Migrate from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator

Understand and configure the DynaKube custom resource

The DynaKube custom resource (CR) replaces the OneAgent custom resource. The DynaKube CR follows the "don't repeat yourself" (DRY) principle to deploy a number of different components to your Kubernetes cluster.

Each section includes an illustration of the differences between the two custom resources, what changes from the old custom resource to the new one (marked with green), and what stays the same in both custom resource (marked with blue).

Changing operators will change the host ID calculations for monitored hosts, which will lead to monitoring anomalies in the Dynatrace UI.

Classic full-stack migration

Follow the instructions below to migrate from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator for classic full-stack injection.

Migration of properties

Global parameters (spec)
The following settings are global, shared by every component, and located under spec.

  • apiUrl

  • tokens1

  • skipCertCheck

  • proxy

  • trustedCAs

  • networkZone

  • customPullSecret

  • enableIstio


Tokens must point to an existing secret.

Application-only migration

Follow the instructions below to migrate from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator for automatic application-only injection.

Cloud native app only

Global parameters (spec)
The following settings are global, shared by every component, and located under spec.

  • apiUrl

  • tokens1

  • skipCertCheck

  • proxy

  • trustedCAs

  • networkZone

  • customPullSecret

  • enableIstio


Tokens must point to an existing secret.

Migrate from OneAgent Operator to Dynatrace Operator

You can migrate from the deprecated OneAgent Operator to the new Dynatrace Operator that manages the lifecycle of several Dynatrace components such as OneAgent, routing, and Kubernetes API Monitor. Additional components will be added as new observability features become available.

Select one of the following options, depending on your deployment methods.

Migrate Manifests

  1. Delete OneAgent Operator and the dynatrace namespace/project.

    kubectl delete -f https://github.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-oneagent-operator/releases/download/<version>/kubernetes.yaml
    kubectl delete namespace dynatrace
  2. Set up monitoring with Dynatrace Operator.

Migrate with Helm

  1. Remove OneAgent Operator, the Helm repository, and the dynatrace namespace/project.

    helm uninstall dynatrace-oneagent-operator
    kubectl delete -f https://github.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-oneagent-operator/releases/download/v0.10.2/dynatrace.com_oneagentapms.yaml
    kubectl delete -f https://github.com/Dynatrace/dynatrace-oneagent-operator/releases/download/v0.10.2/dynatrace.com_oneagents.yaml
    helm repo remove dynatrace
    kubectl delete namespace dynatrace
  2. Set up monitoring with Dynatrace Operator.