There are several use cases to split incoming records into different streams, for example, separating non-production-relevant data or enabling teams to safely format only records of the applications and services they own.
This guide shows you how to route logs of multiple production-relevant services to dedicated pipelines.
This article is intended for administrators managing data streams.
You can use Notebooks to determine how many routes are needed and their matching conditions. To determine the conditions of significant production-relevant services
Fetch logs of all production-relevant services and summarize the records by an attribute.
When you fetch logs via DQL in Notebooks you get an overview of the detected attributes that you can use to narrow down your results, for example,
The following DQL query fetches logs with the Kubernetes namespace prod
and summarizes the results by deployment name.
fetch logs| filter == "prod"| summarize by:{}, count()
Determine the key-value pairs that identify significant services.
The key-value pairs will be used as matching conditions. This guide focuses on four services that are identified by the following key-value pairs: == "checkoutservice-*" == "currencyservice-*" == "emailservice-*" == "paymentservice-*"
You determined how many routes you need (4) and their matching conditions (for example, == "checkoutservice-*
Checkout service pipeline
for the checkoutservice service.You created an empty pipeline for each service.
Create a route for each pipeline.
Go to OpenPipeline and select Logs > Pipelines > Dynamic route.
Define the routing condition with
The following table contains example conditions based on the Kubernetes namespace and deployment to route each service's logs to the corresponding pipeline.
Matching condition
Target pipeline
Checkout service == "checkoutservice-*"
Checkout service pipeline
Currency service == "currencyservice-*"
Currency service pipeline
Email service == "emailservice-*"
Email service pipeline
Payment service == "paymentservice-*"
Payment service pipeline
Logs that match the routing condition are routed to the target pipeline. The routing table now includes the new routes.
You routed log lines for each significant production-relevant service to a dedicated empty pipeline.
Inform teams that they can modify the pipeline content and create processing rules for their services. Once logs are ingested and routed to one of the newly created pipelines, they will be processed according to the defined rules.
Production-relevant log lines that don't match any of the newly defined conditions continue to be routed according to the Default route to the Classic pipeline. Define new conditions to route them to a different pipeline.
To change how logs are processed, you can modify the matching condition to exclude or include other log lines, or route log lines to a different processing pipeline, or change the target storage. For example, you can create a new pipeline to skip storage using the No storage assignment processor and route all non-production-relevant logs that match the isNotNull( and != "prod"