Proxy for ActiveGate

Your ActiveGate connectivity configuration allows you to define one or more proxies for outgoing connections: You can use a single proxy for all outgoing traffic, or you can specify different proxies for different purposes, or you can even define exceptions by turning off proxy use for specific connections, while using proxies for other connections.

To see this configuration in a wider context, refer to the supported connectivity schemes and in particular to the proxy and load balancer configuration.

Proxy configuration properties

ActiveGate proxy configuration consists of the following settings. Depending on the type of communication for which you want to use (or disable) a proxy, the following configuration properties can appear in different configuration sections of your ActiveGate configuration.




Server address (hostname or IP address)


Port optional

If left empty, the default 8080 port is used.


Scheme optional

If left empty, the default http scheme is used. This applies the most common setup, where the connection to the proxy is initiated using HTTP and automatically upgraded to a secure one. All further ActiveGate communication through the proxy is secured by SSL/TLS.

Must be set to https for proxies that do not support HTTP at all.


User name optional


User domain in the case of NTLM authentication


Password optional

The password provided in the proxy-password property is obfuscated after ActiveGate restart, and the obfuscated password is stored in the proxy-password-encr property.

If a comma (,) is part of a value, you need to add an escape backslash (\) before the comma. For example, proxy-password = foo\,bar.


If set to true, causes proxy to be disabled for the particular type of communication.


A list of hosts for communication with which proxy should not be used by ActiveGate

The hosts in the list should be separated by | characters. You can also use an asterisk * as a wildcard character to match any string. There can be only one wildcard character, either at the beginning or the end of the hostname. For example, proxy-non-proxy-hosts=*|localhost indicates that every host in the domain and the localhost should be accessed directly even if a proxy server is specified. For a full description of allowed syntax, see the syntax for the http.nonProxyHosts parameter in Networking Properties.


ActiveGate version 1.271+

A list of proxy authentication schemes optional

This is a prioritized list of proxy authentication schemes that ActiveGate should use when authenticating with the proxy server.

  • Starting with the first scheme on the list, ActiveGate will attempt to authenticate and, in case of failure, proceed to the next scheme on the list.
  • If this property is not defined, ActiveGate will try to authenticate using all available schemes.

Supported values: NTLM, BASIC

Specify proxy configuration for ActiveGate

ActiveGate proxy configuration can be specified during ActiveGate installation on Linux or Windows (only the setting for all outgoing connections), or it can be configured after ActiveGate is installed. To configure proxy for ActiveGate:

  1. Edit the file in the ActiveGate configuration directory

  2. Specify the proxy-related parameters in the appropriate configuration section of the file, depending for which purpose you want to use the proxy (see examples below). For example:

    # basic authentication credentials
  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the ActiveGate main service.

    Note that after the service is restarted, the proxy password, as specified by you in the configuration, is encrypted and moved from the proxy-password property to proxy-password-encr.

ActiveGate proxy settings for simple proxy configuration scenarios

The following simple proxy configuration scenarios for ActiveGate are the most common and widely used. If you have special and more complex requirements, you can also define an advanced configuration.

ActiveGate proxy settings for all outgoing traffic

ActiveGate proxy settings for all outgoing traffic

The following configuration covers the most common case of specifying proxy settings for ActiveGate outgoing connection to both the Dynatrace Cluster as well as monitored technologies, such as AWS, VMware, or Azure.

Specify the proxy-related parameters in the [http.client] section of the file— including those parameters related to authentication, if required:

# basic authentication credentials

ActiveGate proxy settings for Dynatrace Cluster only

ActiveGate proxy settings for Dynatrace Cluster only

To set up a proxy specifically for Dynatrace Cluster, while allowing outgoing monitoring traffic to connect directly to monitored technologies, define proxy settings in the [http.client.internal] section of ActiveGate configuration.

# basic authentication credentials

ActiveGate version 1.247 and earlier For ActiveGate communication to function properly, after specifying the above settings, you will need to repeat non-proxy communication settings in http.client.internal or http.client.external and/or you will need to create sections http.client.internal or http.client.external. For more information see current limitations.

ActiveGate proxy for outgoing monitoring traffic, with direct connection to Dynatrace Cluster

ActiveGate proxy for outgoing monitoring traffic only

To set up a proxy specifically for outgoing monitoring traffic, but keep connection to Dynatrace Cluster direct:

  • Specify proxy configuration in the [http.client] section of the file.
  • Turn proxy off in the [http.client.internal] section.

For example

# basic authentication credentials

ActiveGate version 1.247 and earlier For ActiveGate communication to function properly, after specifying the above settings, you will need to repeat non-proxy communication settings in http.client.internal or http.client.external and/or you will need to create sections http.client.internal or http.client.external. For more information see current limitations.

Advanced proxy configuration scenarios for ActiveGate

To set up a proxy for outgoing connections from ActiveGate—that is for connections to monitored technologies or to the Dynatrace Cluster—edit the file and set properties in the appropriate section. Depending on the configuration section in which the properties are specified, the proxy (and other communication settings) affect only selected types of connections:

  • [http.client]—proxy settings for all ActiveGate outgoing connections, including the Dynatrace Cluster as well as all monitored technologies.
  • [http.client.internal]—proxy settings specifically for the communication with Dynatrace Cluster. These settings override the settings specified in [http.client]
  • [http.client.external]—proxy settings specifically for monitored technologies: CloudFoundry, Kubernetes, private Synthetic monitoring. These settings override the settings specified in [http.client]
  • [<technology name>]—proxy settings specifically for the particular monitored technology, such as cloudfoundry_monitoring, kubernetes_monitoring, synthetic. These settings override the settings specified in [http.client] and [http.client.external]. Note that Settings for many of these technologies can be specified jointly in [http.client.external].

This precedence and inheritance of configuration settings between different configuration sections can be pictured graphically as follows:

Proxy inheritance

ActiveGate proxy for Kubernetes, CloudFoundry, and private Synthetic Monitoring

You can specify proxy settings for a number of monitored technologies at once. Settings given in the http.client.external section affect Kubernetes, CloudFoundry, and private Synthetic monitoring (this set might be extended in the future):

# basic authentication credentials

ActiveGate version 1.247 and earlier For ActiveGate communication to function properly, after specifying the above settings, you will need to repeat non-proxy communication settings in http.client.internal or http.client.external and/or you will need to create sections http.client.internal or http.client.external. For more information see current limitations.

Different proxies for Kubernetes, CloudFoundry and private Synthetic Monitoring

You can also specify dedicated proxy settings for a particular monitored technology:

  • CloudFoundry in the cloudfoundry_monitoring section
  • Kubernetes in the kubernetes_monitoring section
  • private Synthetic Monitoring in the synthetic section

For example

# basic authentication credentials

See also: How to set up an ActiveGate proxy for private Synthetic monitoring

ActiveGate proxy settings for AWS role-based access

AWS-specific proxy configuration is described separately.

ActveGate version 1.247 and earlier

Repeat communication settings in [http.client.internal] or [http.client.external]

When specifying proxy configuration in either [http.client.internal] or [http.client.external], note that these sections affect various communication aspects not only proxy. When creating either of those sections, make sure to first copy content of the existing [http.client] section from the file (and customize it as appropriate):

  • Open the file and copy all the properties from the [http.client] section to the file, section [http.client.internal] or [http.client.external] (as appropriate).
  • If there is an [http.client] section in the file, use the values listed there, to overwrite the above values (the values you have just copied from

For example

# proxy settings as specific to http.client.external:
# basic authentication credentials
# communication settings copied from existing configuration: