Ready-made notebooks

Latest Dynatrace

Dynatrace ready-made notebooks offer preconfigured data visualizations and filters designed for common scenarios like troubleshooting and optimization.

  • Use them right out of the box
  • Save a copy and customize your copy

To list all ready-made notebooks

  1. In Dynatrace, go to Notebooks Notebooks.

  2. In the Notebooks panel, select Ready-made notebooks.

    Select "Ready-made notebooks"

Alternatively, you can select All notebooks and then change the filter at the top of the table from All notebooks to Ready-made.

When you open a document (dashboard or notebook) for which you don't have write permission, you can still edit the document during your session. After you're finished, you have two options:

  • Save your changes to a new document
  • Discard your changes


  1. Go to Notebooks Notebooks, list the ready-made notebooks, and select the Getting started notebook.

    It says Read-only in the upper-left corner, next to the document name.

  2. Select the Line chart section and then select Options.

  3. Change the visualization from Line to Area.

    Now, next to Read-only, you are offered two buttons: Save as new and Discard changes.

  4. Use the updated notebook as needed. You have full edit access for this session.

  5. When you're finished, select what to do with your changes:

    • Save as new—saves your changes in a new copy of the edited notebook.
    • Discard changes—discards your changes and returns you to the unedited read-only notebook.

Get started with Notebooks

Create powerful, data-driven documents for custom analytics and collaboration.

Explore in Playground.

Related Dynatrace app: Notebooks Notebooks

Ready-made notebook example: Get started with Notebooks