The Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS) model has transformed how we deliver the total value of the Dynatrace platform to our customers, providing seamless access to any platform capability in any quantity.
Managing a Dynatrace Platform Subscription budget requires balancing the usage of Dynatrace features against an annual budget. With too little flexibility, the organization fails to benefit from capabilities that can transform its observability and security processes. With too much flexibility, the costs can exceed the budget.
While there is no penalty for exceeding your Dynatrace Platform Subscription budget (Dynatrace applies the same rate card for on-demand usage without additional fees or premium pricing), administrators still want the ability to manage their usage within the planned budget. Dynatrace provides several ways to manage your DPS costs:
Combined, these capabilities enable you to manage your Dynatrace Platform Subscription costs with no need to set up limits that can threaten your business by stopping essential monitoring.
Account Management provides several capabilities that offer complete transparency into costs and usage that help you understand and manage costs and prevent billing surprises.
The DPS Summary view provides vital information on your overall DPS consumption, including subscription information, actual consumption, and forecast consumption.
Cost and usage details provides insights for the most recent 30-day period:
Once a capability is identified as a primary consumer of costs, select View Details to analyze which environment contributes the most costs for the specified capability. Environment cost and usage analysis shows a breakdown of capability costs for the chosen environment. The benefit of this drill-down sheet is that it shows combined cost and usage and supports custom timeframes.
More information on tracking DPS usage in Account Management is available in Track DPS usage documentation.
Your Dynatrace Platform Subscription provides a budget summary that forecasts costs through the end of the subscription period. The algorithms use linear forecasting techniques to predict future usage from the past month of consumption data. The algorithm gives more weight to more recent data points to adapt to changing consumption behavior. The forecast also provides a range of values. Hover over the chart to display the median forecast value along with the predicted upper and lower ranges of the forecast. No forecast is shown until 15 days of consumption data is available to generate a forecast.
The Forecast events panel displays the projected costs (percentage and cost) forecast to incur at the end of the annual commitment period. When the forecast usage exceeds the annual commitment, the date when the forecast exceeds the annual commitment is shown.
If there is a spike in usage, how quickly will the forecast recognize this?
A significant change in usage will only fully affect the forecast after a few days as the forecasting algorithm adapts to the new usage behavior. However, you may receive alerts that an unexpected cost change has been detected. See Cost Monitors below.
If the forecast changes significantly, how will I know?
License administrators will be notified by email whenever there is a significant change in week-over-week forecast, alerting them that something may require further analysis. See Cost Monitors below for details.
If the forecast exceeds the budgeted costs, how will I know?
License administrators are notified by email whenever the forecast is predicted to exceed the budget. See Cost Monitors below for further information.
In Dynatrace Managed deployments, usage reporting can be delayed during the time it's sent from the customer environment and before it is processed by the Dynatrace licensing systems. DPS provides full transparency with the Billing Reports feature that shows license administrators when late usage is reported and calculated by Dynatrace. To learn more about this feature, go to Billing reports documentation.
Customers with a Dynatrace Platform Subscription can use the Subscription History feature to understand expired, active, and pending Dynatrace subscriptions and licenses. The Subscription History page allows you to open past licenses and subscriptions to understand historical usage and costs. To learn more about this feature, please refer DPS subscription history documentation.
The Dynatrace Platform Subscription model provides features that notify you about changes in your subscription costs:
Cost monitors help you manage your Dynatrace Platform Subscription budget and identify unexpected cost increases. They monitor your overall forecasted usage and warn you when costs increase significantly, or forecasts exceed user-defined threshold amounts. They also monitor daily costs at the capability and environment levels, alerting you when costs exceed predicted levels.
Cost monitors are enabled automatically for all DPS accounts and will notify license administrators by default without configuration. License administrators can adjust thresholds and configure email distribution at any time. This approach helps minimize surprise costs by ensuring that forecast and cost increases are automatically emailed to those users on the account identified as license administrators.
To learn more about cost monitors, please refer to cost monitor documentation.
I received a forecast notification informing me that “Forecast costs increased 15% week-over-week. Forecast costs at 75%.”
I received a forecast notification informing me that “Forecast costs [105%] exceed the defined threshold of 100%.”
I received a notification informing me, "Increase in Events – Query cost detected in environment [environment name].”
This example shows a clear capability outlier on the selected day. Adjusting the time frame will give you a better sense of whether this is a one-off (suggesting that someone in your organization is experimenting with Dynatrace capabilities) or this is a non-forecast increase (indicating that the rise will persist, resulting in higher costs over time).
In such scenarios, if a specific capability is determined to be the reason for the notification, please refer to the following section, Detailed usage analysis for triage of cost increases, to identify the root cause of the increase.
Forecast and cost events are only estimates and therefore can be misleading in some cases. Forecasts are based on statistical models and therefore be relied on with caution.
The Budgets feature tracks and notifies you when Dynatrace Platform Subscription costs hit a user-defined threshold. You can use Budgets at the account, environment, and capability level and configure notifications to email you when budgets are exceeded. Examples of supported use cases include:
Budgets complement the existing Cost Monitor feature by allowing you to define custom thresholds at the environment and capability level. Learn more in Budgets documentation.
If an increase in consumption is identified, administrators want to identify the key contributors of increased costs to take appropriate remediation steps. Account Management supports this in two ways:
Classic Dynatrace consumption capabilities, which previously supported consumption of Davis Data Unit (DDU) SKUs for Custom Events Classic, Custom Metrics Classic, Custom Traces Classic, Serverless Functions Classic, and Log Monitoring Classic, can be analyzed directly in the Account Management web UI and further with context-aware links to the Data Explorer.
Other capabilities support context-aware links to the Data Explorer, providing you with comprehensive reporting capabilities to analyze your Dynatrace platform usage.
The following capabilities provide context-aware links to Notebooks, allowing you to analyze usage in more detail:
To illustrate how these capabilities work together, the following example shows increased usage in the Custom Metrics Classic capability, which causes the Dynatrace Platform Subscription forecast to increase unexpectedly:
The license administrator needs to determine whether a new metric was added or if there is an increase in an existing metric.
Account Management provides built-in analysis capabilities for Custom Events Classic, Custom Metrics Classic, Custom Traces Classic, Serverless Functions Classic, and Log Monitoring Classic. You can scroll down to see a list of metrics that contribute to the overall usage of this capability.
The table displays each metric, its current usage (based on the timeframe selected in the above chart), the use for the prior period, and the change in usage from the past to the current period.
Selecting the row headers allows you to find the metric that is either consuming the most or has changed the most. In the case below, there is a significant increase in two AWS metrics.
This section summarizes how to identify the root causes of increased usage per DPS capability and how to resolve issues with unwanted or excessive consumption. Most DPS capabilities offer a set of DPS consumption metrics that can be analyzed in the Data Explorer to help identify increases in related costs.
Use Data Explorer to chart (DPS) Full-Stack Monitoring billing usage per host and split by hosts to determine if there was an increase in the number of hosts monitored with Full-Stack Monitoring or if the memory footprint of the monitored hosts increased, and if so, to see which hosts are affected.
Disable host monitoring on unintentionally monitored Full-Stack hosts or switch to Infrastructure Monitoring for non-critical hosts.
The number of hosts monitored with Infrastructure Monitoring increased.
Use Data Explorer to chart (DPS) Infrastructure Monitoring billing usage to determine if there was an increase in the number of hosts monitored with Infrastructure Monitoring.
Disable host monitoring on unintentionally monitored hosts or switch to Foundation & Discovery for non-critical hosts.
(DPS) Runtime Vulnerability Analytics billing usage per host
, split by host).(DPS) Runtime Vulnerability Analytics billing usage per host
, split by host).Increased number of Sessions because of:
In Data Explorer, chart the (DPS) Real-user monitoring (web and/or mobile) billing usage by frontend application
metric to see
Increased number of sessions with Session Replay, because:
In Data Explorer, chart the (DPS) Real-user monitoring (web) with Session Replay billing usage by application
metric to see
Increased number of executions because:
To limit consumption, consider limiting the number of executions by reducing the number of monitors, frequency, number of locations used, or the number of steps. Alternatively, disable some monitors.
More test results ingested to Dynatrace with Synthetic Third-party API.
Consider how consumption can be limited by decreasing the amount of data ingested with Synthetic Third-Party API.
Increased number of executions because:
Consider how you can limit the number of executions by reducing the number of monitors, frequency, number of locations used, or the number of steps. Alternatively, disable some monitors.
Use Data Explorer to
In Data Explorer, chart the (DPS) Total Log Monitoring Classic billing usage
metric to see if there was an increase in total number of log records.
Determine entities emitting traces by charting the builtin:billing.custom_traces_classic.usage_by_entity:splitBy("dt.entity.monitored_entity"):auto:splitBy():count
metric in Data Explorer.
Identify trace volume by entity charting the builtin:billing.custom_traces_classic.usage_by_entity:splitBy("dt.entity.monitored_entity")
metric in Data Explorer.
Evaluate for which entities tracing is needed and consider reducing the number of monitored entities.
Someone is sending more data to the API endpoint.
Look into the average number of invocations by function using the average of the builtin:billing.serverless_functions_classic.usage_by_function
metric in Data Explorer.
Look whether total number of monitored functions has increased by using the count for the builtin:billing.serverless_functions_classic.usage_by_function
metric in Data Explorer.
Evaluate for which serverless functions tracing is needed and consider using metrics only where appropriate. Alternatively, reduce the number of monitored functions.
A workflow can cause cost increases for any licensing capability depending on what the workflow does and how it is configured. For example, a cost increase in Query and AppEngine Functions may be caused by a workflow that starts every minute. This might be a misconfiguration or intentional. Either way, it requires consideration of Workflows in addition to the individual capability (Query or AppEngine Function in this example).
A Dynatrace Platform Subscription provides comprehensive API access to cost and usage data at the account, environment, and capability levels. Forecast information and cost events are also accessible programmatically through the API.
For complete details, please refer to Dynatrace API documentation.
Note that the Account Management API uses an OAuth token separate from the platform access token. For more information on setting up authentication, please refer to OAuth clients.
The API allows you to leverage current usage, cost, and forecast information in third-party applications, and to take action based on changes in subscription costs. For example, if you want to manage the cost of Full Stack Monitoring in your sandbox environment and know that the daily cost should not exceed USD 10, one call to the API with the Full Stack Monitoring and environment key will provide the recent cost data, allowing you to take appropriate action.
You can also directly analyze and alert on billing usage metrics within a Dynatrace environment. Billing metrics are now available for DPS capabilities This allows you to create metric events and custom alerts based on any DPS capability usage metric.
Metric events are also exposed via APIs, allowing you to centrally manage usage across your environments.
In addition to the notification capabilities provided with Cost Monitors and Budgets, you might want to take action when a cost or forecast threshold is reached.
To achieve this, the following steps should be considered:
The workflow above can be extended to send custom notifications to Email and Slack addresses.
Dynatrace now provides platform capabilities for DPS Cost Allocation support for Dynatrace SaaS.
If you need to understand how Dynatrace costs are distributed throughout your company structure (in other words, by department) based on usage and associated costs, use Cost allocation for Dynatrace SaaS DPS. All usage and correlated costs must be assigned to a company entity (for example, a department). The sum of all costs must equal the total cost for the company.
While no Dynatrace DPS Cost Allocation feature is available for Dynatrace Managed out-of-the-box, it's possible to set up partial cost Allocation support for Host Monitoring, Application Security, and Digital Experience Monitoring capabilities using a mix of custom dashboards, DPS billing metrics, and APIs. If you wish to explore such a custom Cost Allocation model, please reach out to your Dynatrace Experience Manager.
It's not possible to set hard upper limits on your environment's consumption of DPS capabilities because this might result in blind spots in mission-critical applications.
You can execute specific automation to reduce or disable monitoring via the DPS APIs to get costs for account, environment, capability, and forecast and execute automated remediation via platform configuration APIs. For instance, if you detect a cost event on a specific environment with Synthetic Monitoring, you can use the APIs to set or extend the maintenance windows in that environment.
There is no penalty if you exceed your annual commitment, and you can continue to use Dynatrace while incurring on-demand usage (Dynatrace applies the same rate card for on-demand usage without additional fees or premium pricing, and you will receive monthly invoices for on-demand costs until the next annual commitment period begins).