OneAgent release notes version 1.181

.NET Framework

.NET and .NET Core


    Current Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

    Dynatrace OneAgent 1.181 is the last version to support the following technologies
    • Node.js 11 for Node.js
      • The vendor has de-supported this technology and version with 2019-06-30
    • PHP 5.6 for PHP
      • The vendor has de-supported this technology and version with 2018-12-31

    Future Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

    Dynatrace OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version to support the following technologies
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 for Java

    Future Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 April 2025
    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2025
    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 June 2025
    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025
    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 October 2025

    Past Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 July 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024

    Other support changes

    • 32bit versions of Go applications
      OneAgent 1.181 is the last version that supports 32bit Go lang applications. 99.99 percent of all go applications are 64bit, which is why we decided not to support 32bit any longer.

    Other upcoming support changes

    • Java 6 WebSphere Application Server version 8.5 (EOS by IBM in April 2018)
      OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version that supports WebSphere version 8.5 with Java 6. Going forward, only combinations with Java 7 or higher will be supported
    • 32bit versions of Node.JS applications
      OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version that will support 32bit Node.JS applications. 99.99 percent of all Node.JS applications are 64bit, which is why we decided not to support 32bit any longer.

    Cloud platform support


    • OneAgent will support Kubernetes version 1.17 released in December 2019.
    • OneAgent Operator version 0.5 released into Operator Hub, Github, and Quay / RHCC.
    • OneAgent on Kubernetes will consider proper alerting when a pod is marked for termination
    • Detectable SSL errors are distinguished (untrusted, expired, hostname not matching) and presented in the Dynatrace UI.

    Cloud Foundry

    • Connecting to a CF foundation from the Dynatrace UI results in better login-failure handling. There is now a limit on the number of retries that can be attempted following authenticaion errors (5 per hour). This is configurable in using the keys lockoutAfterFailures and countFailuresWithinSeconds.
    • Detectable SSL errors are distinguished (untrusted, expired, hostname not matching) and presented in the Dynatrace UI.


    • OneAgent Operator version 0.5 released into Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog
    • Improved installation for OCP 3.11 by linking service accounts and secrets automatically

    Support changes

    • Kubernetes versions 1.12 or lower are no longer actively maintained by the Kubernetes community. The major public cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes 1.13 and higher. OneAgent version 1.181 is the last version that supports Kubernetes 1.12. Downstream exceptions for Azure AKS, Amazon EKS, Google GKE, Pivotal PKS, Pivotal Platform, and OpenShift may exist.
    • Redirects of requests to Kubernetes configuration API are removed with 1.181.

    Resolved issues

    General Availability (Build .181)

    The .181 GA release contains 52 resolved issues.

    Agent & SG

    • Verbose logging of container injection could result in huge log files that were not aged. (APM-199018)
    • Dimension value is validated before sending. (APM-203269)
    • Fixed problem with incorrect plugins initialization order. (APM-200979)
    • Reduced Os Agent CPU overhead when gathering memory usage statics. (APM-200795)
    • Problem with stopping hostagent fixed. (APM-201326)
    • Cloud Foundry foundation property problem fixed. (APM-205614)

    Agent Installer

    • Fixed issue with installation in custom path on RHEL 8 with SELinux enabled. (APM-201657)
    • OneAgent container image bootstrap script will now unmount /run/netns/.* to prevent compatibility issues with containerd. (APM-203660)


    • Changes in 1.175 could result in code modules on Linux not being able to connect to the cluster. (ONE-29229)
    • Resolved bug that may crash applications modified with prelink on glibc < 2.7. (ONE-29426)
    • Resolved a bug in the java main class detection in combination with the --add-opens JVM argument. (ONE-29748)
    • Addressed bug where the Agent could delay the startup of 32 bit applications on AIX, Solaris SPARC and Linux PPC BE. (ONE-30070)
    • For Spring Boot applications, jar file, main module and main class properties were not reported. (ONE-30121)
    • Addressed bug on Solaris that may prevent the agent from connecting to the cluster. (ONE-30179)
    • Tenant and connection parameter were not passed to special agent on Linux, when /proc/self/mem was not accessible. (ONE-30281)
    • Resolved bug in groupid calculation for Spring Boot applications when we can't find any Spring Boot properties. (ONE-30527)
    • Adding new detection string for azure linux vm. (ONE-29883)


    • Akka sensor does not detect user defined actor. (ONE-29559)
    • Agent causing deadlock in JRockit JVM during startup. (ONE-29462)
    • Do not throw IllegalArgumentException when handling malformed Cookie-header. (ONE-29237)


    • Initialization of the HttpRequest.ServerVariables collection was triggered by the agent, leading to possible uninitialized values. (ONE-29335)


    • Fix issue with forward/background CPU usage detection for web-requests. (ONE-29276)
    • Fixed 'ioredis' sensor issue in cluster mode. (ONE-29978)
    • Agent exception handling may cause a stack overflow when using module 'error-callsites'. (ONE-30755)


    • Fixed bug by enabling parsing and reporting of UEM Custom Client IP headers. (ONE-29515)
    • PHP Agent now handles the port passed along with a hostname in a host field when connecting to MySQL using MySQLi extension. (APM-202641)
    • Class search feature caused crash in rare scenario if there was no functions neither methods to process. (ONE-29803)
    • Fixed bug causing memory leak in php's request memory pool on custom service call. (ONE-30001)
    • Fixed bug which lead to change of application behavior of functions which returns by reference - when custom service or request attribute was set on this function. (ONE-30300)
    • Fixed PHP Agent NG crash on Windows when request attribute deep object access was triggered. (ONE-30389)
    • Fixed reporting of request uri in PHP NG agent causing wrong path on web requests view. (ONE-30514)


    • Fixed an issue with deregistering error handlers. (ONE-28931)
    • Fixed several issues that prevented the load action from finishing if iframes get removed during the page load. (ONE-27598)
    • Fixed an issue with setting headers on fetch requests. (ONE-28815)
    • Fixed a problem in the VisuallyComplete module if no images were detected. (ONE-29330)
    • Fixed a bug with callbacks in ActiveXObject requests. (ONE-29419)
    • JSAgent now also creates actions for "change" events per default. (ONE-29826)
    • Fixed an issue in IE11 when "null" listeners are registered. (ONE-29840)
    • Fixed a problem with clearing persistent values in browser storage. (ONE-29884)
    • Fixed an issue in the angular module that caused wrong URLs to be captured for xhrs. (ONE-30178)
    • Fixed an issue in the jquery module which is caused by multiple jquery frameworks being available on the same page. (ONE-30229)
    • Fixed an issue in the angular module caused by iterating properties, when SystemJS is used. (ONE-30240)


    • Due to an incorrectly handled corner case in processing gzipped HTML data, the agent would sometimes see incorrect content of the HTTP response body, leading to either missing out on opportunities to perform an HTML injection, or to malforming the HTML while performing the injection. (ONE-30574)

    OS Agent

    • Missing Winc technology type on PGI level fixed. (APM-195759)
    • Fix for kernel crashes reporting. (APM-202856)
    • Problem with missing container name fixed. (APM-202162)
    • Node.JS technology and version discovery has been optimized for containerized applications. The version will now be cached between different containers started from given image. (APM-203714)
    • Limiting cap_dac_override linux capabilities on for command which need SU. (APM-193803)
    • Fixing problem with wrong path to winc on windows. (APM-203361)
    • Name of mounted disk on aix read in proper way. (APM-208304)


    • OneAgent for iOS: major version was bumped to 8 and now use the sprint versioning scheme. For a summary of all changes please refer to the Blog post "Build apps your customers love and grow your business with Dynatrace mobile monitoring" - most noticeable changes are tvOS support and removal of UIWebView support. (ONE-30685)
    • OneAgent for Android: major version was bumped to 8 and now use the sprint versioning scheme. For a summary of all changes please refer to the Blog post "Save build time and make life easier with the new Android auto-instrumentation" - most noticeable change is a completely new and fast instrumentation. (ONE-30700)

    Early Adopter releases

    The following Early Adopter releases are in progress starting with this OneAgent release.

    Early Adopter
    PHP, MongoDB
    Min. OneAgent version
    Requires restart?
    Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitored technologies and switch PHP MongoDB for Linux (PHP NG Monitoring only) on.
    Enable this to get visibility into MongoDB statements in PHP applications. This feature is available for PHP NG Monitoring only with PHP MongoDB driver ver >= 1.3, Windows OS is not supported yet.
    Blog post
    Planned GA date
    Not yet confirmed