Platform tokens

Platform tokens are long-living access tokens for interaction with Dynatrace platform services. They can be created by regular users to consume the services and data inside of Dynatrace via the API in the bounds of their user permissions.

Platform tokens are a user-friendly alternative to OAuth clients and are suited for processes and applications that integrate directly with the Dynatrace API.

Platform tokens can be set to expire after a period of time or never expire.

These properties make platform tokens a good candidate for all sorts of integrations with the Dynatrace platform, such as:

  • Running a scheduled Grail query for data export and ETL
  • Ingesting business metrics and events via the API
  • A script that keeps Dashboards in sync across multiple environments

How to use a platform token

Platform tokens are directly usable with the APIs offered by the Dynatrace platform services. To use a platform token please provide the token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <platformtoken>

To get an overview of all the services supporting platform tokens, go to the Dynatrace API explorer. In Dynatrace, search for Dynatrace API and select the result.

You can also directly put the platform token into the Authorization field in the Dynatrace API explorer for quick experimentation and try-out.

My platform tokens

This feature is available for regular users. Every user can create platform tokens in all the accounts of which they are a member.

The platform token management operations listed below are all performed using the Account Management pages.

  1. Go to My platform tokens.

    This opens, which you can bookmark for easy access to platform tokens Management.

  2. You are presented with a table that list all your platform tokens.

This page lists all of your platform tokens and enables you to create, delete, or disable your tokens.

Create a new platform token

Every user is able to create up to 10 platform tokens in a given account.

  1. Select Platform Token and specify:
    • Token Name
    • Expiration date
    • Account
    • Apply to account
    • Environments.
      • If apply to account has been selected, this is not available.
  2. Select token scopes in the table below
    • The table provides you with a list of scopes that map to the individual endpoints on the API.
    • Go to the Dynatrace API explorer, to see the mapping between token scopes and API endpoints.
    • IMPORTANT: A platform token will only work within the limits of the user's permissions. This means that a selected scope is only granting access if a user has the respective permissions.
  3. Select Generate to generate the platform token.
  4. After you create the token, it's the only time you can preview it and copy to store for later use.
  5. After you have stored the token, select Finish and exit to return to the list of platform tokens.

Disable a platform token

  1. Find the platform token that you want to disable in the list overview.
  2. In the Actions column, select > Disable.
  3. Select Cancel to cancel or Disable to confirm.
    • The dialog shows the ID of the token for confirmation.

A disabled token can not be used on the API but can later on be re-enabled to continue using it. This is handy if you want to temporary block a token.

Delete a platform token

  1. Find the platform token that you want to delete in the list overview
  2. In the Actions column, select > Delete.
  3. Select Cancel to cancel or Disable to confirm.
    • The dialog shows the ID of the token for confirmation.

Duplicate a platform token

  1. Find the platform token that you want to duplicate in the list overview.
  2. In the Actions column, select > Duplicate token.
  3. The creation process is triggered with an exact copy of the properties of the original token and the name "Duplicate of:" <token-name>.
  4. Adjust the properties to your liking and select Generate.
  5. After you duplicate the token, it's the only time you can preview it and copy to store for later use.
  6. After you have stored the token, select Finish and exit to return to the list of platform tokens.

Rotate a platform token

It is a security best practice to regularly rotate your tokens. To rotate your tokens:

  1. Duplicate the token that you want to rotate as described above.
    • To differentiate the duplicated token from the original, you can add the current date in the token name.
      old: K8s operator
      new: K8s operator 10.09.2024
  2. Replace the existing token in all places with the newly generated duplicate.
  3. Delete the old token.

Manage users tokens

Account admins can manage, that is delete, disable, rotate platform tokens created by all users under their account. The Account Management UI management actions are performed in a similar way to the ones listed above for regular users.

Disable platform token creation in a specific account

Account administrators have the ability to enable or disable creation of new platform tokens for the account. This can be done using the My Account Management:

  1. Go to Identity & access management > Platform tokens.
  2. Turn off Allow to manage platform tokens and confirm the dialog with Deny.
  3. optional To disable existing platform tokens use, select specific or all tokens with the checkboxes on the left and select Disable selected.
  4. optional To delete existing platform tokens use, select specific or all tokens with the checkboxes on the left and select Delete selected.

To re-enable the creation of platform tokens, turn on Allow to manage platform tokens and confirm the dialog with Allow.

Platform tokens requirements

  • A maximum of 10 platform tokens can be generated by a user for a given account.
  • A platform token is scoped to only one account and cannot be used to access other accounts.
  • A platform token can be further reduced in scope to only target one or many environments within the account the token is being issued against.
  • A platform token name can't exceed 255 characters.
  • Using expired platform tokens to access Dynatrace will return an HTTP error 403 response.

Available services for platform tokens

The following services are covered by platform tokens:

  • app-engine
  • automation
  • notification
  • davis
  • davis-copilot
  • document
  • email
  • iam
  • platform-management
  • storage
  • settings
  • app-settings
  • state
  • state-management