_collector_enabled = false
    vmware_monitoring_enabled = false
    dbAgent_enabled = false
    zremote_enabled = false
    synthetic_enabled = false
    beacon_forwarder_enabled = false
    metrics_ingest_enabled = false
    DumpSupported = false
    MSGrouter = false
    otlp_ingest_enabled = false
    restInterface = false
  2. Modify ActiveGate memory settings via the launcheruserconfig.conf file.
  3. Restart the ActiveGate to apply the configuration changes.
  4. Set the performance profile of the ActiveGate to Dedicated limits.