OneAgent and ActiveGate release notes version 1.175

Special Announcements


We're continuing our investments into OneAgent for AIX. Many in our customer base have considerable investment in AIX, including AIX 6.1. As such we are happy to announce the that the 1.175 OneAgent release will add support for AIX 6.1 TL9 SP9.

Our customers love the ease and simplicity of a OneAgent roll-out as well as the automatic deep monitoring via our code modules. For AIX automatic injection of code modules did not yet exit and proved to be a hurdle for many of our customers. We are happy to announce that Preview for full auto-injection of code modules is now available for all supported AIX 7.1 versions.

Non-privileged mode

It's been several months since we announced the Early Adopter release for OneAgent security improvements on Linux, which makes it effectively possible to use OneAgent on Linux without root permissions. We're happy to announce the GA release of this functionality.


  • The new Spring Boot detection added in OneAgent version 1.175 will result in changed process groups. If you prefer to stay with the previous behavior, please contact Support.


Database tracing using Couchbase Node.js client is now generally available


  • Added support for gRPC 1.17 - 1.28

Operating System

Future Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

Dynatrace OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version to support the following technologies
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 for Java

Future Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 April 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 June 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 October 2025

Past Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 July 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024

Other upcoming support changes

  • Pivotal Platform PAS version 2.3.x (End of general support by Pivotal in August 2019)

OneAgent version 1.179 is the last version that supports Pivotal Platform version 2.3.x.

  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.7 and lower (End of maintenance support by Red Hat ended in July 2019).

OneAgent version 1.179 is the last version that supports OpenShift 3.7.

  • Kubernetes versions 1.9 and lower are no longer actively maintained by the Kubernetes community. The major public cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes 1.10 or higher.

OneAgent version 1.179 is the last version that supports Kubernetes 1.9.

  • Java 6 WebSphere Application Server version 8.5 (EOS by IBM in April 2018)

OneAgent 1.183 will be the last version that supports WebSphere version 8.5 with Java 6. Going forward, only combinations with Java 7 or higher will be supported

Cloud Platform support


  • Across all AWS analysis views, impacted instances are displayed in red and promoted to the top of the list.

Cloud Foundry

  • We’ve extended full-stack visibility into Windows Server containers for Cloud Foundry (winc) in an Early Adopter release. To use it, you need to enable Winc for Windows Server containers on the container monitoring settings page.
  • Garden container and BOSH Process Manager (BPM) container monitoring have been released to General Availability. This means that this is now enabled by default in new Dynatrace environments.


  • OneAgent Operator version 0.4 release includes automatic configuration of Istio for enabling egress traffic to Dynatrace clusters. The newly introduced flag enableIstio (default false) allows you to let the OneAgent Operator manage the Istio service entries for OneAgent egress traffic. This means you no longer need to manage Service entries for Istio manually. Consult the documentation for upgrading to the new OneAgent Operator release.
  • We improved the status messages of ActiveGate integration with the Kubernetes API on the settings page.
  • We streamlined the units shown on the Kubernetes overview pages for CPU (mCores, Cores) and memory.


ActiveGate support changes

Here are the de-support plans for ActiveGate

  • OneAgent version 1.179 will be the last version to support only 32-bit host IDs. By that time, all ActiveGates earlier than version 1.154 must be upgraded to newer releases in order to properly support OneAgent 64 bit IDs. Failure to do this will result in OneAgent being unable to communicate with the Dynatrace Cluster via these earlier versions of ActiveGate. Other than that, this change will be completely transparent.


  • With HTTP monitors, it's now possible to use certificate-based authentication with HTTP monitor requests.
  • For browser monitors, proxy support for ActiveGate-resource proxy has been extended to proxy the s3 traffic necessary to store captured screenshot files.
  • Cluster ActiveGates can now act as synthetic-enabled ActiveGates and execute private synthetic monitors from Dynatrace Managed cluster-wide private locations.

Known issues

Depending on your internet access and speed, ActiveGate update may take a long time, and the installer may appear to have stopped responding even though the installation is in progress.

Do not cancel ActiveGate update for Windows

Let the update process finish. If you cancel while the new version is still downloading, you will not have any working ActiveGate installation on this host.


If you canceled the ActiveGate update and unintentionally removed the ActiveGate installation from your host:

  1. Make a copy of the content of the %PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\gateway\config folder.
    This folder contains configuration files or backups of configuration files from the removed ActiveGate.

  2. Install ActiveGate with the old configuration files still in the %PROGRAMDATA%\dynatrace\gateway\config folder.

  3. Verify that the old configuration files have been included in the current ActiveGate configuration files.
    If they are not, manually copy selected settings from your backup to the current ActiveGate configuration files.

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build .175)

The .175 GA release contains 89 resolved issues.


  • oneagent service script could log invalid syntax error when stopping the agent. (APM-183460)
  • Linux / AIX installer now explicitly disallows using INSTALL_PATH=/. (APM-184207)
  • Windows uninstaller did not remove agent.state file if the agent was installed in a custom path. (APM-186832)
  • User sees the same database statements under 'SQL Modifications' and 'SQL Queries and Procedures'. (ONE-26436)
  • Request attributes processing returns <invalid format of raw string> although search string is contained. (ONE-26433)
  • Add support for Vertica JDBC driver. (ONE-26380)
  • Missing PMI metrics for Websphere running on Solaris. (ONE-25434)
  • Fix for crashing during compilation in php function with finally (PHP NG). (ONE-26841)
  • Preventing phpagent against crashing during calling php error callback for fatal errors. (ONE-26661)
  • OneAgent for iOS: improved support for delegate change between parent and subclass. (ONE-26454)
  • OneAgent for iOS: improved web request linking for custom NSURLProtocol implementations. (ONE-27091)
  • Cordova Plugin: now breaks the build when JavaScript agent is missing. (ONE-27273)

Agent & SG

  • Fixed false-positive injection suppression messages for non-Docker container deployments. (APM-184982)
  • AppDomain discovery is now disabled in default configuration. This will prevent DynatraceDotNetLogger related Windows Events on environments where this feature is not in use. (APM-192296)
  • Reduced the frequency at which OSAgent checks for delayed .NET instantiation. This will reduce CPU footprint on environments, where .NET processes take long to instantiate .NET VM or never do it. (APM-190373)
  • Fixed missing opcache reporting. (APM-187031)
  • fix for crash on uninitialized debugflags in case of compiled php script inside couchbase 2.2 php extension. (APM-185053)
  • Fix storage of HTTP headers in cUrl sensor in PHP NG oneagent. (APM-191306)
  • Synthetic module installation should fail if the ROOT user was configured to run Active Gate services. (APM-185936)
  • EAP Windows Autoupdate, RPM has no tenant data after updating from 167 to 169. (APM-183795)
  • Fixed setting of NPROC limit. (APM-185614)
  • Improved status message related to Synthetic installation. (APM-185858)
  • Issue with activeGate plugin module installation. when /var is mounted with noexec attribute. (APM-186860)
  • Fixed issue: Agentless RUM missing after upgrade of Cluster AG 1.167. (APM-190382)


  • In case the server-id of an incoming tag does not match (cross server tagging), outgoing tags did have the entry-agent-id, and entry-tag-id from that incoming tag. This is now fixed so that such tags do contain the correct tagging information like in case of a root-path. This allows the server to correlate in the correct way. (ONE-26971)


  • Resolved memory leak in OneAgent with processes where the environment exceeds 32KiB. (ONE-28050)
  • Incorrect handling of O_TMPFILE could result in failing docker-compose. (ONE-28049)
  • Failing garden detection could result in unmonitored Cloud Foundry containers. (ONE-27588)
  • Dynamic loading of libraries could cause a crash of monitored processes on Solaris. (ONE-27872)
  • Agent startup parameter "name" was deprecated, use "agentname" instead. Though it still works as a fallback, but doesn't supersede the potentially set environment variable DT_AGENTNAME anymore. (ONE-27396)
  • In a CloudFoundry environment, the customer configured tags are now visible in the UI even if the Dynatrace service is not configured to be the first item in the list. (ONE-26473)
  • Fixes blanking of passwords for SQL strings that contain passwords which are not in quotes. (ONE-27207)
  • fixed problem with inheriting stack size from php instances on windows x86. (ONE-28272)


  • Some IBM MQ messaging nodes were not captured. (ONE-24994)
  • The collection of method hotspots on Linux might cause a managed thread pool starvation. (ONE-25249)
  • The collection of method hotspots on Windows might cause a starvation of ASP.NET requests when hosted in IIS. (ONE-27135)
  • OneAgent introduced an implicit assembly reference, which caused a System.IO.FileNotFound exception when enumerating the attributes of all types via reflection. (ONE-27386)
  • Fix memory dumping on Azure Windows hosts: determining free space for network shares now works. (ONE-24995)


  • Avoid creating separate Dynatrace services for each method in a GRPC service. (ONE-27258)


  • Fixed crash inside custom services on php final function. (ONE-26841)
  • fixing problem with custom services for php function on windows. (APM-189969)
  • Preventing phpagent against crashing during calling php error callback for fatal errors. (ONE-26661)
  • Fixing wrong pattern in log entry which might crash phpagent. (ONE-28052)
  • fixing crash for external php extension which are evaluating php code during module initialization. (ONE-27940)
  • Fixed memory leak when PHP exceptions are thrown. (APM-193622)
  • Custom Services endswith criteria for filename fixed. (ONE-28170)


  • Agent potentially causes concurrent read/write errors when accessing HTTP response header map. (ONE-27055)


  • Fixed a problem that occurred if the RUM JavaScript tag was used in a mobile app and sessionstate v3 or v4 was used. (ONE-26551)
  • Fixed an issue that caused missing XHR actions in case there are two jquery versions on the same page. (ONE-26024)
  • Fixed an issue that caused resources to show up on the wrong action in the waterfall. (ONE-25807)
  • Fixed the workaround for the IE bug that shows a popup if navigator.cookieEnabled is accessed in a modal dialog. (ONE-25865)
  • Added support for the dojo internal API "onResourceLoad". (ONE-26103)
  • Fixed a problem that occurred when the "self" object has been overridden. (ONE-26000)
  • Fixed an error in the jquery module that happens if registering an event handler is attempted with an empty element. (ONE-26279)
  • Fixed an issue in an older Safari version where PerformanceResourceTiming was not available yet. (ONE-26402)
  • Improved the performance of action name detection in some cases. (ONE-26442)
  • Fixed a long running script warning for IE7. (ONE-26524)
  • Fixed an issue that happened on IE, when DOM Elements were iterated and caused a slowdown or even a crash. (ONE-26609)
  • Fixed an issue that caused problems if a very specific set of RUM JavaScript modules were active at the same time. (ONE-26802)
  • Fixed an issue that broke the Visually Complete calculation if the customers code contains a faulty Array.prototype.reduce function. (ONE-26955)
  • Fixed a minor issue that caused duplicate injection of the RUM JavaScript tag in some scenarios. (ONE-26774)
  • Fixed an error that occurred during the Visually Complete calculation if an object from an already removed iframe is accessed. (ONE-27380)


  • Prevent "Unexpected service" service calls on HTTP CONNECT requests. (ONE-27071)

OS Agent

  • Removed excessive logging of communication endpoint reordering. (APM-195314)
  • Enhanced performance of injection decision prediction. (APM-182533)
  • Added verification of additional content types used by different versions of OpenStack in VM metadata. This addresses occasional lack of relationship between OpenStack VM and hypervisor Compute Node. (APM-183226)
  • OSAgent is now able to restore original environment of injected processes, in case they are later modified. This allows us to report environment-based properties, such as Cloud Foundry organization, for processes that change their environment. (APM-174358)
  • Added discovery of CRI-O for Kubernetes version 1.14.1+. (APM-184204)
  • Fixed attempts to inject into docker-runc processes. This will have a small positive impact on CPU footprint on environments with high container dynamics, using Docker distribution that include docker-runc. (APM-186810)
  • Added support for containerD under IBM Cloud Kubernetes. (APM-194283)


  • Introduced additional sanitization of process level CPU consumption on AIX. (APM-182753)
  • Fixed issue, where OSAgent would keep attempting to connect to uninstalled Active Gate. (APM-193537)
  • Synthetic Engine configuration fetcher doesn't recover after an error which may lead to stopped execution of private Browser Monitors. (APM-186842)

Session Replay

  • Some browsers not supporting custom mime types on XHR beacons for Session Replay and some scenarios can lead to ActiveGate exhaustion, requiring a restart. (ONE-27513)
  • Fixed issue with Firefox recording raising error "Cannot use the given object as a weak map key". (ONE-26577)
  • Fixed issue with IE11 recording raising a DataCloneError. (ONE-26578)
  • Fixed issue with SeaMonkey recording raising error "Argument 3 of window.postMessage can't be converted to a sequence". (ONE-26580)
  • Sampling the collection of Session Replay performance beacons. (ONE-27673)
  • Fixed an exception occurring on browsers not supporting session recording, when attempting to initialize a 'Set' instance. (ONE-28120)


  • Fixed memory leak caused by Xvfb process launched by Synthetic Module. (APM-183497)
  • Fixed issues with closing timing-out browsers. (APM-183660)
  • Underrated test executions throughput on hosts reporting lowered total memory value. (APM-185432)
  • Passing proper Xmx setting while launching Synthetic Module. (APM-186491)
  • Engine configuration not finished when receiving the unknown property. (APM-186737)
  • Synthetic monitor executions ending with an error are discarded in case of a temporary drop in location performance. (APM-187103)
  • Browser version not reported on Windows hosts. (APM-190265)
  • Synthetic monitor execution not recovering after temporary Beacon Forwarder unavailability or misconfiguration of Cluster Active Gate's URL. (APM-190345)
  • api.getContext() method is not returning location information. (APM-190605)
  • Fixed issues with the startup of Synthetic Module v175 on Windows hosts. (APM-198207)

Early Adopter releases

The following Early Adopter releases are in progress starting with this OneAgent release.

Early Adopter
Go, gRPC
Min. OneAgent version
Requires restart?
Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitored technologies and switch Go gRPC on.
Enable this feature to trace gRPC calls in Go applications.
Blog post
Planned GA date
Not yet confirmed
Early Adopter
Min. OneAgent version
Requires restart?
Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitored technologies and switch Java CompletableFuture on.
Enable this to properly link PurePaths using CompletableFuture async methods.
Blog post
Planned GA date
Not yet confirmed
Early Adopter
Java, gRPC
Min. OneAgent version
Requires restart?
Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitored technologies and switch Java gRPC on.
Enable this feature to trace gRPC calls in Java applications.
Blog post
Planned GA date
Not yet confirmed