Explore data
Latest Dynatrace
Explore your logs, metrics, and business events with our point-and-click interface.
Get started
To explore logs, metrics, or business events
In your document, open the Add menu and select Logs, Metrics, or Business Events.
The layouts differ slightly between Dashboards and Notebooks to suit the different contexts, but the functionality is the same.
Use the displayed elements to define your exploration.
In this example, we focus on Logs. By default, the filter field and a default limit of 20 is added.
Click into the filter field and, for example, select content as a field from the list of suggested fields.
Add an operator and a search string right after. Read more on how the filter field works in the dedicated documentation.
The content equals the filter value you enter!=
The content does not equal the filter value you enterin
The content includes the filter value you enternot in
The content does not include the filter value you enterNote: Combining
with a wildcard in before*
, after, or both, before your search term will resolve to a starts with, ends with, or contains filter respectively. -
The on the bottom of the definition opens a menu of additional commands you can add.
Select any in the definition to remove the element that comes before the . If you remove an element and then change your mind, you can use to select it from the menu and add it back to your definition.
Select Run to test it and see your results.
When you need to further advance with Grail to cover more complex use cases, you can create a DQL dashboard tile or notebook section from it. The result of this step is equivalent to opening the menu, selecting DQL, and writing a DQL query without this web UI assistance. Then you can edit the DQL directly as needed, and you're free to delete the exploration version if you no longer need it.
- In Dashboards, open the menu and select Create DQL tile
- In Notebooks, open the menu and select Create DQL section
Explore logs
This exploration functionality is the same in the Dashboards and Notebooks apps. We use Notebooks in this example.
Open the Notebooks app and select Notebook in the app header to create a new document.
In the empty document, open the Add menu and select Logs.
Inspect the results (initially, results are automatically fetched).
Done. You have fetched the first 20 log lines with just a few clicks.
But with no filters set—no selections for content, status, or limit—it shows the first 20 log records (the default for Limit). To make your result more useful, you need to filter it.
The default settings look like this:
Filter by log.source
Starting from the previous example, let's add a log.source filter to return only those logs where the log.source field contains a certain string.
To do this, we need to specify
- A field, in this case log.source, in the filter
- A desired operator, such as
- A filter value (a string that needs to occur somewhere in the log.source field)
Insert your cursor in the filter field and start typing log.source, or search for it via the search at the top of the suggestions, and select it.
as an operator by either selecting it from the suggestions from the auto complete or by typing it. -
Enter the string you want to search for.
For this example, enter
to get all logs where the log.source field containsoneagent
. -
a wildcard before and after your filter term such that the results are restricted to logs where the log.source field containsoneagent
instead of only considering exact matches. -
Select Run and inspect the results.
Filter by content
Starting from the previous example, let's add a content filter to focus on logs where the content contains the string crash
(and, because we are starting from the previous settings, where the log.source field contains oneagent
Insert your cursor in the filter field immediately after the previously added log.source filter and either select content from the suggested fields or type it in.
as an operator by either selecting it from the suggestions from the auto complete or by typing it. -
Enter the string you want to search for.
If you are using Dashboards, you can also reference existing variables by entering a
sign and selecting the desired variable. In this example, we are looking for logs that contain the stringcrash
somewhere in the content, so entercrash
. -
a wildcard before and after your filter term such that the results are restricted to logs where the content field containscrash
instead of only considering exact matches. -
Select Run and inspect the results.
Now the results are restricted to logs where the log.source field contains
and the content contains the stringcrash
. If you want to search for all occurrences where either one or the other filter applies, add anOR
between the two filters.
Filter by status
Starting from the previous example, let's add a status filter to focus on logs that contain status strings (and, because we're building on the previous settings, where the log.source field contains oneagent
and the content contains the string crash
- Insert your cursor in the filter field immediately after the previously added content filter and either select
from the suggested fields or type it in. - Add
as an operator by either selecting it from the suggestions or by typing it. - Enter all statuses you want to filter by. Either use the value suggestions provided or type them in, separated by commas.
- Select Run and inspect the results.
Sort results
To sort your results
- Select and then select Sort from the Available commands.
- After you select sort, use the Sort by menu to select the field you want to sort by, and to choose whether you want the results in ascending or descending order.
Summarize results
To summarize your results
- Select and then select Summarize from the Available commands.
- After you select summarize, specify how you want to summarize the results.
Convert to timeseries
You can convert log-based events to a timeseries format appropriate to be visualized with graph visualizations. This is done by counting occurrences of fields specified for each timeslot.
To can convert log-based events to a timeseries format
- Select and then select Convert to timeseries from the Available commands.
- After you select Convert to timeseries, use the dropdown menu to select the field you want to count the occurences of the logs by. The time slots are automatically adjusted to the timeframe selected on top of the dashboard or for the respective section in a notebook.
Limit results
To change the limit of your results, change the value of Limit to the maximum number of records you want to return.
Explore metrics
This exploration functionality is the same in the Dashboards and Notebooks apps. We use Notebooks in these examples.
Open the Notebooks app and select Notebook in the app header to create a new notebook.
In the empty notebook, open the Add menu and select Metrics.
Use the metric selector to select the metric you want to explore.
For example, if you want to explore a metric for Kubernetes workloads, you can search for the string or use the menu to find what you want.
In this example, we searched for
cpu usage
and selected the best match.Additional options are displayed after you select a metric.
Select Run to see what we have so far.
Without making any additional settings, we get this line chart of the metric average over time.
Starting from the previous example, let's add a host.name filter to focus on specific hosts, where the host.name field contains a certain host name.
Insert your cursor in the filter field and either select host.name from the suggested fields or type it in.
as an operator by either selecting it from the auto-complete suggestions or by typing it in. -
Enter a host name you want to filter by or use one of the value suggestions provided.
Select Run and inspect the results.
To see the same metric by host, we can aggregate on dt.entity.host
and then select Run again.
Now we get a separate line per host.
Limit results
To focus our exploration, we can set a limit on the results returned.
Select and then select Limit from the Available commands. This adds Limit to our available commands.
Set Limit to the maximum number of records we want to return. In this case, we set the limit to 5, and then we ran it again to see the following results.
Compare to previous period
To shift the metric to a previous period and add it for comparison, select and then select Compare to previous period from the Available commands.
This adds a command where you can provide the relative time shift as a numerical value by seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
To replace null values in your timeseries data, select and then select Default from the Available commands.
This adds a command to enter a positive or negative numerical integer value that is used to replace null values.
To visualize the rate at which a metric is changing, select and then select Rate from the Available commands.
This adds a command to set the rate of the metric to Per Second, Per Minute, Per Hour, or Per Day.
Reduce to single value
To make your results suitable for certain visualizations such as Single value, Table, or Categorical bar chart, select and then select Reduce to single value from the Available commands.
This reduces the timeseries data to a single value over the selected timeframe and adds this as a new column called value that can then be used to properly map the results to your visualization.
Explore business events
This exploration functionality is the same as described for logs.
To start exploring business events
- Open the Dashboards or Notebooks app and select in an empty notebook or the document header of a dashboard.
- Select Business Events to add a section or tile based on it.
- Inspect the results (initially, results are automatically fetched).
Done. You have fetched the first 20 business events with just a few clicks. But with no filters set—no selections for event.provider, event.type, or limit—it shows the first 20 business events (the default for Limit). To make your result more useful, you need to filter it.
Filter by event.provider
Let's add an event.provider filter to return only those business events where the event.provider field contains a certain string.
To do this, we need to specify
- The field you want to filter by
- The operator that decides how the filter is applied
- The filter value (a string that needs to occur somewhere in the event.provider field)
- Insert your cursor in the filter field and either select event.provider from the suggested fields or type it in.
- Add
as an operator by either selecting it from the suggestions or by typing it in. - Enter an event provider you want to filter by.
- Select Run and inspect the results.
Now the results are restricted to logs where the event.provider field contains our filter value.
Filter by event.type
Now let's further refine exploration by specifying an event type.
- Insert your cursor in the filter field immediately after our previously added event.provider filter and either select event.type from the suggested fields or type it in.
- Add
as an operator by either selecting it from the suggestions or by typing it in. - Enter the event type you want to filter by.
- Select Run and inspect the results.
Now the results are restricted to business events where the event.provider and event.type match our filter values.
Limit results
To change the limit of your results, change the value of Limit to the maximum number of records you want to return.
Advance with Grail
Whether you're exploring logs, metrics, or business events, you're automatically creating a DQL query that you can view, copy, and use as the basis of more complex queries.
Show DQL
To see the DQL that is created automatically during your exploration with the point-and-click interface, select DQL.
Create a Grail query
When you're satisfied with the results but want to advance with more complex DQL commands, you can easily create a standard notebook section or dashboard tile based on it.
Open the menu and select Create DQL section or Create DQL tile
Edit the resulting query section or tile as needed.
If you no longer need the UI-constructed version, you can delete it and just use the duplicate notebook section or dashboard tile with the DQL query.
The result of this step is equivalent to
- Open the menu and select DQL.
- Write a DQL query (without UI assistance) to do everything you did in the previous examples.
That's what makes this a great tool for beginners and experts.