Latest Dynatrace
Upload a workflow or a workflow template for an easy and quick start with Workflows.
You need a Workflows JSON file extracted via Download a workflow or template or from the Automation REST API.
To upload a workflow
Go to Workflows.
Select Upload.
Choose your workflow JSON file.
If the workflow already exists
You need a Workflows template YAML file extracted via the Download a workflow or template or from the Automation REST API.
To upload a workflow template to create a new workflow
Go to Workflows.
Select Upload.
Choose your workflow template JSON file. Workflows check for workflow integration apps and connections the workflow needs.
In Import workflow, the Required apps section lists the necessary apps and the app version for this workflow.
Select Next.
In Import workflow, the Required connections section shows the necessary connections for workflow.
Select Import. Workflows save the workflow and open it in the editor view.