Latest Dynatrace
With Notebooks , you can create powerful, data-driven documents for custom analytics.
Notebooks are your go-to place for data exploration.
Custom analytics
Query, analyze, and visualize all your observability data such as logs, metrics, and events powered by Grail.
Extract fields
Use the DPL Architect tool to extract additional typed fields from the data in Grail.
Create and collaborate on interactive, data-driven, and persistent documents.
Fetch external data
Fetch and incorporate external data by running Dynatrace functions.
Give context
Annotate and add context with markdown.
Notebooks can consist of multiple sections:
You can use the Explore options to explore your logs, metrics, and business events with our point-and-click interface. With zero knowledge of DQL or coding, you can create and start using notebook sections in minutes.
For more information, we have a whole Explore data page that shows you how to create Explore sections.
The query sections allow you to easily query data from Grail and visualize the result in different ways.
The query section consists of a query input where you can write a DQL query. In the query input, use Ctrl+Space to trigger autocompletion at any time.
You can control the timeframe for the query via the timeframe dropdown list. If the timeframe is defined in the query itself, the dropdown list is disabled.
The code section enables you to fetch data for your notebook using Dynatrace functions.
A markdown section can be anything from a minor note about something on the dashboard to a whole page of formatted information with links and pictures.
Easy to edit:
Attractive to look at:
To insert queries from your notebook with autocomplete, use Ctrl+Space.
You can link to other places in your notebook and elsewhere.
A link in Markdown is a label and link of the form [label](address)
, where:
is freeform text to display on the link in your Markdown tile or sectionaddress
specifies what to open when someone selects the link, such as a website or a Dynatrace appLink to | Syntax and examples |
Website |
Notebooks app |
Specific notebook | Syntax:
To get the address
Specific notebook section | Syntax:
To get the address
To create a new notebook
In the Dynatrace Launcher, select Notebooks.
The Notebooks app starts.
Select the in the app header. New notebooks are always blank and created as drafts. Drafts are not saved automatically. To save a notebook, select Save in the application header.
To create a notebook section using Davis CoPilot to translate your natural language questions into DQL queries
Go to Notebooks and open or create a notebook you can edit.
Open the Add menu and select Davis CoPilot. A new Davis CoPilot notebook section is created with an empty prompt box.
In the prompt box, type a prompt. Try average cpu usage percentage by host
or see the examples displayed in the web UI for inspiration.
optional If your prompt doesn't specify the timeframe, you can still specify it in your section header. The default is Last 2 hours.
Select Run. Davis CoPilot generates and runs the query for you.
optional If you want to see the generated query before running it, open the menu next to the Run button and select Generate DQL only.
Review the results.
optional Select the Options in the section header to change the visualization (refer to the visualization-specific documentation for more information).
To have Dynatrace automatically select a visualization for your query, turn on Auto select in the upper-right corner of your visualization settings pane.
The Explore sections offer the easiest way to get started.
The fastest and easiest way to explore your data is with our new Explore tiles and sections. In a few seconds, you can find and analyze your logs, metrics, or business events. No DQL required!
To add data to a notebook
Open the Add menu and select DQL.
An empty section is added to the notebook and an Options side panel opens on the right.
In the section edit box, use the Dynatrace Query Language (DQL) to define your query.
Select Run to execute the DQL query. The Notebooks app automatically visualizes the result.
Select Add title to add the title header to this notebook section.
Select a visualization to display your results in your preferred format. Adjust visualization settings as needed.
To have Dynatrace automatically select a visualization for your query, turn on Auto select in the upper-right corner of your visualization settings pane.
To add code fetching data for your notebook using Dynatrace functions
To have Dynatrace automatically select a visualization for your query, turn on Auto select in the upper-right corner of your visualization settings pane.
To add a Markdown-formatted annotation to a notebook
To see the edit commands for a section, select the section.
Use Open with to copy a notebook section to another document (such as a different notebook or a dashboard).
An easy way to start a new notebook is to use Open with to copy reusable sections from existing notebooks to a new notebook and then edit the copied sections in the new notebook.
To copy a notebook section to a dashboard (as a dashboard tile)
In the notebook, select the notebook section that you want to copy to a dashboard.
Select > Open with.
In the Open with… window, select the Dashboards option.
A Select destination box is displayed.
In Select destination, you can create a new dashboard or select an existing dashboard.
Select Add.
The dashboard opens with the selected section copied into it.
For details, see Open with.
To create a copy of a section within your notebook
To move a section up or down within your notebook
Alternate method:
To remove a section from your notebook
To filter data, you can specify segments for a section.
In the action bar for that section, select and, in Filter by segments, select a segment.
If the segment requires an additional value selection, select it now.
To add another segment, select Segment. Repeat this step for each segment you want to add for the selected notebook section.
Select Apply to apply the selection.
To run a code section
After you run a code section, you can clear the code results
To display the code in a code section
Select the section.
Select Show code.
The code is displayed in a panel above the section.
To hide the code panel again, select Hide code.
To run a query section
After you run a query section, you can clear the query results
To display the query in a query section
Select the section.
Select Show query.
The query is displayed in a panel above the section.
To hide the query panel again, select Hide query.
To open the Options panel (where you can select and customize a visualization for your section)
To copy a link to a section
To download (export) the result of the current dashboard tile or notebook section
Hover over the tile or section to display available commands.
On the command bar, select More actions > Download result > [format].
The result is downloaded to a local file in the selected format.
The selection of download formats available depends on the visualization.
Some visualizations offer no option for downloading the result.
To add your notebook to the Dock for easy access, open the menu next to the notebook name and select Add to Dock.
If you own a document (dashboard or notebook), you can share it.
There are two ways to share a document with other Dynatrace users in your company:
These methods are not mutually exclusive. For example, you can maintain a focused list of users for ongoing access to the document (maybe everyone in a certain group edits the document regularly) and you can create and distribute view-only links for a wider audience as needed.
In either case, you control whether people can edit the document or only view it.
For details on sharing documents, see Share documents.
You can also export a notebook as a JSON file and send the JSON to others. For details, see export/import.
When you create a document (dashboard or notebook), you are the owner. To give ownership of the document to another Dynatrace user
Open the document menu and select Change owner.
Find and select a new owner, and then select Change owner.
When you change the document owner, you immediately lose access to the document.
After the transfer is complete, the new owner will receive email about the document ownership transfer.
To print a notebook or export it to PDF
Open your notebook.
optional Prepare your notebook sections for printing.
For example:
From the notebook menu, select Print view.
A printable view of the notebook is displayed on a Print preview page with print settings displayed at the top.
Select the page size (A4
or US Letter
) and orientation (Portrait
or Landscape
), and then select Print.
The notebook is displayed in a print options window. Each notebook section prints to a new page.
Make additional print settings as needed, and then select Save or Print (depending on the print destination) to finish.
mode, a table may overlap the next section.To analyze data using Davis analyzers
Explore a timeseries.
In your document (dashboard or notebook)
Select to add a new section or tile, and then select Metrics to explore metrics.
In Select metric, select Infrastructure > CPU > CPU usage %.
Set Split by to
Set Limit to the maximum number of series to analyze. Davis analyzer currently supports analysis up to 1000 series.
You should get something like this:
Run the query.
In the options panel on the right, scroll down and expand Davis AI.
On the Davis AI panel, set Analyzers to the analyzer you want to use, and then configure the analyzer.
For details, see Anomaly detection configuration.
For details, see Anomaly detection configuration.
For details, see Anomaly detection configuration.
, the last two data points are ignored and a forecast for these points is returned as well.For details, see Davis® forecast analysis.
You can use the default values or turn on Show advanced properties to fine-tune these settings.
By default, the analyzer is not enabled. To enable it, turn on the switch at the top of the edit panel (switch from Davis analyzer is not active to Davis analyzer is active).
To view the results, select the Davis AI analysis visualization and expand the Davis AI analysis chart section to review or change the visualization-specific settings:
The Davis AI analysis visualization has two sections: chart and visualization. You can use the Visible sections setting to display either or both of them.
To detect when CPU usage percent exceeds 70 percent, in your document (dashboard or notebook)
Select to add a new section or tile, and then select Metrics to explore metrics.
In Select metric, select Infrastructure > CPU > CPU usage %.
Set Split by to
Set Limit to the maximum number of series to analyze. Davis analyzer currently supports analysis up to 1000 series.
Select Run.
In the edit panel, expand Davis AI.
In the Analyzers list, select Static threshold anomaly detection.
Set Threshold to 70
(enter a value) and Alert condition to Alert if metric is above (default).
Activate the analyzer: at the top of the edit panel, switch from Davis analyzer is not active to Davis analyzer is active.
To view the results, select the Davis AI analysis visualization. Expand the Davis AI analysis chart section to see visualization-specifc settings.
In the Davis AI analysis chart section, set Visible sections to All.
Review the results.
In this example, we selected the hosts that exceeded the threshold.
CPU usage %
) for each selected host.From your notebook, you can trigger a series forecast analysis based on Davis AI.
In this example, we issue the following query:
timeseries avg(, by:{ }
and then run a forecast for a time series selected in the results.
In a notebook, select > DQL.
Enter a query such as timeseries avg(, by:{ }
to chart time series.
Select Run query.
Hover over the required time series in the sidebar and select > Filter and forecast.
The query is automatically updated to filter by the selected time series and the chart is extended to show the projection for the selected series.
For details, see Davis® forecast analysis
To list all notebooks
To list all notebooks you own
To list all notebooks that are shared with you
To list all ready-made notebooks
Go to Notebooks.
In the Notebooks panel, select Ready-made notebooks.
Alternatively, you can select All notebooks and then change the filter at the top of the table from All notebooks to Ready-made.
For more about ready-made documents, see Ready-made documents.
When you open a document (dashboard or notebook) for which you don't have write permission, you can still edit the document during your session. After you're finished, you have two options:
Go to Notebooks, list the ready-made notebooks, and select the Getting started notebook.
It says Read-only in the upper-left corner, next to the document name.
Select the Line chart section and then select Options.
Change the visualization from Line to Area.
Now, next to Read-only, you are offered two buttons: Save as new and Discard changes.
Use the updated notebook as needed. You have full edit access for this session.
When you're finished, select what to do with your changes:
To create a new notebook, see Create a notebook
To duplicate a notebook
Alternatively, you can also trigger the same action in the Recently modified section of the sidebar. Select > Make a copy.
To delete a notebook
Alternatively, you can also trigger the same action in the Recently modified section of the sidebar. Select > Delete.
To delete multiple notebooks, select All notebooks and use the buttons in the table.
To export a notebook
Alternatively, you can also trigger the same action in the Recently modified section of the sidebar. Select > Export as JSON.
To import a notebook from a JSON file
Select All notebooks in the document sidebar.
In the upper-left corner of the page, select Upload. A file browser window opens.
Find and open the notebook JSON definition file.
The definition is imported as a new notebook and listed on the Notebooks page with Last modified set to the import date and time.
The easiest way to search for a notebook is through the global search.
The search can be triggered from any context using the Cmd/⌘+K keyboard shortcut. Notebooks with matching titles will show up in the results.
Alternatively, select All notebooks in the sidebar. Enter a search term to list only matching notebooks.
Using Open with, you can copy tasks from other documents to reuse in your workflows.
In this example, we have a Grail query in a dashboard that we want to run as a task in a workflow.
To copy a Grail query from a dashboard to Workflows as a task in a workflow
In the dashboard, select the query tile that you want to copy to a workflow.
Select > Open with.
In the Open with… window, select the Automate DQL Query Workflows option.
A Select destination box is displayed.
In Select destination, you can create a new workflow or select an existing workflow.
Select Add.
The Workflows application opens with the selected query added as a workflow task.
Edit the workflow as needed.
For more details, see Open with.