User management

An administrator or a user belonging to a group with View and manage users and groups permission can perform the user management activities listed here.

Invite new users to Dynatrace

To invite one or more new users to your Dynatrace account

  1. Go to Account Management. If you have more than one account, select the account you want to manage.

    This opens, which you can bookmark for easy access to Account Management.

  2. Go to Identity & access management > People.
  3. Select Invite user.
  4. In the User email step of Invite people
    • Enter the user's email address.

    • optional Turn on Emergency contact to designate that user as an emergency contact.

    • optional To add another user now, select Add Another.

      When you add multiple users at once, all of them receive the same user permissions.

  5. In the Add to groups step of Invite people
    • optional To give the new users the same permissions as an existing user, enter the existing user's email address in Copy permissions from existing user and select Copy.

      You can use this option as a starting point and then adjust the permissions of the new users below.

    • Under Select groups, select or clear Status checkboxes to specify the groups to which you want to add the new users, and then select Next.

  6. In the Confirm permissions step of Invite people, review the permissions you have selected for the new users.
    • If the permissions are correct, select Invite to send invitations to the new users.

      A new user is not active until they accept the email invitation sent to them.

    • If you need to adjust the permissions for the new users, select Previous to go back.

To automate user creation, use the Dynatrace Account Management API.

Edit existing user

To edit an existing user

  1. Go to Account Management. If you have more than one account, select the account you want to manage.
  2. Go to Identity & access management > People.
  3. Find the user. There are User, Status, Permission, and Group filters above the table to help you locate specific users.
  4. In the Actions column for the user you want to edit, select > Edit user.
  5. On Edit person, you can:
    • Change the Emergency Contact setting
    • Copy another user's permissions by specifying their email address
    • Modify the selection of group assignments
  6. Select Save to save your changes.

Export list of users

To export a list of existing users to a comma-separated values (CSV) file

  1. Go to Account Management. If you have more than one account, select the account you want to manage.

  2. Select Identity & access management > People.

  3. optional Use the User, Status, Permission, and Group filters above the table to focus on specific users, such as everyone in a certain group.

  4. Select Export users.

    For all users matching your filter settings, information such as name, UUID, status, and email address is exported to a local CSV file.

Assign users to groups

As described above, you can assign users to groups when you invite them, and you can edit an existing user's groups. If you would like to automate user group assignment, use the Dynatrace Account Management API.

Password policy

Dynatrace enforces the following user password policies:

  • Minimum length: 12 characters
  • A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • At least one number or special character

Password expiration is not enforced.

Emergency contacts

Be sure to specify your Dynatrace emergency contacts. These email addresses will receive emergency notifications concerning your Dynatrace deployment.

To select emergency contacts in Dynatrace SaaS

  1. Go to Account Management. If you have more than one account, select the account you want to manage.
  2. Select Identity & access management > People.
    • The Emergency contact column shows whether a user is already an emergency contact.
    • Sort by the Emergency contact column to see all current emergency contacts.
  3. Find a user that you want to set as an emergency contact.
  4. Select Edit user in the Actions column.
  5. Turn on Emergency contact to designate the selected user as an emergency contact.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Repeat this procedure from step 3 for each additional emergency contact that you want to select.

You can also select Emergency contact when you invite a new user to Dynatrace.

Clickwrap agreement

You can configure the display of the Subscription Agreement, or "clickwrap" agreement, to new users.

Rules for display of clickwrap

  • The default display setting for all environments existing prior to Dynatrace version 1.217 is OFF.
  • The default display setting for all environments provisioned with Dynatrace version 1.217+ is ON.
  • The clickwrap is not displayed for trial mode.
  • If it is enabled, the clickwrap is displayed when a user signs in to a Dynatrace environment and hasn’t accepted the agreement yet.
  • Clickwrap display can be configured by an administrator.

Clickwrap document source

The documents that make up the clickwrap agreement are available for review and are dynamically loaded from the Terms of Use - Customers.

Configure display of clickwrap

An administrator can configure whether to display the clickwrap.

Configure via web UI

To turn off display of the clickwrap agreement in the Dynatrace web UI

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences > Terms of use.
  2. Turn Display end user terms to new users logging in to the environment off.

Configure via API

To turn off display of the clickwrap agreement via the Settings API, issue the following command:

curl -X POST "https://<CLUSTER_URL>/api/v2/settings/objects?validateOnly=false" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.<TOKEN>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "[{\"scope\":\"environment\",\"schemaId\":\"builtin:eula-settings\",\"value\":{\"enableEula\":false}}]"

Be sure to replace <TOKEN> with an API token with Read settings and Write settings permissions.