This extension documentation is now deprecated and will no longer be updated. We recommend using the new Apache Spark extension for improved functionality and support.
Apache Spark monitoring in Dynatrace provides insight into the resource usage, job status, and performance of Spark Standalone clusters.
Monitoring is available for the three main Spark components:
Apache Spark metrics are presented alongside other infrastructure measurements, enabling in-depth cluster performance analysis of both current and historical data.
spark-submit \--class de.codecentric.SparkPi \--master spark:// \--conf spark.eventLog.enabled=true \/vagrant/jars/spark-pi-example-1.0.jar 100
With Spark monitoring enabled globally, Dynatrace automatically collects Spark metrics whenever a new host running Spark is detected in your environment.
The cluster charts section provides all the information you need regarding jobs, stages, messages, workers, and message processing. When jobs fail, the cause is typically a lack of cores or RAM. Note that for both cores and RAM, the maximum value is not your system’s maximum, it’s the maximum value as defined by your Spark configuration. Using the workers chart, you can immediately see when one of your nodes goes down.
All jobs
Number of jobs.
Active jobs
Number of active jobs.
Waiting jobs
Number of waiting jobs.
Failed jobs
Number of failed jobs.
Running jobs
Number of running jobs.
Number of messages in the scheduler’s event-processing loop.
Calls per sec
Calls per second.
Number of workers
Number of workers.
Alive workers
Number of alive workers.
Number of apps
Number of running applications.
Waiting apps
Number of waiting applications.
Number of free cores
Number of worker-free cores.
Number of cores used
Number of worker cores used.
Number of executors
Number of worker executors.
Used MB
Amount of worker memory used (megabytes).
Free MB
Amount of worker-free memory in (megabytes).