Netty, User action to distributed trace correlation (RUM JavaScript and Java module). OneAgent feature: Netty Real User Monitoring (RUM) to distributed trace correlation
OpenTelemetry agent 1.24, 1.25 (Java module)
Spring Data Redis 2.1+ (Java module). Get started. OneAgent feature: Java Lettuce Redis client
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (JavaScript module). Announcement
Vendor end of support: 2020-01-31
MooTools 1.4.5 - 1.6.0 (JavaScript module)
Node.js 17 (Node.js module)
Vendor end of support: 2022-06-01
Prototype 1.7 (JavaScript module)
New features and enhancements
OneAgent health
Platform | OneAgent
OneAgent Health offers an overview of all your deployed OneAgent modules and their corresponding health statuses, so you can detect anomalies before they become problems.
Automatically enrich your unstructured logs
Apps & Microservices | Logs
For improved association of distributed traces and logs, OneAgent feature .NET - Trace/span context enrichment for unstructured logs [Opt-In] now enriches logs with related metadata such as process and host.
Note that this feature depends on OneAgent feature Metadata context enrichment for logs [Opt-In].
To enable or disable OneAgent features
Go to Settings and select Preferences > OneAgent features.
To find a feature, filter the table by the name of the feature.
In the Enabled column, turn the switch on or off.
Support for summaries in Prometheus data source
Infrastructure Monitoring | Metrics
The summary types of Prometheus metrics can now be ingested.
Improved error logging for remote Linux EEC installation
Infrastructure Monitoring | EEC
Command output concerning file/disk operations made by the Extension Execution Controller (EEC) Linux installer are now written to the installer log.
OneAgent OS module no longer reports container OOM kills
Vulnerability: Applied a protobuf-c patch to address vulnerability CVE-2022-48468. (OA-16307)
Infrastructure Monitoring
Vulnerability: Python runtime for Extensions Framework 2.0 updated with OpenSSL 1.1.1t. (EXT-4923)
The absence of required fields in the Extensions Execution Controller (EEC) configuration is now logged and handled properly. (Resolves issue with EEC not starting due to missing required fields.). (EXT-4329)
The logs produced by data sources are now of type SFM. The quality and informativeness of the logs have also been improved. (EXT-4139)
Missing sqlite3 binary added to resolve extension start failure. (EXT-4616)
The OneAgent Node.js code module no longer fails to retrieve the database name when `createCollection` is used to retrieve a collection instance. (OA-13150)
OS module
The de-alerting algorithm has been refined to close host events (high CPU, high memory consumption) that were unnecessarily remaining open due to missing samples used in de-alerting calculations. (HOST-2381)
OneAgent OS module running in Windows VM now recognizes that it's running under KVM hypervisor. (HOST-2364)
Percona Server for MongoDB now will be properly detected. (HOST-2599)
Corrected detection of Redis technology (processes sometimes were not detected due to discrepancy between path and exe name). (HOST-2595)
The OneAgent OS module uses an Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) session to collect data about short-lived processes. Now this trace is stopped when the feature is disabled or the agent is shutting down, leaving the trace in a state where other data collection sets can collect data from this trace. (HOST-2458)
Fixed tenant-wide disabling of OneAgent components (network, Log Monitoring, plugin, or EEC). Previously, the disabled component was briefly started during OneAgent service startup. (HOST-2350)
Improved accuracy of host availability on the host details page. (Adjusted `No_Data` state detection in reporting host availability.). (HOST-2493)
Corrected metrics gaps that sometimes occurred in IBM JVM due to communication problems between OneAgent components. (HOST-2624)
IIS deep monitoring exception handling has been improved. (OA-15366)
Vulnerability: Fixed an issue in Extension Execution Controller (EEC) where extensions may not be executed with least privileges. (DTSEC-4369)
Improved compatibility of the OneAgent .NET code module with specific ASP.NET Core exception filter implementations. (OA-16351)
Improved stability of IBM MQ client in OneAgent .NET code module. (Resolves issues with applications using multiple versions for IBM MQ messaging clients.). (OA-15369)
The OneAgent code module for .NET now reports consistent formatted values for IBM MQ XMS message ID and correlation ID as strings. (OA-15562)
Added support for partial CRI logs to the OneAgent Log Monitoring module. (Previously, logs from Kubernetes sometimes were split or truncated.). (LOG-2902)
Logging module
Calling `oneagentctl` `--get-app-log-content-access` on a fresh installation before `--set-app-log-content-access` has been called no longer disables Log Monitoring. (LOG-3013)
Update 230 (Build 1.265.230)
This cumulative update contains 8 resolved issues (including 1 vulnerability resolution) and all previously released updates for the 1.265 release.
The technology Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is now detected properly and reported to the cluster. (OA-16949)
Resolved an issue that sometimes caused an exception when creating the host display name, resulting in OneAgent termination. (OA-17245)
Infrastructure Monitoring
Vulnerability: In response to CVE-2023-24329, updated Extensions Execution Controller (EEC) Python runtime to version 3.10.12. (EXT-5378)
The zIIP usage metric is no longer always set to 0. (OA-17491)
OS module
Added support for custom properties for the "service not installed" alert. Placeholders are supported, but since the "service not installed" alert is raised when there is no service matching the rule, any placeholder starting with `dt.osservice` will be changed to "[unknown]". (HOST-2951)
OneAgent Installer
The plugin module binaries and process execution have been restored to the bootstrapped OneAgent container deployment. (DMX-4807)
Fixed an issue when requesting request attributes for OWIN .NET web applications. (OA-17160)
Improved OneAgent .NET code module stability following the Microsoft security update for .NET framework 3.5. (OA-18223)
The pax file naming has been changed from oneagentzos-R1nnnx.pax to dynatrace-zos-cics-ims-zdc-1.nnn.x.yyyymmdd-hhmmss.pax. Where, yyyymmdd-hhmmss is the pax build timestamp. Use the updated FTPINSTL JCL in Direct Download to download and install the latest pax file.
The 1.265 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.
Update 233 (Build 1.265.233)
This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.265 release.
Support ending for MS Internet Explorer versions 7-10
Microsoft support for Internet Explorer 10 ended on January 31, 2020. Dynatrace ends the support for Internet Explorer 10 and earlier versions in May 2023 with the release of OneAgent for JavaScript version 1.265 and Dynatrace version 1.266. As a result, OneAgent for JavaScript will no longer initialize on those browsers and therefore will not be sending any RUM data to the Dynatrace platform.