Azure Native Dynatrace Service

Azure Marketplace integration enables you to build a streamlined experience for purchasing, configuring, and managing the APM solution directly inside the Azure portal. After setting up the integration, Dynatrace appears as an Azure native service, and you can manage its configuration from Azure Portal.


  • Seamless onboarding: Easy onboarding to Dynatrace SaaS as an integrated service on Azure via Azure Marketplace. To set up the integration:
    • No event hubs, cloud functions, or configurations are required
  • Unified billing: Get a single bill for all the resources you consume on Azure, including all Dynatrace SaaS consumption.
  • Single sign-on: You don't need separate credentials for the Dynatrace portal. Sign in once on the Azure portal and seamlessly transition to Dynatrace when needed.
  • Log monitoring: Enables forwarding of subscription activity and resource logs to Dynatrace. For details, see Log Monitoring Classic.
  • OneAgent deployment: You get a unified management experience of Dynatrace OneAgents. You can install and uninstall Dynatrace OneAgents as extensions on Azure Virtual Machines and Azure App Services.


  • The integration will create a new Dynatrace environment and account; it can't run on an existing Dynatrace environment.

The Azure Native Dynatrace service is available via the Azure marketplace.

For getting a customized private offer for the Azure Native Dynatrace Service, reach out to Dynatrace sales via email to


Step 1 Activate the private plan for Azure Native Dynatrace Service

The Azure Native Dynatrace Service is available via a private plan. To have Dynatrace create a private plan for you, contact Dynatrace. Once you accept the offer, the private plan for Azure Native Dynatrace Service will be accessible on Azure Marketplace.

Step 2 Register the Dynatrace resource provider

To create and manage the Dynatrace resources using the Azure Portal, you need to register a Dynatrace resource provider named Dynatrace.Observability in your Azure subscription.

Step 3 Set up permissions

General permissions

  • You need a Contributor permission to the Azure subscription.

The first user creating the first Dynatrace resource and environment in a subscription becomes the Dynatrace account owner of the Dynatrace account that is created during the integration deployment. For all subsequent Dynatrace resources and environments that are created in the same subscription by other users, the account owner will also have full permissions.

SSO permissions

If you use Microsoft Entra ID as your identity provider, you can establish single sign-on (SSO) from the Azure portal to Dynatrace. If you use a different identity provider or you don't want to establish SSO, you can skip this section.

To enable single sign-on authentication for your Dynatrace resource, you need to set up SSO in Microsoft Entra ID.

After setting up SSO in Active Directory, you can enable SSO during or after the Azure integration deployment.

Set up the integration

When you first deploy the Azure Native Dynatrace Service, a new Dynatrace environment hosted on a new Dynatrace resource is created.

  • The Dynatrace resource is created in the Azure subscription and resource group that you select during the installation deployment. You can configure, manage, and troubleshoot issues on your Dynatrace resource from the Azure Portal.

  • The Dynatrace environment is created in the same Azure region in which you create the Dynatrace resource. In this new environment:

    • After you install OneAgent, you can start monitoring metrics from your Azure resources. You can also collect metrics from the default services
    • You can collect logs from your Azure resources
    • You do not need an environment ActiveGate for this integration.

To set up the integration

  1. Go to the Azure subscription where you want to create the Dynatrace resource.

  2. Select Resources, and then select Create.

  3. Search for Azure Native Dynatrace Service. You should see the message that a private product is available.

  4. Select the tile Azure Native Dynatrace Service.

  5. In the list for choosing a plan, select the private plan that you accepted in Activate the private plan for Azure Native Dynatrace Service and then select Subscribe.

  6. On Create a new Dynatrace environment, select Create.

  7. In Basics, for Resource group, specify whether to create a new resource group or use an existing one.

    A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. For more information, see Azure Resource Group overview.

  8. Enter a Resource name for the Dynatrace resource, and then select a Region from the dropdown menu. The Dynatrace resource in Azure and the Dynatrace environment will be created in the selected region.

  9. Select your Pricing plan, and then select Next: Metrics and Logs.

  10. optional Select whether to Send subscription activity logs and/or Send Azure resource logs. For details, see Configure metrics and logs.

    If you select Send Azure resource logs for all defined services, Azure resource logs are sent for all defined resources by default, which means logs are collected for all supported resources. To filter the specific set of Azure resources sending logs to Dynatrace, you can use Azure resource tags. Tag rules are:

    • Azure resources with Include tags send logs to Dynatrace.
    • Azure resources with Exclude tags don't send logs to Dynatrace.
    • If there's a conflict between inclusion and exclusion rules, exclusion takes priority.
  11. Select Next: Single sign-on.

  12. optional Choose whether to Enable SSO through Microsoft Entra ID.

    • If you don't want to enable this feature, select Next: Tags.
    • If you want to enable this feature, select it, select the Dynatrace application ID that is displayed, and then select Next: Tags.
  13. optional Specify tags for the new Dynatrace resource, and then select Next: Review + create.

  14. Verify if the information submitted is correct, and then select Create. When the deployment is complete, you can select Go to resource to navigate to the specific Dynatrace resource.

Ensure that your Azure account has access to the Dynatrace account with the following permissions:

  • View Account
  • View Environment
  • Install OneAgent
  • Manage Monitoring Settings

For more details, see Environment permissions.

After deploying the Azure integration, you can:

  • Link more Azure subscriptions to your newly created Dynatrace environment.

  • Link more Dynatrace environments to a single Azure subscription.

    When linking multiple Azure subscriptions and creating the resource, you must have Dynatrace Account privileges tenant-manage-settings and tenant-agent-install permissions. For more information on how to configure these permissions, see Role-based permissions.

Follow the steps below, making sure to repeat the procedure for every subscription that you want to link.

  1. Go to Azure Portal and search for Azure Native Dynatrace Service from the top search bar.

  2. Select Azure Native Dynatrace Service.

  3. Select Create.

  4. In Basics, for Resource group, specify whether to create a new resource group or use an existing one.

    A resource group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. For more information, see Azure Resource Group overview.

  5. Enter a Resource name and then select a Region from the dropdown menu.

    The Dynatrace environment to link and your new Dynatrace resource must be in the same region.

  6. Select the Dynatrace environment to link to the Azure subscription, and then select Next: Metrics and Logs.

  7. optional Select whether to Send subscription activity logs and/or Send Azure resource logs. For details, see Configure metrics and logs.

    If you select Send Azure resource logs for all defined services, Azure resource logs are sent for all defined resources by default, which means that logs are collected for all supported resources. To filter the specific set of Azure resources sending logs to Dynatrace, you can use Azure resource tags. Tag rules are:

    • Azure resources with Include tags send logs to Dynatrace.
    • Azure resources with Exclude tags don't send logs to Dynatrace.
    • If there's a conflict between inclusion and exclusion rules, exclusion takes priority.
  8. Skip Next: Single sign-on (you can only configure SSO after deployment) and then select Next: Tags.

  9. optional Specify tags for the new Dynatrace resource, and then select Next: Review + create.

  10. Verify if the information submitted is correct, and then select Create. When the deployment is complete, you can select Go to resource to navigate to the specific Dynatrace resource.

Access your Dynatrace environment

After you set up the integration, you can access your Dynatrace environment directly from Azure Portal.

In Azure Portal, go to your Dynatrace resource and select Overview. All details of your Dynatrace environment will appear there, including direct links to the following web UI pages:

Configure metrics and logs


  • You can activate metrics after the Azure integration deployment.

Step 1 Collect metrics from Virtual Machines and App Services

To start collecting metrics from your Virtual Machines and App Services, you need to install Dynatrace OneAgent on these resources as an extension .

Step 2 Collect metrics from cloud services

All services and metrics are enabled by default. You can disable them if needed by selecting the delete button from the list of services. After Dynatrace connects to your Azure environment, it immediately starts monitoring Azure's built-in services for the service principal you have defined. Classic (formerly "built-in") Azure metrics lists the metrics of Azure cloud services monitored by default.

Manage cloud services

All cloud services are monitored by default, but you can quickly disable them from the list or re-enable them as needed.

To add services to monitoring

  1. Go to Settings > Cloud and virtualization > Azure.
  2. On the Azure overview page, find the connection that you want to change and select Edit Edit in that row.
  3. Under Services, select Manage services.
  4. For each service that you want to add: select Add service, select the service from the list, and then select Add service.
  5. Select Save changes to save your configuration.

After you add a service, Dynatrace automatically starts collecting a set of metrics for that service.

Recommended metrics:

  • Are enabled by default and can't be disabled.
  • Can come with recommended dimensions (enabled by default, can't be disabled) and optional dimensions (disabled by default, can be enabled).

Apart from the recommended metrics, most services offer the possibility of enabling optional metrics that can be added and configured manually.

To see the complete list of Azure cloud services and learn about the metrics collected for each of them, see All Azure cloud services.

Alternatively, you can check the list of supported Azure services within in-product Dynatrace Hub (search for Azure) or in the web version of Dynatrace Hub.

  1. Go to Settings > Cloud and virtualization > Azure.
  2. On the Azure overview page, find the connection that you want to change and select Edit Edit in that row.
  3. Under Services, select Manage services.
  4. Select the service for which you want to add metrics. The service details page lists the metrics you are already monitoring for that service.
  5. Select Add metric.
  6. From the Add new metric list, select the metric and then select Add metric.
  7. Select Expand row to expand the metric details and configure the metric.
  8. Select Apply to save your configuration.

After you select the cloud services and save your changes, monitoring of the newly added services starts automatically.


You can set up two types of logs from Azure to Dynatrace: subscription activity logs and Azure resource logs.

Subscription activity logs

Subscription activity logs provide insights into the operations (PUT, POST, DELETE) performed on each Azure resource in your subscription (the management plane). For each Azure subscription, there's a single activity log.

Azure resource logs

Azure resource logs provide insights into operations that were performed within an Azure resource (the data plane), such as getting a secret from a key vault or making a request to a database. The content of resource logs varies by the Azure service and resource type.

All Azure services in the Azure Monitor log categories ingest logs, including Microsoft Entra ID and Azure Monitor Integration Service.

For a list of Azure resource logs, see Supported categories for Azure Monitor resource logs.

How to activate logs after deployment

Azure Native Dynatrace Service automatically enables log forwarding in the Azure subscription where the Dynatrace resource is enabled. Log forwarding is enabled for all supported services and resources. Tag filtering rules can be defined to include or exclude certain Azure resources from sending logs.

Azure Native Dynatrace Service uses Dynatrace access token called azure-native-integration which is rotated every 24 hours.

Create tags

You can apply tags to your Azure resources, resource groups, and subscriptions to logically organize them into a taxonomy. You can specify tags for the new Dynatrace resource in Azure by adding custom key/value pairs:

  • For Name, enter the name of the tag corresponding to the Azure Dynatrace resource (for example, owner).
  • For Value, enter the value of the tag corresponding to the Azure Dynatrace resource (for example, the owner's email account).

If you don't set any tags, all logs from the monitored resources on your Azure subscription are sent to Dynatrace.

How to create tags after deployment

On the Azure Portal, go to your new Dynatrace resource, and then select Tags. Alternatively, you can select Monitored resources, and then select Edit tags for the desired resources.

Manage monitored resources in Azure Portal

After deploying the Azure Native Dynatrace Service, you can view, manage, and monitor your Azure resources, and you can install OneAgent on your Azure Virtual Machines and Azure App Services.

To view your list of resources, on the Azure Portal, go to your Dynatrace resource and select Monitored resources. You can filter the list of resources displayed by Resource name (Azure resource name), Resource type (Azure resource type), Resource group (resource group name for the Azure resource), Region (location of the Azure resource), and Logs to Dynatrace (whether the resource is sending logs to Dynatrace).

Deploy OneAgent on Azure Virtual Machines and Azure App Services

  • You can deploy OneAgent after the Azure integration deployment.

To monitor your Azure Virtual Machines or Azure App Services, you can install Dynatrace OneAgent on these resources as an extension.

If you cannot see the App Service in Dynatrace after enabling the integration, restart your App Service plan.

To run OneAgent on Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Dynatrace Azure integration, use the Dynatrace OneAgent extension for Virtual Machines and create a PaaS token.

Uninstall the Azure Native Dynatrace Service

To uninstall the Azure Native Dynatrace Service, you need to delete the Dynatrace resource. When the Dynatrace resource is deleted from Azure, logs and metrics are no longer sent to Dynatrace and all billing for Dynatrace through Azure Marketplace stops.

To delete the Dynatrace resource

  1. On the Azure Portal, go to your Dynatrace resource and select Overview.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Enter the name of the application you want to delete, then select Delete.

How to request new features

If you have a feature request, use the Microsoft Developer Community to suggest new features.


Log ingest FAQ